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按分类查找All 金融证券系统(26) 
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[金融证券系统] TradePlugin

Trado simplifies item trading in Minecraft with intuitive UI and secure features, perfect for players of all levels. Experience the future of trading today! (2023-03-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] ExpTreasury

Bukkit(Minecraft Server API)插件,允许玩家将经验点存储在银行中,因此他们不会在死亡时丢失。,
A Bukkit (Minecraft Server API ) plugin that allows players to store experience points in a bank , so they are not lost on death., (2014-01-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] EveNexus

EveNexus是一个紧凑的工具,允许EVE Online玩家查看和报告其交易活动
EveNexus is a compact tool which allows EVE Online players to view and report on their trading activities (2012-07-08, Java, 721KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] SafeTrade

A minecraft plugin used by server owners to ensure players are able to safely trade Pokemon, items, and money. (2021-05-31, Java, 143KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Catan-Desktop

The Settlers of the Catan is a strategy game played by 3-4 people where everyone plays in turns. The game starts by assembling hexagonal map pieces and shuffling and placing the cards. Each player chooses his/her figure to play with. Construction price cards are distributed to players where the information about construction such as village or (2020-08-28, Java, 351307KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Monopoly_Stock_Exchange

This is a basic java implementation program that mainly deals with oops concepts. Only 2 or 3 players can play the game at once for now. If you re familiar with Monopoly, this game is fairly similar. Instead of displaying countries or cities, it deals with real-life companies. In the game, players can buy companies and shares. Just like real (2021-09-02, Java, 50KB, 下载0次)
