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[图形图像处理] VR-Interior-Design

An interior design based VR application, in which the player can visualize the area and change specifications color texture for the particular furniture. (2024-02-24, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Wordle

受Wordle的启发,开发了一款基于 React的猜词游戏,挑战玩家使用颜色编码的线索,在有限的尝试次数内推断出一个秘密单词。
Developed a React-based word-guessing game inspired by Wordle, challenging players to deduce a secret word within a limited number of attempts using color-coded clues. (2024-01-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] user_registration_GPT4

正在玩GPT4图像到代码指令,我在纸上画了一个简单的用户注册白板,并提示它创建一个 React应用程序...,
Was playing with GPT4 image to code instruction, i draw simple user registration whiteboard on a paper and prompt it to create a react app with the picture, and here is the result. (2023-10-15, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] SkyRant-Apex-Client-v3

Apex Legends的新的免费ESP(Wallhack)欺骗在游戏中使用此欺骗,您将比其他玩家拥有更大的优势…,
A new and free ESP (Wallhack) cheat for Apex Legends Using this cheat in the game, you will have a greater advantage over other players; …, (2023-10-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Connect4

Connect Four是一款类似于井字游戏的双人游戏,玩家交替地将棋子放在一个垂直的板上,7列交叉,6列...,
Connect-Four is a tic-tac-toe-like two-player game in which players alternately place pieces on a vertical board 7 columns across and 6 rows high. Each player uses pieces of a particular color (commonly black and red, or sometimes yellow and red), and the object is to be the first to obtain four pieces in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal (2022-02-17, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Dog-Meet-Dog

Have you ever wanted to make puppy play dates but don t know who to ask? Dog Meet Dog is the newest Social Platform for Dog Owners and solves all those problems! Create a User Account, and add your pets! Then begin creating posts with content and photos! Users will even be able to comment on other s posts as well! What are you waiting for? (2022-06-20, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Plasmocats_Picks_of_the_Litter_Portrait_Pack

This collection of portraits for the player (not NPCs) is a collection of Plasmocat s favorites, many of which were commissioned for various mods and others which are just portraits she wanted to make from the photos of models she thought were interesting. (2022-03-07, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] quran

自述:Al-Qur an Al-Kareem HTML Audio player,可以玩任何Android智能手机平板电脑,只需下载zip文件,解压缩,打开index.HTML...,
Readme : Al-Qur an al-Kareem HTML Audio player, can play any smartphone/tablet Android, just download zip file, extract, open index.html file in folder quran.HTML open with Firefox, Chrome, Edge (2023-08-08, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Painted-Portal-Ray-Tracing

Playing around with real time raytracing and non-photorealistic rendering for the contest subission of the Computer Graphics course University of Groningen 2020. This was the winning entry for the Ray Tracing category and the runner- up for the OpenGL category. (2020-07-11, C, 8813KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Eye-messenger

Play on the computer when the brain paying attention to all inputs to the screen, the eyes do not remember blink. Long-term will not blink eyes are easily fatigued. (2016-02-17, C++, 6KB, 下载2次)


[图形图像处理] magic_pyramid_problem

小朋友玩的神奇金字塔的穷举求解,有难度; 立体摆法的穷举算法没有想明白该怎么写,有兴趣的朋友可以帮忙思考一下;
magic pyramid layout problem (2015-04-02, Java, 2172KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] adaptive-algorithm

Image fusion is an important part of image processing, but the image fusion is at present no common technology, this code sample uses adaptive image processing algorithm for image fusion, trying to achieve a better image information retention and disposal (2013-11-09, matlab, 1KB, 下载6次)


[图形图像处理] wavelet-change-and-the-local-energy

Image fusion is an important part of image processing, but the image fusion is at present no common technology, this code sample using wavelet transform and the method of combining local energy for image fusion, trying to achieve a better image information retention and disposal (2013-11-09, matlab, 1KB, 下载23次)


[图形图像处理] Kalman-fusion-method

Image fusion is an important part of image processing, but the image fusion is at present no common technology, this code sample using the Kalman method for image fusion, trying to achieve a better image information retention and disposal (2013-11-09, matlab, 1KB, 下载5次)


[图形图像处理] algorithm-of-caricature-portrait

该算法从研究漫画家的作画风格入手,总结了 肖像漫画特定的夸张规律,所生成的漫画风格人脸肖像效果较好,能够应用于非真实感图形学和数字娱乐等领域
The algorithm of the cartoonist' s drawing style from the start, summed up the exaggerated caricature specific rules, the resulting comic style face portrait better, can be applied to non-photorealistic graphics and digital entertainment and other fields (2013-09-11, matlab, 363KB, 下载25次)


[图形图像处理] MyBayes

2.编写两类正态分布模式的贝叶斯分类程序。 设以下模式类别具有正态概率密度函数: ω1:{(0 0)T, (2 0)T, (2 2)T, (0 2)T} ω2:{(4 4)T, (6 4)T, (6 6)T, (4 6)T} (1)设P(ω1)= P(ω2)=1/2,求这两类模式之间的贝叶斯判别界面的方程式。 (2)绘出判别界面。 3.已知服从正态分布的两类训练样本集分别为 :,,,, :,,, ,试问属于哪一类? 4.设有两类一维模式,每一类都是正态分布,两类的均值和均方差分别为,;,。 采用(0-1)损失函数,且。 (1)试绘出两类模式的密度函数曲线,其判别界面位于何处? (2)若已获得样本:-3,-2,1,3,5,试判断它们各属于哪一类。
bayes ,matlab (2013-04-12, matlab, 176KB, 下载121次)


[图形图像处理] tuxiangyasuo

(1)试利用函数dct2,对该图像进行压缩。压缩时可尝试对DCT 变换后的系数采用不同取舍方法,比较其压缩性能。(函数dct2在matlab本身是有的,可以help dct2看看) (2)结合课本例8.7.2 的量化方法,对每一个经DCT变换后的8×8 矩阵量化(Huffman编码部分可省略),从而实现图像压缩。在一定压缩比的情况下,和⑴给出的图像质量相比较。 (3)用所给的子子程序fast_LOT.m 实现对该图像的变换与压缩,并和(1)得出的图像质量相比较
(1) Test using function dct2, the image is compressed. The compression can try to adopt different choices, the DCT transform coefficients after comparing its compression performance. (Function dct2 the matlab itself is some help dct2 see) (2) combined with the textbook cases 8.7.2 of quantitative methods, 88 each DCT transform matrix quantization (Huffman encoding part can be omitted) thereby achieving the image compression. In the case of a certain compression ratio, and the image quality given by the ⑴ compared. (3) with the given sub-subroutine fast_LOT.m transform and compress the image, and (1) gives the image quality compared (2013-01-07, matlab, 197KB, 下载27次)


[图形图像处理] gaygradesegmentation

gaygradesegmentation 该程序能较好的分割灰度图像,达到分层的目的;并采用相关性较小的lab颜色空间,很好地达到分层效果。该程序在VC++6.0的环境下调试并通过
gaygradesegmentation the program can better gray-scale image segmentation, to achieve the purpose of stratification and the use of the relevance of the smaller color space lab, very good to achieve the layered effect. The program in VC++ 6.0 debugging environment and through (2008-06-07, Visual C++, 65KB, 下载21次)


[图形图像处理] HaveThreadFrame

Used to play himself a rotating ball effect, you can beautify the ball like shape, as well as running background, made a stellar run the map. Unfortunately I am not good at art (2008-01-02, Java, 1KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] HistogramEqualization(SimpleAndGood)_CanTest

histogram equalization example, everyone in the image contrast enhancement to be used in the classic procedure, VC, simple and easy to be tested with pictures. (2006-11-02, Visual C++, 124KB, 下载220次)
