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[WEB开发] 3

Hua Mulan message book, the interface adopts the European style, the design is aesthetic. Callable message, can be used as a comment module for the development of other systems. (2018-11-14, ASP, 85KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 11

小刀娱乐网源码是asp+access/mssql架构网站系统,电脑版,手机版,平板版无缝切换,一个后台同步管理,整站生成静态利于搜索收录,dreamweaver打开可视化修改。 专为制作“小刀娱乐网、QQ教程、易语言教程网、LOL教程、QQ业务、代码分享、教程发布”等等图片文字类型的网站而打造。
Small knife entertainment network source code is asp+access/mssql architecture website system, computer version, mobile version, flat plate seamless switching, a backstage synchronization management, the whole station generated static search included, Dreamweaver open visual modification. For the production of "knife entertainment network, QQ tutorials, easy language tutorials network, LOL tutorials, QQ business, code sharing, tutorial release" and other pictures and text types of Web site to build. (2018-04-09, ASP, 3174KB, 下载3次)


[ASP/.NET编程] 333

小刀娱乐网源码是asp+access/mssql架构网站系统,电脑版,手机版,平板版无缝切换,一个后台同步管理,整站生成静态利于搜索收录,dreamweaver打开可视化修改。 专为制作“小刀娱乐网、QQ教程、易语言教程网、LOL教程、QQ业务、代码分享、教程发布”等等图片文字类型的网站而打造。
The knife entertainment network source asp+access/mssql website architecture, computer version, mobile phone version, the tablet version of seamless handoff, a background synchronization management station generates static to the search included, Dreamweaver open visual modification. It is specially designed for making website, such as "Xiao Dao entertainment network, QQ tutorial, easy language tutorials, LOL tutorials, QQ business, code sharing, tutorial release" and so on. (2018-01-23, ASP, 2530KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] qlxiaotou

千龙娱乐网小偷程序免更新免维护,目标站更新速度快,管理更方便,可自定义广告位,代码干净简洁;直接修改config.asp后上传即可使用. 本小偷程序目标站每天都保持更新,可阅读性、欣赏性比较高,在一定程度上也会给你的站点带来不少的回头客!你还可以自定义广告位给你带来不少的收入!
Qianlong Entertainment Network thieves procedures Free maintenance updates, update speed target station, management more convenient, customizable advertising code clean and simple after use can be uploaded directly modify config.asp. The thieves target station program remain updated daily, readability, enjoy relatively high, to a certain extent, the site will give you bring a lot of repeat customers! You can also customize your advertising to bring a lot of revenue! (2016-04-21, ASP, 31KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] yym

一、系统管理:管理员管理,可以新增管理员及修改管理员密码;以及修改网站基本信息功能。 二、站点简介:可设置修改站点简介、服务信息、联系方式等。 三、作品管理:新增修改管理作品。 四、日常管理:留言管理、友情连接的添加和审核、酷站管理。 五、资源管理:修改和发布资源下载信息。 六、娱乐管理:发布修改删除娱乐资源
A, system management: Administrators management, the administrator can add and modify the administrator password and modifying site features basic information. Second, the site Introduction: can be set to modify the site profile, service information and contact information. Third, work management: New changes management works. 4. Daily management: message management, Link add and review Cool management. V. Resource Management: modify and distribute resources to download information. Sixth, entertainment management: revises and deletes entertainment resources (2016-04-11, ASP, 893KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] JaZone

与QQ空间(QQ-ZONE)相同,集 Blog,相册,音乐盒,留言版,互动,个人信息,装扮于一体的娱乐软件,装扮积分需求,每用户包括如上功能
And QQ space (QZONE) the same set Blog, photo albums, music boxes, message boards, interactive, personal information, dressed in one of the entertainment software, dressed integration needs, including the above features per user (2016-03-31, ASP, 3753KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] zsy404ym_v7.1

软件介绍 基于1212N漫画网的html5自适应响应试的404错误页面模板 直接解压到网站根目录就可以正常使用了。
Software introduction 1212N based on the HTML5 of the adaptive response to the test page template Directly extract the root directory can be normal use of the site. (2015-12-17, ASP, 3KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] wapsearch_v1.1

这是一个搜索小偷,仅供娱乐。 下载后打开Inc.asp配置完上传到空间即可。 不懂安装的话打开安装说明.txt
This is a search for the thief, only for entertainment. After downloading the Inc.asp configuration can be uploaded to the space. Do not understand the installation of the words to open the installation instructions.Txt (2015-09-19, ASP, 6KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] China-Design-Web-Source

China Design Web Source (2013-08-31, ASP, 18577KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] SuperQQshua

喜欢玩QQ的朋友可以来看看啊。这个小型系统是为了实现 QQ本地检测功能
Like to play QQ friends can Laikankana. This small system is to achieve QQ local detection (2013-05-29, ASP, 281KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tc711

711娱乐网小偷程序自动采集娱乐网站,自动更新速度很快! 本程序需要注意的有几点: 如果传到二级或其他目录,也必须将 404.asp 传到根目录下 必须在主机管理后台将自定义出错页设置成404.asp 保证以上两点后,程序即可正常如演示地址运行,否则内页无法显示
711 Entertainment Network thief program automatically collected entertainment website, and automatically update fast! Program needs to pay attention to a few points: If you spread to two other directories, you must also 404.asp reached the root directory must be in the host management background set custom error page 404.asp ensure the above two points, the program can be properly run, such as presentation address, otherwise within the page can not be displayed (2013-01-12, ASP, 634KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] lvxing

Travel agency website source travel agency website source travel agency website source (2012-06-02, ASP, 2692KB, 下载2次)


[书籍源码] pinke

Genuine fight off the system source code, to fight meal, fight to play, to fight the cause of so powerful (2010-03-22, ASP, 3991KB, 下载11次)


[棋牌游戏] Doudizhu_asp

Achieve Chinese poker.It s not big,but has high efficiency, net user is suitable for it. (2009-11-26, ASP, 3269KB, 下载8次)


[棋牌游戏] Five

C#联机版的五子棋 ,可以局域网内聊天,联机玩五子棋、、、、
C# on-line version of backgammon, you can LAN chat, online play Gobang,,,,, (2009-09-18, ASP, 374KB, 下载98次)


[其他] qs1book

1、界面采用欧试风格,设计唯美.   2、可调用留言,能做为评论模块用于其他系统的开发.   3、代码简洁,功能实用.
1, interface test using the European style, design aesthetic. 2, can call the message, do as the comment module for other systems. 3, code is simple and functional utility. (2008-04-07, ASP, 108KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] oblog46_Final_20070921

Blog source files, good, we try to download it to play, as if there are features of the forum, this is the latest version. (2007-11-29, ASP, 5090KB, 下载9次)


[酒店行业] hote

This is a hotel management system for the C# language. Implementation of the hotel, restaurant, Entertainment brand new concept of service and management methods. (2007-06-19, ASP, 72KB, 下载44次)


[WEB开发] 123A

interesting ASP Programming Oh, and hopes to share with everyone, is very good, with the oh (2006-11-01, ASP, 1892KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] bess留言薄

also a thin voice mail system, the space occupied by only 990K, is small, but functional or sport the trial with the establishment of the station in the novice (2005-07-18, ASP, 426KB, 下载10次)
