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[其他] FuckGitCode

????FuckGitCode是Golang语言开源的企业级高可用DDoS开发基座/框架,前后端基于Vue3.0+TypeScript+vite3+golang的分离开发。支持网页设备管控,云下发攻击任务,免杀,混淆字节码,自动更新,一键卸载不留痕迹,可视化大屏等功能。GitCode 树脂 666~ 玩家最爱 GitCode GitHub 看你转载不转载这个仓库 转载 推荐仓库:https://gitcode.com/BMi_Yile/talk-image (2024-06-27, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] randar-explanation

"Randar" is an exploit for Minecraft which uses LLL lattice reduction to crack the internal state of an incorrectly reused java.util.Random in the Minecraft server, then works backwards from that to locate other players currently loaded into the world. (2024-04-19, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] OS-Mid-Project

Check out our Bash-based 24 Puzzle Game! Dive into the challenge of rearranging numbers to solve the puzzle right in your terminal. Built with passion by a BSCS student at FAST University, combining coding prowess with a love for gaming. Ready to exercise your brain Let s play! (2024-04-17, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] iAmLazy

Life is too short to have leisure. I need time for having fun, spend some time with family and friends and obviously for sleeping. So, I have decided to automate whatever I do on `Computer`. Whatever I can skip doing myself by writing a script will be stored here. (2023-02-22, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] ab-hubot

鉴于最近对聊天机器人的兴趣,加上如果有一个 运 维 机器人,能够监控服务的异常情况并能够及时通知那就再好不过了,所以就尝试去玩一下,
In view of the recent interest in chat robots, and if there is an operation and maintenance robot that can monitor service exceptions and notify them in time, it would be great, so I try to play, (2017-04-06, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)
