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[其他] 联网教程

单机玩腻了需要有联网需求的小伙伴可以拿去参考,根本版本不同不保证有用。062 079是可以的
Single-machine play tired of the need for networking needs of small partners can take to reference, the fundamental version of different does not guarantee useful. 062 079 is OK (2019-05-29, SQL, 1KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 趋势EA 均线带指标过滤策略 挂1小时图

趋势EA 均线带指标过滤策略,挂1小时图,趋势稳定,盈利稳定,做外汇值得一试的趋势交易。
Trend EA average line with index filtering strategy, hanging 1 hours map, stable trend, stable profits, do foreign exchange worth a try trend trading. (2018-07-09, SQL, 420KB, 下载81次)


[C#编程] 20140804-195644-46955

weeqwqwqw qWQQWqwqw wq eqe qeqeqewwe ew (2018-06-11, SQL, 397KB, 下载0次)


[其他] etc-gm

The high rate of micro package, version ETC (2018-04-13, SQL, 15710KB, 下载1次)


[数据库系统] 23.SQL.21.日自学通

SQL 指南.SQL 的诞生于IBM 公司在加利福尼亚San Jose 的试验室中在七十年代SQL 由这里开发出来
SQL GUIDE.The SQL guide.SQL was born by IBM in the San Jose laboratory in California, which was developed here in 70s. (2018-01-10, SQL, 1981KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] 六天带你玩转MySQL-资料

The video should be aimed at some basic user learning, are examples of practical projects (2017-10-12, SQL, 34182KB, 下载5次)


[游戏] Game-manager-settings-

RF游戏管理员GM设置数据库说明。 RF游戏管理员不是以账号为目标设定,而是以账号登录过游戏当时登录游戏的IP设定该账号为管理员,并且在设置该账号为GM之后,该账号的所有已存在角色或日后新建角色均为游戏最高管理员,并且该GM账号下的任何角色都可以在游戏线上通过输入游戏指令颁发其他玩家为次管理员和观察员,已经各种GM管理命令。 在建立管理员账号之前请将预设定的管理员账号登录一次游戏以上,并且记录下登录游戏当时的外网IP地址,再用该IP通过本教程文件说明在RF数据库相关表列设置GM账号。
RF game administrator GM set description. RF game administrator not to account for the target setting, but in the game when the game account login login IP set the account for the administrator, and after setting up the account for GM, the account of all existing roles or days after the new role was the highest game administrator, and any part of the GM account under can in the game online game instructions issued by entering the other game player for administrators and observers, has a variety of GM management commands. Before the establishment of the administrator account please above the preset administrator account login in a game, and record the log IP addresses at the time, and then the IP through this tutorial files in the RF table column set GM account. (2016-10-05, SQL, 2KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] SRC079

079 Snail perfect end (2016-05-04, SQL, 13574KB, 下载16次)


[教育系统应用] BookManagementSystem

School library management system, you can add query-remove books, and statistical information for each book borrowed recently, has been in the school library test tube running well, welcome to download the exchange (2015-09-14, SQL, 5154KB, 下载3次)


[酒店行业] 95535

Currently most hotels offer a variety of services, but also not the same size, but a bit of scale hotel will contain the following three types of services: catering, accommodation and entertainment. Since we do not have a specific contact and substantive knowledge of the hospitality industry. The database design can only be collected in a number of basic materials and personal intuition, based on a simple imitation of mid-sized hotel management system design, and abstracted into a three-sector, achieving system three services. (2014-04-17, SQL, 84KB, 下载2次)


[Oracle数据库] hsp

韩顺平—玩转oracle视频教程笔记 希望能帮助大家 提高oracle水平
Hanshun Ping- Fun oracle video tutorial notes we hope to help raise the level of oracle (2013-04-25, SQL, 547KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] ss

This book is a Stanford University computer science database series of courses course textbooks. Book into the details of the principle of the database system, and specifically discussed the three main components of the database management system- storage management, query processor and transaction management technology. (2012-04-23, SQL, 3711KB, 下载6次)


[行业发展研究] 23.SQL

SQL 简史 SQL 的诞生于 IBM 公司在加利福尼亚 San Jose 的试验室中 在七十年代 SQL 由这里 开发出来 最初它们被称为结构化查询语言 Structured Query Language 并常常简称为 sequel 开始时它们是为 IBM 公司的 DB2 系列数据管理系统 RDBMS — — 关系型数据库 管理系统 而开发的 您在今天仍可以买到在不同平台下运行的该系统 事实上 是 SQL 造就了 RDBMS 它是一种非过程语言 与第三代过程语言如 C 和 COBOL 产生于同一时 代
A Brief History of SQL, SQL was born in San Jose, California IBM' s laboratory in the SQL from here in the seventies they were originally developed in the structured query language called Structured Query Language and is often referred to as the sequel to the start of IBM, they are The DB2 family of data management system RDBMS-- relational database management system developed you can still buy today running on different platforms is the fact that the system created a SQL RDBMS it is a non-procedural language with third-generation process languages ​ ​ such as C and COBOL generated at the same time (2011-11-16, SQL, 1981KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] DatabaseSystemConoepts

《数据库信息系统概念》是数据库系统方面的经典教材之一。国际上许多著名大学包括斯坦福大学、耶鲁大学、得克萨斯大学、康奈尔大学、伊利诺伊大学、印度理工学院等都采用本书作为教科书。我国也有许多所大学采用本书以前版本的中文版作为本科生和研究生的数据库课程的教材和主要教学参考书,收到了良好的效果。   本书调整和新增内容:调整了第4版的讲授顺序。首先介绍SQL及其高级特性,使学生容易接受数据库设计的概念。新增数据库设计的专门讨论。彻底改写和更新了基于对象的数据库和XML的相关内容。重新组织数据挖掘和信息检索的内容,增加了对数据库系统PostgreSQL的实例研究。   本书特点:综合全面。涵盖了数据模型、关系模型、基于对象的数据库和XML、数据存储和查询、事务管理、数据库系统体系结构等方面的内容。直观易懂。采用直观的方式描述概念,以结构清晰的图示和示例代替形式化的证明。实用性强。以银行数据库实例生动地解释重要概念,通俗易懂。内容新颖。反映了数据库在设计、管理和使用方式等方面的变化及数据库概念方面的发展趋势。深入研究实例。提供四个领先的数据库系统PostgreSQL、Oracle、IBM DB2和Microsoft SQL Server的实例研究。
This book is a classic database systems, one of the books. Many international well-known universities, including Stanford University, Yale University, the University of Texas, Cornell University, University of Illinois, Indian Institute of Technology, adopted the book as a textbook. Numerous universities in China have used previous versions of the Chinese version of the book as a database of undergraduate and graduate primary teaching course materials and reference books, and good results. Book adjustments and additions: adjusted the 4th edition of the teaching sequence. First introduced the SQL and its advanced features, so that students accept the concept of database design. Devoted to new database design. Complete rewrite and update the database and object-based XML-related content. Re-organizing data mining and information retrieval of the content, adding an instance of the database system PostgreSQL. This book features: comprehensive. Covers the data model, relational model, obj (2010-04-13, SQL, 19689KB, 下载101次)


[SQL Server] MU_wed_ZS

玩过奇迹私服的都知道有转生系统 现提供转生所用的 SQL存储过程 雨天工作室:天才一叼叼
MU WEB_ZS sql PROCEDURE (2009-03-21, SQL, 2KB, 下载132次)


[网络编程] danjijiagouquangonglue

架一台服务器哟! 操作系统最好是装 Windows 2000 server版,(有win 2000高级服务器版就更好啦) 其他的版本如Windows 2000PRO专业版,Windows XP只玩玩WEB和FTP文件传输可以,想架自己的邮件服务器就不大行了。 不过让你的一台普通机子,和一条ADSL,成为一台有自己的网页,自己的FTP服务,自己论坛服务,自己的邮件服务器!!!的这么一台功能强劲的服务器,应该是没有问题的
A server rack yo! The best operating system is installed Windows 2000 server edition, (have win 2000 advanced server version of it okay) Other versions such as Windows 2000PRO Professional Edition, Windows XP play only WEB and FTP file transfers can be, I would like to frame their own mail server not the big brokerages. But let one of your ordinary loom, and a ADSL, to become one of Taiwan have their own web pages, FTP services to their own forum service, its own mail server! ! ! Such a powerful server, there should be no question (2007-07-16, SQL, 1768KB, 下载7次)


[文章/文档] 11402313数据库课程设计(文档)

database design courses all documents, including demand analysis of the final design report! (2004-11-30, SQL, 306KB, 下载733次)
