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[C#编程] Knight-of-Xylasia

这是我在游戏开发课程的最后一个项目中统一创建的2D RPG平台生成器。游戏具有各种级别、敌人、玩家攻击和加电。
This is a 2D RPG platformer I created in unity for my final project in my game development course. The game features various levels, enemies, player attacks, and power-ups. (2024-02-12, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] BrickBreaker

Brick Breaker是一款基于Unity的街机游戏,玩家可以控制球拍来弹起球并摧毁砖块。
Brick Breaker is a Unity-based arcade game where players control a paddle to bounce a ball and destroy bricks. (2024-02-12, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] DestroyableBushes

游戏《星露谷》的一个mod,允许玩家用升级的斧头摧毁各种类型的丛林。需要SMAPI mod加载器。,
A mod for the game Stardew Valley, allowing players to destroy every type of bush with an upgraded axe. Requires the SMAPI mod loader., (2023-08-12, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] Roblox-Account-Manager

Application that allows you to add multiple accounts into one application allowing you to easily play on alt accounts without having to change accounts (2023-07-18, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] ArpSender

ArpSender是C#写的ARP发包器,写的初衷是想试下什么样的ARP包才会引起ARP攻击,构造一些包可能会导致别人上不了网。至于包怎么填,发挥大家的想象吧,嘿嘿。 ArpSender用了SharpPcap这个开源API,有兴趣的到网上查下,用起来挺简单的。编程过程中最大的问题就是线程的问题。发包的代码中用了BackgroundWorker控件,因为参数只能传一个,并且线程是不允许直接调 (2022-02-15, C#, 200KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] C# Robot Demo

本程序通过C#语言编写了一个基于Pierre Dellacherie算法的俄罗斯方块机器人,玩家可以在程序内选择手动游玩或采用编写好的C#程序mod游玩。通过本程序可以获得Pierre Dellacherie算法的相关知识。
This program uses C# language to write a Tetris robot based on Pierre dellacherie algorithm. Players can choose to play manually or use the C# program mod to play in the program. Through this program, we can get the relevant knowledge of Pierre dellacherie algorithm. (2020-12-22, C#, 129KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] game_stab_ballon

Use C# to write a small game, players can choose from the options to start and stop, useing mouse to click can eliminate the balloon. (2020-11-26, C#, 45KB, 下载1次)


[C#编程] 井字游戏

c#人机对战井字游戏源代码,可了解下棋盘的绘制、 电脑下棋的逻辑,判断输赢,修改所下棋子的颜色,修改该标签上的Owner的值为当前玩家
c # Man-machine battle tic-tac-toe game source code, you can understand the drawing of the board, the logic of the computer playing chess, judge the winning and losing, modify the color of the chess pieces, modify the value of Owner on the label to the current player (2020-04-15, C#, 66KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] falling_ball

Falling ball: players need to move the board horizontally to catch the falling ball. There are two modes: normal mode and acceleration mode. (2019-12-13, C#, 456KB, 下载1次)


[C#编程] NetScan

The automatic scanning of the LAN can set the start and end of the IP address, which can automatically be grouped, and the scanning time can be reduced by multi thread scanning. (2018-02-07, C#, 2859KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] USB_CAN c#

CAN分析仪,上位机 C#代码,带详细注释,双路通讯测试通过,(《创芯科技有限公司》产品 CANOpen J1939 DeviceNet USBCAN-2 USB),据说兼容周立功CAN调试器,有条件的可以试下,顺便告诉下结果,谢谢~
CAN analyzer, PC C# code, with detailed notes, dual communication test, ("a core technology company" J1939 DeviceNet USBCAN-2 USB CANOpen), is said to be compatible with ZLG CAN debugger, conditional can try, by the way tell the results, thank you. (2017-12-29, C#, 937KB, 下载169次)


[C#编程] CNCUSB-registrar

CNCUSB registrar (2017-04-24, C#, 83KB, 下载73次)


[C#编程] ZBDYY_CSharp

The software is suitable for the public places of entertainment and the monitoring of electrical equipment. Using C#.NET platform development. PLC data area can be implemented to read and write data. (2016-09-29, C#, 10301KB, 下载14次)


[C#编程] RemoteControl(1)

This is a complete source code written in C#, you can use the phone (any mobile terminal) control computer, the premise is a computer with Internet access. The principle is the value of a computer monitor on a page by page, and then change the value of the phone on the page. Is very clever, the code is complete, it is very simple, we try to know, without having to install. (2014-03-12, C#, 20KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] 123456

a) 设有n个人围坐在一个圆桌周围,现从第s个人开始报数,数到第m的人出列,然后从出列的下一个人重新开始报数,数到第m的人又出列,如此反复直到所有的人全部出列为止。Josephus问题是:对于任意给定的 n、s、m,求出按出列次序得到的n个人员的序列。试在计算机上模拟Josephus问题的求解过程。 b) 利用线性表实现一元多项式的相加、相减操作。
very very easy (2013-09-23, C#, 57KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] hideWind

C#窗口管理工具源代码,通过进程获取主窗口句柄,有热键。 能够显示当前活动窗口,并控制隐藏显示。 玩游戏防boss必备。 项目用的是vs2012,随手写的,不够规范,供学习交流。
C# window management tool for source code, through the process to obtain the main window handle, with the hotkey. Can display the currently active window and hide the display control. Play games against boss essential. Project using vs2012, readily write, not up to standard for learning exchanges. (2013-07-14, C#, 91KB, 下载24次)


[C#编程] S8-1

设计一个窗体,上面布置一个Picture控件和两个命令按钮(标题为“装载”和“保存”),试按以下功能要求完成设计: (1) 程序运行,单击“装载”按钮,弹出一个文件打开对话框,从中选择一个图像文件,确定后该图像文件内容被装载到Picture控件内显示; (2)Picture控件有图像输出的情况下,单击“保存”按钮,弹出一个文件夹选择对话框,从中选择有效文件夹,确定后Picture控件内容会被保存到该文件夹里,文件命名为pNew.jpg(或bmp)。
Design a form, which arranged a Picture control and two command buttons (titled "Load" and "save"), try to complete the design according to the following functional requirements: (1) program runs, click "Load" button to pop up a File Open dialog box, select an image file, to determine the contents of the file after the image is loaded into the Picture control in display (2) Picture control has an image output in the case, click the "Save" button, pop-up a folder selection dialog box, select valid folder, after the Picture control to determine the contents will be saved to the folder, the file named pNew.jpg (or bmp). (2011-12-07, C#, 46KB, 下载29次)


[C#编程] Chess

Visual studio 2005,C#开发 中国象棋网络版,具有人工智能,可采用人工下棋、电脑参谋、电脑下棋等模式参加互联网比赛。采用ClickOnce发布到你的网站上,选择只能联机运行,可以让玩家只能上你的网站玩游戏。 共有三个项目: Game是主项目; CChessThinker是用C++写的人工智能DLL类库; Thinker是用C#写的DLL,只是简单的封装了CChessThinker,目的是让有些朋友可以直接用C#开发人工智能的DLL直接替换 Thinker.dll,使得程序的智能程度得到提高。如果用C++等语言开发出来的人工智能类库就直接替代CChessThinker.dll
Visual studio 2005, C# development of Chinese Chess Online with artificial intelligence, can use artificial playing chess, computer staff and computer chess and other models to participate in Internet games. Using ClickOnce to publish to your website, choose to run only on-line, allowing the player can only play games on your site. There are three items: Game is the main project CChessThinker is written in C++ class library DLL artificial intelligence Thinker is written in C# DLL, simply encapsulate CChessThinker, to let some friends can use the C# development of artificial intelligence DLL direct replacement Thinker.dll, makes the process a greater degree of intelligence. If you use C++ and other languages developed in artificial intelligence library directly replace CChessThinker.dll (2010-08-10, C#, 89KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] MyTetris

Written in C# Tetris game Tetris game we all know it, like a child playing with a very classic game, you can use it as a finished game, and learning C# game development, and be sure not to miss a friend. (2009-10-17, C#, 167KB, 下载6次)


[C#编程] huanleduobaoji

一个用C#做的类似QQ堂的游戏,属于即时在线类游戏,可以有2 - 4人同时在线游戏,同一房间的2 - 4位玩家在选择的场景的规定时间吃到最多金币的一方获得胜利,含有文档以及源码。
Using C# to do a similar QQ Games Hall, belong to real-time online games, you can have 2- 4 people simultaneously online games, the same room 2- 4 players in the selection of scene up to the specified time to eat the party win gold containing the document, as well as source code. (2009-02-24, C#, 7264KB, 下载26次)
