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按分类查找All 射击游戏(101) 

[射击游戏] ShootGame

A basic design game. Players move the mouse to control the direction of the aircraft, and the enemy disappears after the shells hit the enemy. There will be bees with life-enhancing functions. It has scoring function. (2019-06-01, Java, 19KB, 下载0次)


[射击游戏] ctank

C# source code to achieve Tankedaizhan, a child playing in a bully that often, once obsessed, even now, huh programming with C# lowercase for a moment, the function is not too perfect, and I like Fangshanglai for enthusiasts refer to learning (2013-06-03, C#, 3355KB, 下载4次)


[射击游戏] feiji

一个飞机飞行射击游戏,我们小时候都玩过的,自己在Microsoft Visual Studio 2008下开发了一个,虽然没有游戏机上的好玩,但是玩起来还是蛮不错,喜欢游戏开发的可以参考,谢谢
An aircraft flight shooting game we all played as a child, developed in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 under a, although there is no game consoles on the fun, but the play is still pretty good, like the game developers can refer to, thank you (2012-12-08, Visual C++, 3580KB, 下载22次)


[射击游戏] SpaceDestroyers

The game, players control the spacecraft space intruder resistance difficult, the game has a level of energy package, package of life. Can display level, the integral value of life. The energy package every 3, the value of life every 5 a. (2012-08-28, Java, 107KB, 下载5次)


[射击游戏] TankeGame

坦克大战游戏功能: * 1、画出坦克 * 2、我的坦克可以上下左右移动 * 3、坦克可以发射子弹,最多可以连发五颗 * 4、我的坦克击中敌人时,敌人的坦克消失并具有爆炸效果 * 5、我被击中后显示爆炸效果 * 6、防止敌人的坦克重叠运动 * 7、添加菜单栏 * 8、可以记录玩家的成绩 * 8.1、用文件流 * 8.2、单写一个文件类,完成对玩家成绩的记录 * 8.3、先完成保存共击毁了敌人多少辆坦克 * 8.4、存盘退出游戏,保存当前敌人坦克的坐标和方向 * 8.5、读取保存的记录,并可以继续上局游戏 * 9、Java对声音文件的操作,做出声音效果
Battle City game features: * 1, draw a tank * 2, I can move around the tank * 3, the tank can fire bullets, bursts of up to five * 4, I hit the enemy tanks, enemy tanks with explosive effect disappears and * 5, I was hit by an explosion results show * 6, to prevent overlapping of the enemy tank movement * 7, add the menu bar * 8, you can record the player s score * 8.1, with the file stream * 8.2, a single class to write a file to complete the record of the Gamer * 8.3, to complete preservation of the number of enemy tanks destroyed * 8.4, save and exit the game, save the current coordinates and direction of enemy tanks * 8.5, read the records kept, and the game can continue on the Board * 9, Java operations on sound files, sound effects to make (2011-12-25, Java, 613KB, 下载9次)


[射击游戏] rabbit

游戏画面分为A,B,C,D四个区域。 A区:代表河岸,有一能代表兔子的图形。兔子起始位置在A区窗口最左测,游戏开始后,兔子可在窗口内左右移动,伺机过河。 B区:代表河岸,有一列数块漂浮河中的木板,木板大小合理且相同,这列木板自始至终从左到右漂流,列中木板间隔在一定范围内由随机函数产生,产生之后不再变化。运动的速度与两个距离和行进速度,将游戏分为三级可由玩家设置。 按上:控制兔子前进 按左:控制兔子左移 按右:控制兔子右移 按下:控制兔子后退 按F1:游戏为EASY 按F2:游戏为MIDDLE 按F3:游戏为FAST 按F4:为游戏暂停键 按F5:为游戏继续键
A small C program (2011-12-12, C/C++, 2KB, 下载6次)


[射击游戏] BattleCity-jiewen_liu

《坦克大战》(Battle City)是1985年日本南梦宫Namco游戏公司在任天堂FC平台上,推出的一款多方位平面射击游戏。游戏以坦克战斗及保卫基地为主题,属于策略型联机类。同时也是FC平台上少有的内建关卡编辑器的几个游戏之一,玩家可自己创建独特的关卡,并通过获取一些道具使坦克和基地得到强化。
" Battle" (Battle City) is a 1985 Japanese game company Namco Namco Nintendo FC in the platform, the launch of a multi-faceted plane shooting game. Fighting game with tanks and defend the base theme is strategy-based online class. FC platform is also built on a rare level editor is one of several games, players can create their own unique points, and through access to some of the props to make the tank and base has been strengthened. (2011-07-13, Java, 570KB, 下载15次)


[射击游戏] Tank_MMORpg

This is a support network of 4 people Tankedaizhan online games, use the DirectX components, playability is very strong, very suitable for intermediate programmers to learn, has been compiled through! (2011-04-03, Visual C++, 3900KB, 下载50次)


[射击游戏] BattleCity

Double version of the classic Battle City Super, VC++ full version, including sound, maps, resource file, compiled please Map, Sound, graphics copied to the same level directory of the executable file, or error. We look at the interface to know how classic this game, right? The small child never played it, has also had this obsession with the game directly after the source through the export to play on the computer, complete, error-free, but also to learn VC++ game programming a good example. (2011-01-01, Visual C++, 59KB, 下载19次)


[射击游戏] quake3_edit_05_08_25

This is the famous Quake 3 Arena source code (programming model for the game), I believe we all heard of or played Quake, presented its source code for everyone to enjoy, CS core seems that the engine used in . If you can not find a specific reason, it downloaded and try so many cows out of the game is engaged in loud noise, Hehe. (2010-02-05, Visual C++, 5089KB, 下载12次)


[射击游戏] Tanks

VC++ Distributed Tankedaizhan full version game, developed by foreigners, this version is the network version of the war, could be the game settings, player choices, options and other related network settings needed to connect the network to start a normal game, the game is close to the source of 3M code, adopted in VC6.0 compiler under,放上来experts look for. (2009-07-17, Visual C++, 2556KB, 下载35次)


[射击游戏] Fighter

VC++ 打飞机游戏,一款VC++游戏源码,没搞懂怎么玩,因为看不出飞机在哪里飞!游戏可以设置,自己布局游戏,带声音,玩起来挺有意思。在VC++6.0下编译通过。
VC++ fighting aircraft games, a VC++ game source code, how did they get to play, because the aircraft can not see where to fly! Players can set their own layout of the game, with sound, playing together quite interesting. In VC++6.0 under the compiler through. (2009-07-16, Visual C++, 627KB, 下载25次)


[射击游戏] SkyWar

Name of city in the sky, and thunder and lightning but it seems like the game, ah, but some enhanced local, you can edit their own maps, voices are cattle, interface popular, more difficult game than the thunder and lightning, can play well even if the third clearance, the would like to study the source code to download it quickly, Comrade! (2009-05-11, Visual Basic, 857KB, 下载17次)


[射击游戏] simplevaders

Is a Simplevaders and " Space Invaders" is similar to the space shooting games, players only need to control the screen up at the bottom of the Department of the spacecraft, " Space Invaders" shot down to prevent his whereabouts at the bottom of the screen. Compared to before, Simplevaders have some more advanced features, mainly due to Opengl based Simplevaders development, with a lot of special effects. (2009-05-05, Unix_Linux, 333KB, 下载3次)


[射击游戏] CrazyGame

The game as a tank games, written language is the C language, the interface has a good interface, relatively affordable to the public, most people can try this play, inevitably there are a lot of BUG, so I hope that you correct. (2008-06-26, Visual C++, 234KB, 下载8次)


[射击游戏] CSgame

CS游戏大家都玩过吧,这是用VC做的 CS仿真程序,360度视角,可以射击和移动,对做3D游戏有兴趣的,可以参考源代码,文件含有声音文件所以有点大,耐心下载!
CS game we all played it, it is to do with VC (2008-05-04, Visual C++, 6175KB, 下载360次)


[射击游戏] feiji_src

打飞机游戏程序及源程序 用VC开发的打飞机游戏的源程序,随着玩家等级的提高,敌机数目会逐渐增多,游戏比较好玩。 开发工具:VC++6.0 和 Directx
Aircraft procedures and source game development using VC aircraft game source, with the level of players improve, the number of aircraft will be gradually increased, compared the game fun. Development Tools: VC++ 6.0 and DirectX (2008-04-04, Visual C++, 159KB, 下载71次)


[射击游戏] FlyModule

简单飞行射击模型,6位Boss,9种敌机,玩家有3种主要武器(粒子炮,激光,质子束)与3种辅助武器(直射弹,漂雷,爆炸弹),没有卷动背景,代码由以前学习时JAVA写的一个MIDLET程序修改而来,所以看着有点别扭,刚学DirectDraw,希望各位大侠交流指教。 按键: 方向键-移动 Z-开火 X-切换主要武器 C-切换辅助武器
Flight shooting simple model 6 Boss, 9 species enemy, players have three kinds of major weapons (particle gun, laser, proton beam) and three kinds of auxiliary weapons (direct bombs, floating mines, bombs), there is no scroll background, code from the previous study to write a JAVA MIDlet from changes in procedures, so looked a bit uncomfortable, just learn DirectDraw, hope that the exchange of advice heroes. Keys: arrow keys- Move Z-fire X-Switch main arms C-switch auxiliary weapons (2008-02-26, Visual C++, 357KB, 下载43次)


[射击游戏] DelphiGame

这个软件是用Delphi 7开发的。 原本它是两个人在纸面上玩的益智游戏,转移到电脑上后我给它添加了人机对奕和网络对战的功能。 在本源码中你可以看到电脑AI实现方法,ClientSocket,ServerSocket的使用,控件的编写,ListBox的OwnerDraw的实现等等技巧。 请先安装里面的GridPanel控件才可正常编译。 永远支持Delphi!
use of this software is developed by Delphi 7. Originally it was two people on paper playing educational games. transferred to a computer after I add it to the human-computer war games and network functions. In the source code, you can see the computer AI method, ClientSocket. ServerSocket the use, control of the preparation, ListBox the realization of the OwnerDraw skills, and so on. Please installed inside GridPanel normal controls can build. Delphi will always support! (2006-08-22, Delphi, 380KB, 下载45次)


[射击游戏] Quake3_updatex_05_11_30

《雷神之锤3:竞技场》源代码正式公布 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005年8月23日 网络游戏_游戏之王 | 游戏攻略秘籍   在今年8月刚刚过去的QuakeCon 2005上,id Software宣布了Xbox版本的《毁灭战士3:邪恶复苏》,同时宣布了《雷神之锤4》的更多细节。但是,一名真正的高级玩家,恐怕要看到这则消息才会觉得快乐——   在QuakeCon 2005上,约翰·卡马克许诺说,将会在一周之后放出《雷神之锤3:竞技场》的源代码。在上周末,卡马克的许诺终于实现了,您现在就可以到此处下载到这个5.6MB的压缩包。即使您不打算研究源代码,至少您可以看看这款著名的第一人称射击游戏的源代码是什么样子的。   源代码是几乎可以完全自由使用的,除了read me文档中注明不可以自由使用的部分。   这次放出的源代码可以让业余程序设计者根据《雷神之锤3:竞技场》的引擎创造新游戏,就像玩家根据《半条命》创造出《反恐精英》一样。
"Quake 3 : Arena, "an official source announced-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 23, 2005 game online games _ King | Raiders game in SECRET just this past August at QuakeCon 2005, id Software announced that the Xbox version of "Doom 3 : Resurrection of Evil" also announced that the "Big 4" for more details. However, a true senior players, I am afraid to see this news will feel happier-- the QuakeCon 2005, John Carmack promised that will be released in a week after the "Quake 3 : Arena," the source code. Over the weekend, John Carmack's promise finally realized, you can now here to download the 5.6Mbit compressed. Even if you do not intend to study the source code, at least you can see this (2006-01-13, C++, 4426KB, 下载205次)
