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[图形图象] News-Website

React-powered website bringing you top news headlines across various categories like Business, Entertainment, and Sports. Navigate through a paginated view of articles, each displayed with a clear title, description, image, and publication date. The website currently defaults to India for news, but you can customize this setting. (2024-03-31, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] P2ETutorial

P2E是一个用于构建web3 Dapps的区块链用例,让用户在玩的同时赚取利润。演示目前在Polygon Mumbai测试网络上进行。请做好准备,留下一颗星。
P2E is a blockchain use case for building web3 Dapps that let users earn while they play. The demo is currently hosted on the Polygon Mumbai Test Network. Please do well to leave a star. (2024-02-19, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Hangman_Game

Hangman is a word-guessing game where players try to guess all the letters of a randomly generated word within a given number of tries. T… (2024-01-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] SprigToPC

SprigToPC!一个CircuitPython程序,允许您在计算机上玩Sprig游戏,但将spring用作控制台。感谢[@ajs](https:github.com ajs),
SprigToPC! A CircuitPython program that allows you to play Sprig games on your computer but using the sprig as a console. Thank you to [@ajs](https: github.com ajs), (2023-09-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] OnTheSpot

使用lat-lon和其他遥测功能将照片保存到Mobile Couchbase。请用叉子和它一起玩,我们希望它成为其他f...的基础...,
Saves photos with lat/lon and other telemetry to Mobile Couchbase. Please fork and play with it, we hope it becomes the basis for other folks "real" apps. Coolest part about it is the different apps can share the same dataset, and hence share network effects. (2011-05-18, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] DYR_IdleCommonEvent

Whether you re aiming to captivate players with immersive cutscenes or provide them with useful information during periods of idleness, the DYR_IdleCommonEvent plugin empowers you to shape their gaming experience dynamically. (2023-08-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Pong3D

A fun little prototype for a 3D pong game. The player faces off against an AI for the first to reach a score of 5. Move your paddle up and down, left and right, while keeping your eye on the ball. A game built to test out Unreal Engine 5 and c++ coding. (2023-08-06, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Ori-Controller-Remap

It s almost impossible to play Ori and the Blind Forest with non-XBOX gamepad: all buttons are messed up and Unity s built-in remapper doesn t work properly (you can t rebind jump button). This tool is intended to fix it. (2020-12-11, PowerShell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Car-game-with-C

this is the recreation of a retro car game that was available on the console. Me and my teammates had created a car game using graphics of C language in which car needs to dutch from the enemy car (2021-06-20, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] gobang

400行代码,五子棋双人联机对战,允许观战。两人进入同一房间即可开始对战,后续进入玩家可观战。下棋无时间限制,中途关闭网页后可以随时再回来继续对战(很适合排队无聊时玩)。前后端通信基于websocket,前端采用原生html js c...
400 lines of code, Gobang two person online game, allow to watch the game. When two people enter the same room, they can start the fight. After entering the room, players can watch the fight. There is no time limit for playing chess. You can come back at any time after you close the web page midway to continue playing (it is very suitable for playing when you are bored in the queue). The front and rear end communication is based on websocket, and the front end uses native html jsc (2022-04-18, HTML, 29KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Unity3D-Mario-Kart-With-AI--In-Progress-

This is a 3D mario kart game created with the unity game engine in C#. Working on adding more AI players. Currently there is 1 AI player still in development. (2020-08-07, C#, 1557112KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Unity-AI-Capture-the-Flag-Game

A 3D first-person capture the flag game made with Unity in which the player must capture a treasure chest guarded by a Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) based AI. (2021-05-26, C#, 697KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] celianling

The project is a an entertaining app project source code, users can take pictures or choose your own or your friends' photos the local library, and then analyzed by age, sex, you can also analyze results and photo sharing to the map, other users You can see your shared photos and test it out age. Face recognition technology is used to provide the service of a face++ (2016-05-21, Java, 3365KB, 下载11次)


[图形图象] steps-for-VTK-install-

由于项目中需要用到VTK,上周三就开始编译VTK源码,中间出现了一系列问题。首先是下载的高版本代码顺利编译后,自己新建的工程总是提示链接错误,尽管所有的库文件都加入了,还是不正确。之后下载了vtk较低版本5.8.0,源码有几处错误,参考新版本修改后,依然是自己新建工程链接错误。就这样一直到周五都没有成功。在群里也没能得到解决办法,到是发现大家最初配置时都出现过很多问题,有的一个月才配置好,简直吓尿了。幸好偶然有一位仁兄告诉了我他的成功配置版本,就是vs2012+vtk5.10.1,但是他的是WIN8 64位,于是周末在家沉思两天后,决定先用这个版本在WIN7上试下,不行就上WIN8去试。周一的上午我很清醒,满血的感觉就是好,于是我又开始倒腾起来了,没想到啊,成功啦。
(WIN7 64+ VS2012+ VTK-5.10.1) (2014-08-25, Visual C++, 39KB, 下载2次)


[图形图象] tuxingxue

图形学的作业 试设计一个室内三维环境, 并利用OPEN GL展示它的三维效果。要求: (1)包含基本的实体元素:球、多面体、锥体、柱体、曲面等; (2)有全局光照效果和纹理功能; (3)程序具有交互功能.
Graphics design an indoor three-dimensional operating environment for test and demonstrate its use OPEN GL three-dimensional effect. Requirements: (1) contains the basic physical elements: the ball, polyhedron, cone, cylinder, surface, etc. (2) the effect of global illumination and texture features (3) program with interactive features. (2010-11-01, Visual C++, 507KB, 下载127次)


[图形图象] tuxingchuli

tuxingchuli (2010-06-07, Visual C++, 3092KB, 下载12次)


[图形图象] capturescreen

名称:游戏专用截图器 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 说明:本截图软件支持热键,支持定时截图&自动保存,是游戏玩家不可或缺 的必备截图佳品。
Name: Gaming Screenshots device------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This screenshot hotkey software support, support from time to time & automatically save the screenshot, is an indispensable prerequisite gamers screenshot Jiapin . (2010-03-04, Delphi, 530KB, 下载7次)


[图形图象] feiji

To play our usual type of plane shooting games, this is a very simple add-on in the picture, the type of collision detection Elven implementation, each button once, the motion picture shows, really easy, I hope you benefit from this simple game get inspired (2009-04-07, Java, 192KB, 下载32次)


[图形图象] 2

计算机图形学您当前还不能下载源码,您必须上载5个C或Java的好源码站长审核后才能下载(如果已上载请等待2小时后再试,查看您的上载日志, 初学者如何在线阅读源码)。也可以【立刻开通VIP会员】。您是愿意继续在门外观望,还是愿意进来享受这里的一切?
Computer graphics that you can not download the current source, you must set up 5 C or Java source code of the well head in order to download audit (If you' ve already uploaded, please try again after waiting two hours to see your upload log, beginners how to online source). Can also be opened immediately 【VIP】 Members. You are willing to continue to wait and see at the door, or are willing to come to enjoy everything here? (2009-03-26, C++ Builder, 1427KB, 下载2次)


[图形图象] greed

Object-Oriented c++ Procedures graphical languages, that is prepared in the rose in a game, can be achieved two or more than two dice to play games through rose tool to generate code in any language (2008-12-30, C/C++, 110KB, 下载60次)
