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[前端开发] kakegurui

A simple card game, where you place cards and flip them one by one and memorise it. If two cards have the same design you take them, else it s next player s turn. (2024-03-26, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] damas

The goal of the project is to offer players a digital version of the game of checkers, providing a fun and challenging experience that faithfully recreates the rules and mechanics of the classic game. In addition, the project aims to practice and demonstrate skills in front-end web development in JavaScript (2024-03-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Web-Chat-App

通过直接聊天和小组聊天、表情符号和 React、内置Gif支持、编辑和删除消息的功能、专用命令等,试图制作出这一完全响应的聊天应用程序。实时聊天应用程序中使用的技术有React.js、Node.js、Stream API、UI UX和Twilio(用于通知)
With Direct and Group Chats, emojis & Reactions, Built-in Gif support, the ability to edit & delete messages, specialized commands, and much more, tried to make this fully responsive chat application. Technologies used in Realtime Chat Application are React.js, Node.js, Stream API, UI UX and Twilio (For Notifications) (2024-02-01, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] react-lights-out

Lights Out是一款在单个灯光的栅格上玩的逻辑益智游戏,可以点亮也可以不点亮。当所有灯都关闭时,谜题就赢了。项目以练习使用组件设计、事件处理和状态管理。
Lights Out is a logic puzzle game played on a grid of individual lights, which can either be lit or unlit. The puzzle is won when when all of the lights are turned off. Project to practice working with component design, event handling, and state management. (2023-12-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] FoodMenuApp

Im making this app to refresh my front-end skills and to have fun and teach my niece how to write code at 10 years old , she s a future coder =) (2023-12-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] pentago

Pentago.net is a real-time 1v1 webgame where the first player to place 5 marbles in a row wins. There is a twist: after a move, a quadran…, (2023-07-25, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] maifa-agent

AI“黑手党”来了!夜幕降临,9名ChatGPT AI玩家每个人都怀有自己的邪恶动机。让我们看看谁会笑到最后。...,
AI "Mafia" is coming! As night falls,9 ChatGPT AI players each harbor their own sinister motives. Let s see who will have the last laugh... Based on phaser3+vue3+typescript, and chatgpt. (2023-06-19, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] chessEngine

chess engine which calculates best moves from your match in real time when you play on chess.com (2021-06-27, JavaScript, 26469KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Shatranj-chess

The chess game is a web-based game created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows players. The game is designed with a user-friendly interface and responsive design to ensure a smooth gameplay experience across different devices. The use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ensures that the game runs smoothly and without any performance issues. (2023-05-14, JavaScript, 35KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] think-mania

Think Mania是一款TypeScript React网络游戏,是一款猜电影游戏,玩家必须根据用户识别电影...
Think Mania is a TypeScript React web game is a movie guessing game where players must identify movies based on a series of emojis. This game is built using the MERN stack, which includes MongoDB for the database, Express for the server, React for the front-end, and Node.js for the back-end. Chakra UI is used for the front-end design and ui (2023-03-10, TypeScript, 11817KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] kcat

This is a campus service-oriented website developed by our team at Xingnuo Studio. It is convenient for teachers and students on campus. We provide professional software, entertainment software, homework assistance, helpdesk, and campus phone. The front-end technology used in the project includes HTML+CSS+Javascript+JQuery+layer, and the back-end is within the SSM framework (2018-03-16, JavaScript, 21918KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] 这段代码用于音频 files

这段代码用于音频 files.we 去噪方法去噪 purpose.1 使用各种筛选器。解压缩文件并运行 Audio_denoise_main.m 文件从文件夹... 2.点击加载和播放音频文件并选择原始的 sound.wav 文件 3.然后使用滑块选择 AWGN (白色 gauusion 噪音)......这是改变从 1 到 10 集它到 10。 4.现在点击添加杂色,玩...... 5.您可以保 (2022-07-06, Delphi, 603KB, 下载0次)
