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[论文] PaperScissorStoneApp

我们构建了一个剪刀石应用程序,使用烧瓶作为服务器系统进行路由,使用 React本机作为客户端系统供用户玩游戏和查看他们的结果。该应用程序包含注册、登录和注销身份验证系统。用户信息被处理、加密并存储在服务器端mongo数据库中。游戏alog
We build a papser scissor stone app by using flask as server system for routing and using react native as client system for user to play the game and view their result. This application contains sign-up, log-in, and log-out authentication system. The user informations are processed, encrypted, and stored in server-side mongo database. The game alog (2024-02-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Accelerator

A dual battle game where two players can challenge each other and play a quiz game on various topics. Also, it s a kind of social media platform so users can post and see posts about their academic and non-academic topics. Make many friends and challenge them in Accelerator-??????. Users can also write posts and comments in LaTeX formatting (2022-07-31, JavaScript, 15072KB, 下载0次)
