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[collect] wordle-offline

Offline Wordle是使用React创建的渐进式Web应用程序(PWA)。它是流行在线游戏Wordle的克隆,设计为即使没有互联网连接也可以玩。使用Offline Wordle,您可以随时随地享受猜词和挑战自己的乐趣。
Offline Wordle is a Progressive Web App (PWA) created using React. It is a clone of the popular online game Wordle, designed to be playable even without an internet connection. With Offline Wordle, you can enjoy the fun of guessing words and challenging yourself anywhere, anytime. (2024-03-30, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] CLFantasyManager

The Champions League Dashboard is a simple, easy-to-use tool for fantasy football fans. It shows key player and team details and updates everything in real time through an API. This means users always have the latest info to help them make the best choices for their fantasy teams. (2024-03-27, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] su-care-project

Su-Care是您所有电视服务需求的最终目的地。我们的专家团队提供广泛的服务,包括维修、安装和维护,确保您的电视机保持最佳状态。有了Su Care,您可以体验无障碍服务,享受不间断的娱乐。
Su Care is the ultimate destination for all your TV service needs. Our expert team offers a wide range of services, including repairs, installations, and maintenance, ensuring your television stays in top condition. With Su Care, you can experience hassle-free service and enjoy uninterrupted entertainment. (2024-03-06, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Jhund

Jhund is an web application designed to provide a feature-rich communication platform, inspired by Discord. Whether you re looking to build a community, collaborate with teammates, or simply have fun with friends, Jhund offers a versatile and scalable solution for seamless communication. (2023-12-16, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] oop-rpg

A TypeScript project demonstrating Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles using a fantasy game simulation. It includes classes like Player, GameSession, Creature, and interfaces like Combatant, Healer, Hero, Villain. (2023-11-23, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Zerda

Discord bot that assigns a temporary role to people playing a game, so they sort higher in the member list. (2023-10-22, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Wumpus-World

Wumpus World AI Adventure是一款使用Next.js开发的吸引人的教育游戏,它向玩家挑战复杂的战略性难题,同时展示了人工智能的力量。
Wumpus World AI Adventure is an engaging and educational game developed using Next.js that challenges players with a complex and strategic puzzle, all while showcasing the power of artificial intelligence. (2023-10-12, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] noughts-and-crosses-clash

XO-CLASH is a multiplayer tic-tac-toe game where two players can compete against each other to win the game. (2023-08-28, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] rps-clash

RPS Clash是一款基于web的石头剪刀游戏,允许用户与计算机对手玩。游戏的目标是通过在每一轮中选择获胜的移动来击败计算机。
RPS Clash is a web-based Rock Paper Scissors game that allows users to play against a computer opponent. The objective of the game is to defeat the computer by choosing the winning move in each round. (2023-08-28, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] obsidian-rpg-manager

An Obsidian Plugin to help dungeon masters and players turn their campaigns into great stories, and authors to turn their writing into great campaigns. (2023-08-25, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] multiplayer-labyrinth

多人迷宫游戏。玩家被生成一个他们看不见的迷宫。每个人依次行走,迷宫动态打开。最先找到出口的人获胜。技术:React、Node.js、Socket.io、Ant Design
Multiplayer maze game. Players are generated a labyrinth that they cannot see. Everyone walks in turn and the labyrinth dynamically opens. The one who finds the exit first wins. Technologies: React, Node.js, Socket.io, Ant Design (2023-08-04, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] MicroBit_proj_4

Play rock, paper, scissors with the Microbit! Everytime you shake the MicroBit there s a 1 3 chance of showing either the paper, rock, or scissors! (2021-11-10, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] tic-tac-toe

Do you have too much time available in your life Do you feel the need to play a childhood or retro game Here it is. :) (2023-07-07, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Dodge-the-dot

Today I make a game with microbit makecode. This game is called dodge the dot. You need to dodge the dot that is falling. You are the player you are controlled by pushing button A and B. If the dot touches you the it is Game Over. If you dodge the dot you earn 1 point. The score is displayed after game over. Download the HEX file to run it on (2022-01-28, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] dynasty-daddy

Fantasy Football工具,利用幻想玩家价值市场(KeepTradeCut、FantasyCalc和王朝进程),并将其与幻想联盟平台(Sleeper、MFL和Fleaflicker)绑定。
Fantasy Football tool that leverages fantasy player value markets (KeepTradeCut, FantasyCalc, & Dynasty Process) and ties it to fantasy league platforms (Sleeper, MFL, & Fleaflicker). (2023-07-15, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Among-Us-Bot

Among Us Discord bot.允许您静音、取消静音并将人标记为死亡,以减少与朋友玩游戏时的开销。
Among Us Discord bot. Lets you mute, unmute and mark people as dead to reduce overhead when playing the game with friends. (2020-10-10, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Noodle

(CURRENTLY BEING RE WRITTEN) A discord bot that can use Reddit, open cases, show osu! stats, play minigames and more ! (2023-02-03, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
