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按分类查找All 其他智力游戏(114) 
按平台查找All Java(114) 

[其他智力游戏] Tic-Tac-Toe

A console-based game implementing classic 3x3 grid gameplay. Players take turns marking spaces ( X or O ) to achieve a winning row, column, or diagonal. A simple and educational project illustrating Java programming basics. (2023-11-18, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] Snake

Snake is a very antique game, I believe we have played, then wrote a Snake game to share with you that learning is taught in constant practice, we want to help the learning. (2013-10-08, Java, 3KB, 下载1次)


[其他智力游戏] Tetris

摘要:JAVA源码,游戏娱乐,俄罗斯方块   使用Java开发的超绚丽的俄罗斯方块游戏源代码,运行注意事项:      1、Window在配置完java环境后,直接双击start.bat运行。   2、Linux在配置完java环境后,直接双击start.sh运行。
Summary: JAVA source code, games and entertainment, of Tetris using Java development brilliant Tetris game source code, to run Notes: 1, Window java environment is configured, double-click directly the start.bat run. 2, Linux java environment is configured, double-click directly the start.sh run. (2012-09-12, Java, 395KB, 下载3次)


[其他智力游戏] frog

Similar to the angry bird, players drag the frog, the frog jumped out, if successfully escaped the birds of the air and the lake crocodile, success, otherwise fail. (2012-02-29, Java, 1390KB, 下载13次)


[其他智力游戏] xingjizhengbaxjzb

摘要:JAVA源码,游戏娱乐,星际争霸,Java游戏源码   星际争霸的JAVA版所有源代码。基于Swing的界面控制编程,以及一些用户交互控制,鼠标拖放,屏幕滚动,游戏角色创建与控制等方面的应用,对学习JAVA编程是绝佳的参考范例。
Abstract: JAVA source code, video games, StarCraft, Java games source JAVA version of StarCraft all the source code. Swing-based interface to control the programming, as well as some user interaction control, drag and drop, scrolling, gaming control and other aspects of character creation and application of learning JAVA programming is an excellent reference example. (2011-12-30, Java, 1476KB, 下载8次)


[其他智力游戏] game

Game "see repeatedly", as long as the same two card within the root with three straight line can be linked to eliminate, the rules are simple easy to use. The game speed is fast, clear pictures of lovely, suitable for careful players. Rich props and public mode to join, enhance the competitiveness of the game. The map of the variety, make the player in each game levels can be looking for the challenge of the goal, to maintain the freshness of the game for a long time. (2011-12-20, Java, 1KB, 下载3次)


[其他智力游戏] HaveIce

This is what I wrote lazy ice cream intellectual game to play, the interface is very beautiful, only simple one-off, basic functions to achieve (2011-08-29, Java, 414KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] pig4

This is what I wrote pig bean game, there are two interfaces, log, and game interface, you can play Pac-function, there is an enemy to recover, there is background music, you can choose the background picture (2011-08-29, Java, 8664KB, 下载2次)


[其他智力游戏] puzzle0.1

This is written in the language I use java jigsaw puzzle, you can play, I am a beginner, do not write so well that experts (2011-08-29, Java, 522KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] xiaoyouxi

<<推推侠>>是由本小组原创的一款游戏,玩家可以通过推动箱子来填充和背景不一样的图块,每一关将" + "十个这样的图块需要我们去填充。每填充一个这样的图块,地图中将会随机出现一个蘑菇,玩家必须放下箱子去加" + "蘑菇,蘑菇只会出现15秒,每关游戏将会有300秒中的时间,规定时间内如果你能填充完所有的图块,并且加到5个以" + "上的蘑菇,那么你就可以顺利通过这一关,否则的话你只能再来一次了。玩家可以按上下左右键控制人物,当碰到箱" + "子后还可以控制箱子的上下左右移动,在每次的BOSS关卡中你还可以通过按FIRE键来控制推动箱子攻击BOSS,如果中" + "途遇到箱子卡死导致游戏无法进行下去的时候您还可以按1键重新开始,能否救出自己心爱的人就看你的了。。。" + "适度游戏益脑,沉迷游戏伤身。。。。。。"
I don t know!!!ok (2011-06-16, Java, 515KB, 下载6次)


[其他智力游戏] javasaolei

Mine prepared a java game. In the computer, you can download to your phone to play. Is not difficult for them and also a good choice to learn (2011-06-05, Java, 59KB, 下载5次)


[其他智力游戏] pintu

这是我在网上下载的一个拼图小游戏 内有六种拼图 可预览 开始在设置里面选择要玩的图画 本人感觉还不错
This is what I downloaded an online puzzle game there are six kinds of puzzles can be set up inside the preview started to choose to play, I feel pretty good picture (2009-12-25, Java, 527KB, 下载5次)


[其他智力游戏] javaLLK

java version Lianliankan, quite good fun, can be a simple learning algorithm and some UI things, is a good thing to learn in primary (2009-10-14, Java, 378KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] SnakeMIDlet

Snake written by a small Java program can implement the basic functions of this little game. Snake we all played, so all program features will not say (2009-09-15, Java, 5KB, 下载34次)


[其他智力游戏] 0901

small aircraft games, with mouse control and life values that can be difficult to increase the game, the player can record their names (2007-01-04, Java, 1012KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] 123a20041218121959

本人很喜欢玩棋类游戏,最近花了不到半个月的时间设计制作了一个现代战棋游戏,因为时间有限现在只做了个DEMO,还没有完成美工,网络对战等功能,以后会慢慢完善。 本人因为学JAVA总共不到半年,系统学习JAVA也就三个月,所以本游戏不可避免的参考了其他棋类制作的大概框架。不过除了技术实现方面参考了他人思路以外,上层的游戏规则、棋子和棋盘等游戏蓝图都是偶独自设计出来的。(本游戏的设计创意未经本人同意不得用于商业用途,本人保持对整个游戏的所有版权) 本游戏还有很多要完善的地方,整个游戏的玩法我也没那么时间考虑,大家试玩以后希望多多提出建议。 解压缩以后有3个文件,运行方法和游戏玩法请看帮助文件。
I like to play board games, recently spent less than half the time the design of a modern board game, the time is now limited only had 000 DEMO, is not yet complete artists, network features such as the screen, there will gradually improve. As I am learning Java less than half the total, the system will learn Java three months, the inevitable game of chess as a reference framework probably produced. However, apart from the technical accomplishment reference to the ideas of others, the upper rules of the game, the pieces and board games are even own blueprint for the design. (This game design creativity without her consent shall not be used for commercial purposes, I maintain the whole game all copyright), the game still have a lot to perfect and the rules of the game I have not had time to (2005-12-02, Java, 19KB, 下载248次)


[其他智力游戏] picslider

a small J2ME games, a child playing jigsaw puzzles, things done, but not past End, cough, age, huh. (2005-11-05, Java, 86KB, 下载15次)


[其他智力游戏] 拼图游戏的源码

java version of the puzzles, players must be within the specified time disruptive fight integrity of the picture. (2005-07-23, Java, 29KB, 下载31次)


[其他智力游戏] 新版贪吃蛇(可连网)

with the development of the new Snake games, support networking function, players can choose from the protagonist's appearance and the appearance of the food. (2005-07-23, Java, 41KB, 下载9次)


[其他智力游戏] Snake小游戏

one we used to play small desktop games, Snake is, I think it is quite interesting. I hope you will like. (2005-04-20, Java, 191KB, 下载42次)
