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[游戏] 千机变Home 2.11说明文档

Thousand machine transformer software programming instructions (2020-04-11, WORD, 915KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] E-3000

系统基于TCP/IP通讯协议,结合Internet将家电、照明、安保、娱乐等设备通过网络集为一体,既实现数据传输的准确无误,又可远程控制,还提供了丰富的网络共享资源及增值服务,布线简单方便,有效降低成本。 系统采用红外无线遥控、GPRS技术,引入人性化理念,赋予用户更多、更智能的操控方式,外观设计高雅、精致、大方。 系统订制灵活,支持在线升级。
System is based on TCP/IP communication protocol, the combination of Internet appliances, lighting, security, entertainment and other equipment through the network set as a whole, not only the accuracy of data transmission, but also the remote control, it also provides a rich network of shared resources and value-added services wiring is simple and convenient, efficient and reduce costs. System uses infrared wireless remote control, GPRS technology, the introduction of the concept of humanity, giving users more and more intelligent control methods, design elegant, refined, and generous. System customized flexible, support online upgrade. (2014-01-11, WORD, 2670KB, 下载7次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] guolu

Pressure using a small bathhouse near the large thermal power plants provide more stable steam heat, hot water 603 ℃ to water mains through the heat exchanger, due to the small size of the bathhouse, a large water load changes, the test for temperature control system design. (2014-01-06, WORD, 5KB, 下载2次)


[技术管理] MMC

Now this tip are generally to turn over or clean up the registry. Or install IIS and other components. There are several solutions. You can try it. Because different situations will be the same phenomenon. So can not say in the end what suits you (2012-07-10, WORD, 21KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 2011weibojacky

UCenter Home是康盛创想开发的一套SNS系统,基于PHP + MySQL,在国内使用非常广泛, 配套的漫游平台提供丰富的第三方插件,是做娱乐SNS网站最快捷的方案。 一套比较精简的SNS系统,基于PHP + MySQL开发,几乎找不到冗余的代码,另外代码彻底开放也是它最大的特色,因此iWebSNS非常适合做二次开发。
UCenter Home is developed by Comsenz a SNS system, based on PHP+ MySQL, is widely used in the country, roaming platform supporting a rich third-party plug-ins, entertainment SNS sites do the most efficient solution. A more streamlined SNS system, based on PHP+ MySQL development, almost no redundant code, another code is completely open up its biggest feature, so iWebSNS very suitable for secondary development. (2011-11-17, WORD, 23804KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] mirror-ad-design

With the mirror made the concept of billboards, the advertising media to mirror the rapid development. Mirror mirror or glass as the media is advertising carrier, through the beauty salon, entertainment, wedding photo studio, hotels, shopping malls and other public places in the installation of a mirror or glass surface of the advertising device, such as static billboards or advertising machine, so that consumers can spare time in a long time pay attention to the ads (2011-09-22, WORD, 16KB, 下载5次)


[游戏引擎] Game_TianLongBaBu_Scheme_Pack_3

Dragon 1 Game archive 1 case planning, including living systems, the death mode settings, goods distribution, transaction set, the state switch setting, the player shop, NPC shops, set up a stall (2011-08-22, WORD, 6718KB, 下载28次)


[游戏] snakejava

Based on the development of a java source code of the classic Snake game, the arrow keys to control. Classic playable. (2011-05-31, WORD, 7KB, 下载5次)


[多显示器编程] Multi-user--operating-system

一台主机资源,添加2-9套显示器,键盘,鼠标.就可以将一台PC变为2-9台电脑,每个显示器可独立操作,互不影响,如下: 1,可同时使用主机系统上上相同或不同的软件. 2,可同时共享上网冲浪. 3,可同时共享主机上的电影或歌曲. 4,可同时玩不同的游戏. 5,可共享电脑外设.
A host of resources, add 2-9 sets of monitor, keyboard, mouse. To connect to a PC computer into a 2-9, each display can operate independently, independently of each other, as follows: 1, host system can be used simultaneously on the same or different software. 2, shared the same time surfing the Internet. 3, can simultaneously share the host movie or song. four, which can play a different game. 5, can share computer peripherals. (2011-04-05, WORD, 372KB, 下载37次)


[Windows编程] ujjldx

There is a box, mixed up an equal number of Go albino and sunspots. Now use the automatic sorting system to separate the white out and sunspots. Suppose there are two processes P1 and P2, where P1 pick albino, P2 pick sunspots. When a process in picking midnight, do not allow another process Qujian. Write down the two concurrent processes that execute the procedure correctly. (2010-12-15, WORD, 141KB, 下载6次)


[软件测试] hongwaijiema

One of the most basic of IR articles, suitable for beginners. Will be able to play after reading the infrared transceiver (with program) (2010-03-31, WORD, 20KB, 下载5次)


[压缩解压] tuxiangchuli

一、 课程设计题目: 用C/C++语言编写灰度图像霍夫曼编码的程序 二、 设计内容及要求: 1、 用C/C++语言完成设计,在计算机上调试程序; 2、 上机课时:8课时; 3、 列出设计结果,并提交课程设计报告。 三、 设计方法与步骤: 1、 统计一幅BMP格式的灰度图像的概率,并显示相应的灰度值和概率; 2、 对这幅图像做霍夫曼编码;并列出编码结果。 3、 计算平均码长和熵值,算出编码效率。 4、 所有的结果都要求显示出来。
First, the curriculum design topic: The C/C++ Languages gray image coding procedures Hoffman Second, design the content and requirements: 1, with C/C++ Language to complete the design, debugging a computer program 2, on machine hours: 8 hours 3, the results are listed in the design and submitted the report of the curriculum design. Third, design methods and steps: 1, Statistics 1 BMP format the probability of gray-scale images, and displays the corresponding gray-scale value and probability 2, of this image do Huffman code and lists the results of coding. 3, calculation of the average code length and entropy values, calculate the coding efficiency. 4, all results have called displayed. (2009-01-04, WORD, 747KB, 下载27次)


[酒店行业] 20081002

In the current hotels, restaurants, entertainment industries, the extensive use of computer management software helps managers to carry out detailed management has become a very common phenomenon. Computer management system for the calculation of its powerful features, quick messaging functions, and meticulous management functions for the hotel management provides a high-quality solution. (2008-10-02, WORD, 9KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] MT20_EMS

MT20 EMS 系统技术手册 德尔福发动机管理系统是以德尔福MT20发动机控制模块(ECM)为核心的系统,简称为MT20发动机管理系统。 第一章 系统介绍 第二章 58齿同步逻辑及MAPCID 第三章 燃油系统 第四章 点火系统 第五章 怠速系统 第六章 空调控制系统 第七章 碳罐电磁阀控制 第八章 风扇控制 第九章 里程累计系统 第十章 故障诊断
MT20 EMS system technical manual engine management system is based on Delphi Delphi MT20 Engine Control Module (ECM) as the core of the system, referred to as MT20 engine management system. System Introduction Chapter I Chapter II 58-tooth synchronous logic and fuel system MAPCID Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V ignition system idle system air-conditioning control systems Chapter VI Chapter VII of the solenoid valve to control carbon cans Chapter VIII Chapter IX mileage fan control Chapter X the cumulative system fault diagnosis (2008-05-22, WORD, 203KB, 下载215次)


[软件工程] linux

作为一名电子工程师,而且是一个什么都想自己做的人,我一向愿意用计算机来控制外部设备。甚至还在我们父辈的Apple-2e时代,我就已经开始寻找别的平台,希望可以与我定制的环境相连,并且可以写我自己的驱动程序软件。不幸的是,八十年代的个人电脑并没有那么强大,不论在软件层还是硬件层上,个人电脑的内部设计都远不如Apple-2e,并且在很长一段时间内,可以获得的文档都不能令人满意。但是,接着发生的事是Linux出现了,我决定试一试,于是买了昂贵的386主板,并且没有跑任何商业软件。 那时侯,我正在大学里使用Unix系统,并为这样聪明的一个操作系统所震动,特别是又补充了GNU计划提供给用户的更智慧的工具后,我更是为Unix所深深陶醉。在我自己的个人电脑主板上跑Linux实在是一个有趣的经历,我甚至可以自己写设备驱动程序,而且又可以玩烙铁了。我不断告诉别人:“当我长大了,我一定会是个黑客”,Linux是实现这个梦想的绝佳平台。这就是说,用不着长大我就可以实现梦想了。 当Linux成熟起来以后,越来越多的人对写特制电路的设备驱动程序和商业设备的驱动程序感兴趣了。正如Linus Torvalds告知大家:“我们退回到这样一个时代——人人都为自己写设备驱动程序。” (2008-04-11, WORD, 1067KB, 下载51次)


[matlab编程] jiashejianyan

假设检验例题 7.1 设总体 ,其中参数 , 为未知,试指出下面统计假设中哪些是简单假设,哪些是复合假设: (1) ; (2) ; (3) ; (4) ; (5) . 解:(1)是简单假设,其余位复合假设
Hypothesis testing for Example 7.1 overall, including parameters, is unknown, pointed out that the following statistical hypothesis test which is a simple assumption, which is a compound hypothesis: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5). Solution : (1) is a simple assumption, the remaining bit composite hypothesis (2007-09-04, WORD, 161KB, 下载9次)


[其他] ceshi

Test report is the final stage of testing document output objects, outstanding test manager should have the ability to prepare good documentation, a detailed test report contains enough information, including product quality and testing process of evaluation, test report is based on testing Data Acquisition and Analysis of the final test results (2007-09-02, WORD, 42KB, 下载16次)


[游戏] game-engine

不可多得的专注于讲解游戏引擎的电子文档,有志于开发游戏的同事们一定要看的。 简单地说,游戏引擎就是“用于控制所有游戏功能的主程序,从计算碰撞、物理系统和物体的相对位置,到接受玩家的输入,以及按照正确的音量输出声音等等。
rare focus on the game engine in the electronic document, interested in the development of games colleagues will look at the. Simply put, the game engine "for the control of the game all the main program functions, from the calculation of the collision, physical system objects and the relative position that the acceptance of the player's input, as well as the right to output sound volume, and so on. (2007-04-30, WORD, 72KB, 下载383次)


[Windows编程] 200713111562718758

《三江学院师资管理系统》 核心模块功能简介 《三江学院师资管理系统》是基于B/S架构的Web应用程序,校园网上任何合法用户可以直接访问。一期工程实现了该系统的核心功能模块,包括安全认证、教师信息维护、学科信息维护、部分报表打印等功能,该系统已投入试运行。目前该系统安装在计算机系应用软件开发组服务器上,内网IP地址为192.168.xxx.xxx。需要访问师资系统的用户请在浏览器地址栏输入
"Sanjiang College teacher management system" core module function profile "Sanjiang College teacher management system" is based on B/S structure of the Web application, the campus any legitimate Internet users can directly access. A realization of the system's core modules, including safety certification, teachers maintaining information, academic information maintenance, Some statements Print and other functions, the system has been put into trial operation. The system currently installed in the Department of Computer Application Software Development Group server, IP addresses within the network to 192.168. xxx.xxx. Teachers need to visit the user requests in the browser address bar importation (2007-03-11, WORD, 2075KB, 下载133次)


[IP电话/视频会议] p2p_sip

这是斯坦福大学的文章,该文章详细的分析了p2p技术+sip技术来开发ip phone的可行性和技术重点分析,值得一睹
This is Stanford University, and in this article detailed analysis of the peer-to-peer technology to the development sip ip phone on the feasibility and technical focus, worthy of view (2005-03-21, WORD, 170KB, 下载374次)
