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[游戏] pinglun

快玩小游戏-评论系统是一套内容评论,心情发布系统。 心情,评论内容可以一起调用,也可以单独调用。 压缩包附带使用说明文件!
Fast play games- comment system is a Content Comments mood publishing system. Mood, comments, content can be called together to be called. File compression package comes with instructions for use! (2016-05-15, ASP, 681KB, 下载1次)


[浏览器] jiuwap_browser

Nine play browser, an advanced powerful web browser! Let your cottage browsing WEB pages computer s web browser! Super page compression, page compression hundreds of KB to dozens of KB, image compression, network disk upload and download, built-in bookmarks, cross-platform browser! Powerful network disk system, operating a variety of online documents (such as doc/jar/mrp/zip, etc.). (2016-05-10, ASP, 254KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] vdnsname

This program was written to play, the rich generally do not have access! Domain name to achieve program bundled server ip, similar to the principle of dynamic domain name bundled software. (2016-04-20, ASP, 4KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] ztdgame

此版本为全自动后台管理功能; 玩家相册、活动信息发布等一系列后台功能; 适合大型多组服务器业主使用;
This version is the automatic background management functions Players album, information activities and a series of back-office functions For large groups of servers owners to use (2016-04-16, ASP, 6574KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] zgjiemeng

Nuclear signal source is the online online Duke ASP a Duke source, unpacked directly upload, immediate opening, small occupied space, the station changmen extremely useful, can be used as the webmaster tools or station entertainment attractions, free nuclear letter resource network free producing green software source code (2015-12-09, ASP, 121KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] mxyl

明星娱乐事件网是在老Y3.0的基础上二次开发而成,适合开设娱乐类新闻网站。 网站管理系统特色 1:完全开源,免费 2:已经去掉程序底部原有链接 3:优化精简部分代码,加快网站打开速度 4:可实现首页完全静态和内页伪静态处理 5:修改原有代码部分BUG 网站管理后台:/8090ba 网站后台管理密码:admin 网站数据库位置:DATA/##www.8090ba.com.mdb 网站已经加入部分数据,上传到网站根目录下即可正常运行,压缩包内带本地测试软件。
Star entertainment event network is based on the two development of the old Y3.0, suitable for the creation of entertainment news site. Website management system features 1: completely open source, free of charge 2: has removed the original link at the bottom of the program 3: optimize and streamline some of the code, to speed up the site to open 4: can realize the home page completely static and internal page pseudo static processing 5: modify the original code section BUG Website management background: /8090ba Website background management password: admin Website location: DATA/##www.8090ba.com.mdb Web site has joined some of the data, the site will be uploaded to the root directory to normal operation, compression package with local test software. (2015-12-09, ASP, 4004KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 1000rmb-taobao-wp-10.30

asp+sql2005&2008]WP10.30号-修正版本_谷的网络GOOD设计 本程序含有功能:游戏试玩,CPA注册体验,打码投票,购物返利,优惠卷(正在开发中..),会员签到,问卷调查(高级可自定义),威客系统(正在开发中..)WP网站管理系统的老版本现在免费大放送,你还在花钱在淘宝上买源码吗?我只能说你是壕,我们做朋友吧。如果你想拥有这样一个功能齐全而且又免费的网赚网站,那就别手软,要是你觉得我在骗人,那请直接绕道哈。
This program contains functions: game demos, CPA registration experience, play yards voting, shopping rebates, coupons (under development ..), member attendance, questionnaires (senior customizable), Witkey system (under development. .) old version WP website management system is now free big run, you are still spending money on Taobao to buy the source code it? I can only say that you are a trench that we be friends. If you want to have such a fully functional and has free money online website then do not hesitate, if you think I' m lying, then please pass Kazakhstan. (2014-05-04, ASP, 12086KB, 下载13次)


[WEB开发] pinglun

快玩小游戏-评论系统是一套内容评论,心情发布系统。 心情,评论内容可以一起调用,也可以单独调用。 压缩包附带使用说明文件!
Flash game- Comment on the system is a set of content review, mood release system. Mood, comments can call, can also be a separate call. Compressed packet with the use of documentation! (2013-01-12, ASP, 682KB, 下载3次)


[家庭/个人应用] xiaoyoulu

Is to make you happy exchange with my colleagues, friends, classmates, and maintain close contact with the network tools. Write log, upload photos, play online games, share information, mood, happy. (2012-11-01, ASP, 1004KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] CheckIPDomain

摘要:.NET源码,查询搜索,域名查IP   ASP.NET根据域名查询IP地址的程序,不过试了几次,貌似查询到的IP不准确,实例主要是让ASP.NET新手们学习一下实现方法,搞明白原理的朋友可继续完善这个程序。
Abstract: NET source query search, domain name check IP ASP.NET under the domain name check the IP address of the program, but tried a few times, looks like the query to the IP inaccurate instance mainly ASP.NET novices learning method understood principle friends can continue to improve this program. (2012-09-18, ASP, 42KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] test003

1,首先把我们从锦尚获取到的WRBiz平台系统正式版压缩包放考贝至您的站点目录下(支持随意目录,我们下面以解压至根目录为例),然后把所有系统文件解压至此目录。 2,安装SQL数据库: 方法一:新建数据库 还原目录内的 数据库.bak 方法二:打开SQL企业管理器,新建一个数据库(我们以新建WRBiz数据库为例), 然后打开查询分析器,在分析器里面打开 /data/WRMPS.sql,并点击执行,创建到你刚建好的WRBiz数据库中,关闭查询分析器,在数据库上点右键,导入/data/WRMPS.mdb 数据库以安装系统默认数据,这样就搞定了。 3,运行 http://localhost/Install 目录下的安装程序,点击进去后按提示进行系统安装,设置好系统数据库连接、基本信息及管理员信息然后确认安装完成。 ========================================================== 青岛商务网 http://www.om178.com 为你提供 !
1,首先把我们从锦尚获取到的WRBiz平台系统正式版压缩包放考贝至您的站点目录下(支持随意目录,我们下面以解压至根目录为例),然后把所有系统文件解压至此目录。 2,安装SQL数据库: 方法一:新建数据库 还原目录内的 数据库.bak 方法二:打开SQL企业管理器,新建一个数据库(我们以新建WRBiz数据库为例), 然后打开查询分析器,在分析器里面打开 /data/WRMPS.sql,并点击执行,创建到你刚建好的WRBiz数据库中,关闭查询分析器,在数据库上点右键,导入/data/WRMPS.mdb 数据库以安装系统默认数据,这样就搞定了。 3,运行 http://localhost/Install 目录下的安装程序,点击进去后按提示进行系统安装,设置好系统数据库连接、基本信息及管理员信息然后确认安装完成。 ========================================================== 青岛商务网 http://www.om178.com 为你提供 ! (2012-05-03, ASP, 23499KB, 下载2次)


[DSP编程] 0DSP_

Dsp produce any signal using the triangular wave, sine wave, square wave occurs, the use of assembly code programming, debugging software debugging in ccs (2011-10-18, ASP, 386KB, 下载20次)


[WEB开发] softhy766I

如今小游戏网站,占互联网30 以上的市场,并且小游戏网站的架设也给初级没有服务器的 站长,增加了一道门槛,虽然网上有部分小游戏系统,可以采集盗连资源,但盗连是非常不稳 的,导致网站无法继续运营下去。 快玩的出现,这一切将全面转世,海量游戏资源,完全免费,伴随QVODCMS游戏分享程序, 海量资源,一键采集,您无须再为担心游戏资源的稳定性,快玩资源永久有效,更新时速。 小游戏网站。大部分都是初级网民喜爱,根据中国互联网,普通网民占80 以上。小游戏网站 是您投放广告并且点击最高的媒体,心动不如行动,现在就开始吧!
game (2010-12-23, ASP, 953KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] aspgerenweb

本次更新: 1.可以自由更换皮肤 2.优化了后台 3.增加了音乐播放器 4.增加了网站开关功能 5.增加了个人资料填写功能 H.Z.C网站管理系统主要功能有 1.网站首页管理 2.个人作品管理 3.个人日记管理 4.音乐娱乐管理 5.图片相册管理 6.技术文章管理 7.网站留言系统
The update 1. Are free to change the skin 2. Optimized background 3. An increase of music player 4. Increase the switching function of the site 5. Increase the fill capabilities of personal data (2010-07-23, ASP, 641KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] eimsHouse

运行环境:IIS+ASP+ACCESS/MS SQL 版本号:3.1 EIMS系统数据存储格式统一,方便管理维护。数据输出格式统一为:列表,编辑,分类,属性。 试用版本只能试(登录)用50次,商业使用请购买正式版授权。
Runtime Environment: IIS+ ASP+ ACCESS/MS SQL version number: 3.1 EIMS system data storage format unity to facilitate management and maintenance. Uniform data output format is: list, editing, classification, properties. Trial version can only test (log) with 50 times, commercial use, please purchase the official license. (2010-05-05, ASP, 519KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] xiaoyuanwang

Part is divided into offices, teaching areas and living quarters of three parts. Campus Network trial under this Part of the application requirements and management needs, the geographic distribution of buildings, information distribution, the design of the campus network this program. (2009-04-23, ASP, 591KB, 下载9次)


[模拟服务器] wow

A web page version of World of Warcraft game, the original database MYSQL2000 Yes, now I will become ACC' s database, can not modify directly PLAYING (2009-03-26, ASP, 44563KB, 下载124次)


[其他] fans

Procedures put into your information that you then that the channel on the site that Channel Backgrounds account: admin password Backgrounds: admin1234 Backgrounds Management Address:/weblogin/login.asp explain here a matter of fact we should focus on the background behind the admin password is 1234 are official for security at the system automatically help you to increase after the 1234 change your password when are 12345 such as change the background that you password is 123451234 (2009-03-04, ASP, 5829KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] exam

Online examination system on campus, ASP+ ACCESS, there are online examinations, test management, candidate management, curriculum management, and other functions, has been used for a year, and (2008-11-22, ASP, 541KB, 下载300次)


[WEB开发] 1221yoowoz

YOOWO entertainment network around together tell the story, You can sign the freedom of your articles, something good for everyone to share! As long as you registered as a member of our free, you can easily see what you have made awareness of the understanding of the various aspects of information or news. (2006-09-21, ASP, 11503KB, 下载72次)
