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[其他] 群魔完整版新旧区备份

I am an old player for thousands of years. This is the revised version of Netlong Rice through the service side of Magic Chapter. There are many interesting scripts in it. Hope to help you! (2019-05-04, Delphi, 41032KB, 下载28次)


[通讯编程] 新章带图1000y

I am an old player for thousands of years. This is the server of the new chapter for thousands of years. It can be downloaded for learning and exchanging, and we can improve this version of the game together. (2019-05-04, Delphi, 17236KB, 下载52次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] QRCode识别解码代码 Delphi7 D7QRCode

Delphi7 写的 QRCode识别的源代码,可直接编译运行。 能识别中文,附带2张测试的二维码图片可测试。 识别率很低,学习下还可以的。 包含了图像处理的一些东西如:灰度化、二值化、定位等。 支持UTF8格式的中文。
The source code of QRCode recognized by Delphi 7 can be compiled and run directly. It can recognize Chinese, and 2-D code pictures with 2 tests can be tested. Recognition rate is very low, and it can be learned. It includes some things of image processing, such as graying, binarization, positioning and so on. Support Chinese in UTF8 format. (2018-12-04, Delphi, 36KB, 下载11次)


[数据库编程] wlfymud

网路风云MUD经过5个月的试运行,终于通过了所有的攻击测试,现在的安全性可以说是100 了! 现在提供下载:为了更好的发展本江湖;希望大家拿回去看看,有什么好建议或发现bug请告诉我!谢了! 此版本在数据库方面没有太大的改动!只是在安全方面加了很多检测程序!
Internet Storm MUD through a trial run for 5 months, and finally passed the test all the attacks, the security can now be said to be a 100 !       Now available for download: In order to better development of the rivers and lakes we hope to get back to see what a good suggestion or find a bug, please tell me! Thanks!       This version is not much change in s! Just add a lot in terms of security testing procedures! (2016-02-29, Delphi, 3095KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] feilinguanli

pcb菲林管理 菲林:是曝光的底片.在做PCB线路,阻焊的时候,PCB表面会涂一层感光液体,经过80度的温试烤干,再用菲林贴在PCB板上,再经过紫外线曝光机曝光,撕下菲林。经过药水多余的液体就会去了,做线路时电一层焊就可以蚀成线路。做阻焊时焊盘就可以露出来。
pcb Film Management Film: The film is exposed in line to do PCB, solder time, PCB surface will be coated with a layer of photosensitive liquid, after test temperature of 80 degrees to dry, and then attached to the PCB board film, and then after UV exposure machine exposure. , tear film. After excess liquid syrup will go, and when to do line-layer welding can be etched into the lines. Pads can be exposed when making solder. (2016-02-18, Delphi, 1061KB, 下载6次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] DelphiLikequery

Senior Delphi Like database statement example query, query examples of Like based fuzzy query, the commodity information as an example, the first is the A-Z query letters between second bit is 0, the query letter at the end of 3 the commodity information, fuzzy query between letters no longer A-Z commodity information, can inquire letter not the beginning at the end of 3 information, are interested in a try, compressed within a test database file SQLServer, please attach the test before. (2014-07-20, Delphi, 276KB, 下载1次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] MiniIETool

Delphi to write the IE gadget, can modify the IE title and home address, modified after the success, restart IE to see the effect of. Note: This is a few years ago program, the kernel may not be for the IE8, the registry key changes, now do not know can not, you try it, principle of approximately, modify, when learning, which realize the function of most of the registry changes based on the realization of the. (2014-07-20, Delphi, 7KB, 下载2次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] Delphi_866121

Delphi auto-punctuate machine, a little intelligent parsing function can be added to a text paragraph and intelligence branches of the display, based on finite state automata algorithms, text analysis and automatic translation technology, which punctuate The first step is that the continuous text, divided into basic components of the sentence as a unit. Program supports the identification of abbreviations and punctuation, you can load a text under test. (2014-06-26, Delphi, 32KB, 下载5次)


[进程与线程] asynccalls-thread-pool-example

利用多线程异步函数调用。 {版本:2.98(2011年10月22日)} {添加:德尔福XE264位的支持} {} {版本:2.97(2011-05-21)} {修正:线程的优先级恢复正常新AsyncCall任务。 } {修正:代替暂停/恢复代码,以防止竞争条件,在所有线程} {暂停但他们FSuspended标志是假的。 } {修正:异常处理TAsyncCall.InternExecuteSyncCall。退出()后不叫AN} {引发异常。 }
Asynchronous function calls utilizing multiple threads. { Version: 2.98 (2011-10-22) } { Added: Support for Delphi XE2 64bit } { } { Version: 2.97 (2011-05-21) } { Fixed: The thread priority wasn t reset to Normal for new AsyncCall tasks. } { Fixed: Replaced Suspend/Resume code to prevent a race condition where all threads are } { suspended but their FSuspended flag is false. } { Fixed: Exception handling in TAsyncCall.InternExecuteSyncCall. Quit() wasn t called after an } { exception was raised. } (2012-03-13, Delphi, 104KB, 下载40次)


[游戏引擎] cikeyuanma

这个是昨天在一个客户的硬盘里找到的,忽忽,翻了翻,忽然有18G的传奇服务端。 据说他是星空GM吧和私服去玩吧的VIP,有钱人啊
This is the last in a customer' s hard drive to find, 忽忽, rolled, suddenly the legendary 18G server. He is said to play the Star GM PW bar bar and VIP, rich ah (2011-04-14, Delphi, 1950KB, 下载44次)


[界面编程] abaav

To change key Warcraft, you can even point, not to mention the matter, to those commonly used, 3C unlimited play connect the dots always been used to kill, get this huff (2011-01-27, Delphi, 638KB, 下载11次)


[绘图程序] capturescreen

delphi编写的游戏专用截图器 delphi编写的游戏专用截图器说明:本截图软件支持热键,支持定时截图&自动保存,是游戏玩家不可或缺的必备截图佳品。我没测试效果,大家自己看看,参考下.请尊重知识版权!转载者请保留文件内作者的信息.
delphi write exclusive screenshots of the game delphi write device specific screenshots of the game Description: This screenshot software support hot keys, support for timed automatic capture & save, is an essential prerequisite gamers share and screenshots. I did not test results, we could see for himself, refer to the next. Please respect intellectual property! Reproduced please keep the information on paper. (2010-09-21, Delphi, 533KB, 下载10次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] ZnExeData

使用WM_CopyData消息,在两个不同的程序中传递string类型的数据,采用发送(s)<>接收(r)协商机制。 &.s和r创建时,使用同一个字符串向系统注册消息MsgID. 1.S使用MsgID广播消息,由于只有接收端识别这个消息句柄,所以R响应,并返回自己的句柄。 2.S收到接收方句柄,发送wm_copydata传递数据。 3.R收到数据后,发送回执,通知S已收到数据。 4.S触发发送完毕事件。 ------------------------------------------- 只是我试了一下,如果打开两个接收端的时候,程序会报错。请作者试试:) 再一个,如果打开两个发送端时,无接收端接收;发送端也不能收到发送超时的消息。
Use WM_CopyData news program in two different string types of data transfer, using send (s) <> Receive (r) consultation mechanism (2010-07-24, Delphi, 3KB, 下载12次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] AVSStreamEye

利用业余时间,仿照Elecard H.264 StramEye写的 中国AVS视频标准的码流分析工具,exe文件 不是源码,代码用delphi写的,需要的话请和我联系。支持逐帧分析,图形化显示每个宏块的信息。由于没有开发自己的解码引擎,所以解码速度有些慢 (最好别用太大的码流来测试它 :))。大家试用后有什么意见可以反馈给我。 解压后直接运行就可以了,绝没有病毒。
Exe file is not source code, code written with delphi, if required, please contact me. Support for frame by frame analysis, graphical display of information for each macro block. In the absence of developing its own decoding engine, decoding speed and some slow (better not to use too much stream to test it:)). You have any comments after the trial can feedback to me. After extracting run directly on it, absolutely no virus. (2010-07-04, Delphi, 441KB, 下载73次)


[其他游戏] tNes.0.3.src

It is used delphi prepared nes emulator- tNes, currently version 0.3 to support voice, single handle, mapper0, mapper2. Can play the classic Battle City, Mario 1, Contra, 1944 and so on. 40kb or so of the game is basically able to play. Comes with 2 test of the rom, cart, and nestress. Write this major is to deepen understanding of the computer in many places with a simple way to render the game screen using a memory bitmap, but not directly in the memory for rendering, the speed is not very satisfactory. The simulator dedicated to 70 years born friend, hoping to wake up some of the joy of childhood. (2010-03-16, Delphi, 169KB, 下载11次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] psvLabels

集的母语德尔福成分对Borland Delphi中 版本5 ,第6和7 。 100 %的源代码。 这个软件提供 原样,没有任何明示或 隐含的保证。在任何情况下,作者被追究法律责任 而造成的任何损害使用该软件。 允许任何人使用该软件的任何 为此,包括商业应用,并改变它 和重新分配自由不受任何限制。
The Set of Native Delphi Components for Borland Delphi versions 5 , 6 and 7. 100 Source Code. This software is provided as-is , without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely without any restrictions. (2009-03-19, Delphi, 72KB, 下载2次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] 15

安徽省货物销售统一发票管理系统 操作说明 1、开票 F7或双击可 查询, 方向键,Home、 End、PgUp、PgDown、回车用于 移动光标位置。 发票无金额时,不允许保存。有金额无品名时也不得保存。 发票打印前,应先确定好打印机。直接在程序中选择即可。也不必非要将票据打印机设置为默认打印机。 首次打印发票时,建议不要直接先用发票,应先用其他纸张裁成与发票同等大小进行试打,经过调整打印位置,打印偏移量来确定好发票套打位置。 2、发票作废 特别小心,本系统为了起到发票的管理功能,没有提供发票的修改、删除、取消作废等功能。所以不管是保存也好,作废也好都有要特别细心。保存过后不得修改,可多次打印。作废过后,则无法取消作废,打印时也标记了作废字样。
err (2008-10-17, Delphi, 2987KB, 下载31次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] Delphi8--dog

1、 图形设计:静态、移动、睡觉时的形态,各种物品的形状; 2、 清洁:使宠物实现洗澡和刷马桶的功能; 3、 状态:宠物的身体各种状况有饥饿、口渴、劳累、生病等; 4、 自由活动:宠物玩各种游戏; 5、 上厕所:即大小便。
1, Graphic Design : static, moving, sleeping form, the shape of various items; 2, clean : make pet a bath and brush to achieve the functional toilets; 3, state : pet various physical situation of hunger, thirst, exhaustion, illness, etc.; 4, the free activities : pets playing games; 5, the toilet : the urine. (2007-03-04, Delphi, 763KB, 下载43次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] tNes.0.3.src

compiled by the nes emulator-- tNes, to voice support for version 0.3, single-handle mapper0, mapper2. They can play classical physics, Mario 1, Type Sega, 1944 and so on. Modem about the game basically can play. Fringe has two tests of rom, cart and nestress. This was mainly intended to deepen the understanding of the computer, in many places with a simple method, rendering images of the game is the bitmap memory, but not directly in the memory for rendering, speed is not very satisfactory. This simulator dedicated to the 1970s-born friends, hoping to awaken some of the joy of childhood. (2006-06-25, Delphi, 189KB, 下载33次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] CaptureText

for regular playing computer users, often encountered such a situation : I want to interface procedures to the letter reproduced information, screen text information has been selected not just reproduction, Then feel somewhat helpless feeling. We can not automatic DIY writing a screen capture tool to create its own SPY 1, put the mouse means the text information automatically replicated down, or even self-adhesive to my collection of text files? Actually, it is certain that as long as the screen text window objects (controls) or with the label text attributes. Waiting for what? A DIY quickly. (2006-04-29, Delphi, 7KB, 下载48次)
