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[论文] Stone-Paper-Scissors

Python Stone,Paper,Scissors Game是一个用Python.编写的简单但有趣的命令行程序。它允许玩家与计算机对手进行经典的手游。
The Python Stone, Paper, Scissors Game is a simple yet entertaining command-line program written in Python. It allows players to engage in the classic hand game against a computer opponent. (2024-04-29, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Rock-Paper_Scissors

This Python program lets users play Rock Paper Scissors against the computer. It prompts for their name, welcomes them, and tracks wins and losses. Users input their choices, and the computer randomly selects its move. The game ends when the user quits, displaying final scores. (2024-04-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Rock-Paper-Scissors

This Python program allows you to play the classic game of Rock-Paper-Scissors against the computer right in your terminal! Experience the excitement of this timeless hand game as you pit your wits against the computer. With a simple and intuitive interface, you can enjoy endless rounds of Rock-Paper-Scissors fun without leaving your command line. (2024-04-13, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] rock-paper-scissors-game

This project is a simple implementation of the classic game "Rock Paper Scissors" in Python. Users can play against the computer, which randomly selects its moves. The game features a user-friendly interface and provides feedback on the result of each round. It s a great way to practice Python programming skills and have fun at the same time! (2024-04-07, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] RPS-game

The rock,paper and scissors game is a python program that allows you play a game by choosing one of the options where the outcome is a tie if your choice is the same as the computer. You either win when you choose rock and computer choose scissors or you choose paper and computer choose rock or you lose in the other ways (2024-03-05, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Rock_Paper_Scissors_Game

Python Rock,Paper,Scissors Game以有趣的数字格式将经典手游带入生活。该项目使用Python编程语言构建,为所有年龄段的玩家提供交互式和参与式体验。
The Python Rock, Paper, Scissors Game brings the classic hand game to life in a interesting digital format. Built using Python programming language, this project offers an interactive and engaging experience for players of all ages. (2024-03-03, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Rock-Paper-Scissors

This Python program allows you to play the classic game of Rock-Paper-Scissors against the computer. You ll be prompted to enter your choice (rock, paper, or scissors), and the computer will randomly select its choice. The program will then determine the winner based on the classic game rules. (2024-02-28, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] RPS_PredictorAlgorithm

An algorithm built in python that plays Rock, Paper, Scissors with the user. The program will the predict what the user will select during each round based off what they picked during preceding rounds (2024-02-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] R-P-S

Python Rock Paper Scissors游戏让用户参与一个经典的对抗计算机的手游戏。玩家选择石头、纸或剪刀,旨在通过遵循简单的规则击败计算机。这段交互式代码展示了输入处理和条件语句,提供了一个有趣的、对初学者友好的编程演示。
The Python Rock Paper Scissors game engages users in a classic hand game against the computer. Players choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors, aiming to beat the computer by following simple rules. This interactive code showcases input handling and conditional statements, offering an enjoyable, beginner-friendly programming demonstration. (2023-12-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Rock-Paper-Scissors-Game

The "Rock, Paper, Scissors Game" is a simple Python program that allows the user to play the classic game against the computer. The user chooses between Rock, Paper, or Scissors, and the computer makes a random selection. The program then determines the winner based on the game s rules. (2023-12-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
