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按分类查找All OpenGL(45) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(45) 

[OpenGL] hockeygame

Using opengl to draw the ball and fill the background, and move the mouse to achieve human-computer interaction to find whether the player win or lose! (2014-01-04, Visual C++, 15839KB, 下载7次)


[OpenGL] 362329227imlook3dv12

[scanalyze-1.0.3_source_code.rar] - 斯坦福大学开发的一个三维点云重构生成网格,进一步生成NURBS曲面并加光照效果的系统。可以实现对生成的三维图形旋转,移动和多个角度图形的拼接 [vtkExtractVOI.rar] - 本程序是有关vc++与vtk相结合的情况下,三维重建的效果,其中增加的对感兴趣区域的选取功能,也就是说在三维重建体绘制情况下,自己选取感兴趣区域。 [3DShow-v.rar] - 在三维城市,或者三维古建筑模型的重建中,用于三维点云的多方位显示。
[scanalyze-1.0.3_source_code.rar]- 斯坦福大学开发的一个三维点云重构生成网格,进一步生成NURBS曲面并加光照效果的系统。可以实现对生成的三维图形旋转,移动和多个角度图形的拼接 [vtkExtractVOI.rar]- 本程序是有关vc++与vtk相结合的情况下,三维重建的效果,其中增加的对感兴趣区域的选取功能,也就是说在三维重建体绘制情况下,自己选取感兴趣区域。 [3DShow-v.rar]- 在三维城市,或者三维古建筑模型的重建中,用于三维点云的多方位显示。 (2013-12-18, Visual C++, 66KB, 下载47次)


[OpenGL] 3DSLoader

Based the OpenGL and acceleration sensor simulation boating digital entertainment, the works by MMA7260Q three-axis acceleration sensor to collect data, will collate the collection complete signal transmission to the Bluetooth pass-through module and by SCM STC12C5A60S the control transfer by Bluetooth via a PC serial to the computer, data processing program performance in a three-dimensional picture (2013-03-26, Visual C++, 6104KB, 下载9次)


[OpenGL] OSpaaceSpeeddp

用opengl开发的一个2D飞行小游戏源码,玩家控制一一架飞机在预定的航线上飞行。 可直接使用。 已通过测试。
Opengl development of a 2D flying game source code, the player controls an aircraft flying scheduled routes. Can be used directly. Has been tested. (2012-08-14, Visual C++, 888KB, 下载14次)


[OpenGL] MyGame_Simplified

A written using vc++ Snake game, players can control the snakes to eat a variety of circular movement, and food, the use of knowledge to the little openGl (2011-11-30, Visual C++, 8156KB, 下载4次)



This is a game written using OpenGL, requiring players to knock down the enemy in the time limit, you can learn game programming as a good reference (2011-09-11, Visual C++, 2233KB, 下载12次)


[OpenGL] Origami

This program is an interactive graphical application that demonstrates a childhood of playing paper airplane of the growth process and the " youth" , deep brought back memories of our childhood. (2011-05-10, Visual C++, 327KB, 下载6次)


[OpenGL] EngineDemo

3d RPG游戏,非常好的游戏场景,游戏玩家可以在此基础上继续发展自已的游戏,人物很好
3d RPG game, very good game scenes, gamers can continue to build on their own this game, the characters well (2010-08-18, Visual C++, 6952KB, 下载66次)



vc++6.0 prepared under the OPENGL shooter. I do not like to play the game, the game may be a bit like CS or Delta, and we hope more exchanges (2010-07-28, Visual C++, 2294KB, 下载4次)


[OpenGL] duotai

Write down all the shapes can think of (including the two-dimensional and three-dimensional), and generates a shape hierarchy. Hierarchy to be generated to Shape as the base class and derives class TwoDimensionalShapeThreeDimensionalShape. Developed a hierarchy, the definition of each of these categories. (2010-04-19, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载8次)


[OpenGL] game

opengl prepared a kind of shooting game, it is Nai Wan ~ good results, suitable for beginners Oh! (2008-12-03, Visual C++, 2063KB, 下载410次)


[OpenGL] directinput+glut_FinalProject

本源码利用directinput 和opengl实现用操纵杆玩opengl做的游戏,需要安装directx sdk vs2005
The source realize the use of DirectInput and opengl use opengl to do the joystick to play games, need to install the directx sdk vs2005 (2008-06-02, Visual C++, 4838KB, 下载27次)



In VC+ OPENGL Tankedaizhan developed games, is that a child playing. In the installation package, there is a development library OPENGL After decompression put your System32 folder. (2007-12-15, Visual C++, 2999KB, 下载93次)


[OpenGL] MyGame

用OPENGL开发的小游戏,还不错挺好玩的,不过就是太容易GAME OVER 了
Using OPENGL developed game, but also very good to play good, but is too easy a GAME OVER (2007-12-05, Visual C++, 758KB, 下载87次)


[OpenGL] OpenGL

GIS colleagues, this is my test machine hypergraph a topic, very useful for learning OpenGL is the basis of computer graphics! With VC++ Create Single Document Interface. (2007-11-01, Visual C++, 35KB, 下载41次)


[OpenGL] SpaceSpeedway

Opengl developed using a 2D flight game, players control a plane in a predetermined route. (2007-09-25, Visual C++, 889KB, 下载38次)


[OpenGL] 10_155544_airfightdemo

a written using opengl demo, from the aircraft carrier carrier, which fly out of many small aircraft, attack the enemy. Wants interplanetary friends will like. (2007-01-10, Visual C++, 525KB, 下载108次)


[OpenGL] ROAMSimple

当我看见起伏的山脉和险峻的峡谷的照片时都会令我震撼,但不幸的是对于玩家来说,我们却不能纵情于大自然的美景中去。仅仅只有一小部分当前和将来的游戏可以给我们的眼睛带来震撼的享受(例如Tribes 1 & 2, Tread Marks, Outcast, Myth 1 & 2, and HALO)。这些游戏把3D动作游戏带进了下一个时代。
when I see the undulating mountains and steep valleys on the photographs would shock me, but unfortunately for players, we can not indulgence in the beauty of nature with them. With only a small part of the present and future of the game can give us the eyes to enjoy the shock (such as a Tribes (2006-03-05, Visual C++, 340KB, 下载70次)


[OpenGL] opengl_complete_game_Legend

the game is tilted 45 degrees angle of role-playing games. Imagine a game in the world as a backdrop to a dream become a hero of the outgoing Kam cream for the leading role, a huge open-story screen. At Kam cream adventure course, understand the two Actress : Ice general Recalling snow and fiery red Pity, thereby opening the middle section of unforgettable love story. It's just a part of the game, or is a main line. With the main players in the adventures continued to deepen, as the story continues to develop, the referee, Concolor abuse, constant Betty, videos maples firm flesh of a number of roles constantly, each with its own unique writing life, each unique tragedy. Games, the dark veil of secrecy has been lifted slowly, the big brewing conspiracy? In the darkness behind, it seems (2006-03-03, Visual C++, 691KB, 下载212次)


[OpenGL] gl_ms3d_ascii_loader

This is a read ASCII costumes animation OpenGL code, if want to play the game, then this look at the code. (2005-04-26, Visual C++, 405KB, 下载69次)
