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按分类查找All VC书籍(44) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(44) 

[VC书籍] didi

1.学生成绩统计, 给出n个学生的考试成绩,每条信息由姓名和分数组成,试设计一个算法: (1)按分数高低次序,打印出每个学生在考试中获得的名次,分数相同的为同一名次。 (2)按名次列出每个学生的姓名与分数。 要求:学生的考试成绩表必须通过键盘输入数据而建立,同时要对输出进行格式控制。自行选择排序方法。
Student achievement statistics, The test results of n students are given. Each message is composed of names and scores. (1) print out the ranking of each student in the examination according to the order of scores. (2) list the names and scores of each student by rank. Requirements: Students' examination results must be set up by keyboard input data, and the format of output should be controlled. Choose the sort method by yourself. (2018-06-12, Visual C++, 158KB, 下载0次)


[VC书籍] RuminationsonCPP

" C++ Meditations" based on the well-known author of technical articles published in technical journals around the world in a speech at Stanford University and course notes finishing, writing, the author' s Fusion program 10 years C++ career insights. (2016-10-16, Visual C++, 15037KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] learn

没错,读程序是学习C语言入门最快,也是最好的方法。我们大家都应该有个体验——在最初学习windows系统操作或Microsoft words如果操作的过程中, 刚开始总是正儿八经地买来教材,结果读来读去却云里雾里,而当我们将教材丢在一边,拿起鼠标反复地试,几个小时就搞定。
Yes, reading program is to learn C language entry the fastest, best method is. We should all have a experience in the first learning windows operating system or Microsoft words if the operation of the process, The beginning is always getting to buy textbooks, results of reading to read to but fog, and when we put the teaching material aside and picked up the mouse repeatedly tried to get a few hours. (2014-11-30, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载1次)


[VC书籍] Marble

MFC课程所写的壁球游戏。玩家控制一块挡板来弹回壁球撞击方块。程序在Visual Studio2010下编译运行通过,是很经典的用MFC写的程序。
MFC programs written squash game. The player controls a baffle to bounce squash crash box. Program in Visual Studio2010 compiled to run through, is a classic program written using MFC. (2014-01-12, Visual C++, 1917KB, 下载7次)


[VC书籍] zuixiaojiqizhongliangwenti

Minimum weight design of the machine: a machine designed from the N-components, each component can be different from M suppliers purchased. Let wij be purchased from the parts supplier i, j at the weight, cij is the corresponding price. Try to design an algorithm, given the total price does not exceed the minimum weight of C machine design. (2011-05-31, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载11次)


[VC书籍] fpgrowth-Windows

Classic FP-growth algorithm based on the search for conditional pattern base by optimizing the FP tree to be traversed path optimization, greatly reduced the time to obtain conditional pattern base, the excavation has been greatly improved speed, the use of STL writing, the use of character data to debug in VC++6.0 run through, rest assured that download, there is no appropriate place to wish you criticize correction! (2011-03-14, Visual C++, 1039KB, 下载9次)


[VC书籍] VC-Excel

VC中彻底玩转Excel.pdf use vc to deal with excel
use vc to deal with excel (2011-01-14, Visual C++, 91KB, 下载50次)


[VC书籍] C

Play all know the algorithm method of the stack to the Maze it. Today, I see how this little algorithm, on the crossroad onto the stack, the effect is good. (2010-10-03, Visual C++, 28KB, 下载4次)


[VC书籍] RuminationsOnCpp

A book about c++ programming a good teaching materials. The authors over the years in world-famous paper published in the journal, as well as around the world and in the Stanford University lecture materials, lecture notes the essence of (2009-12-28, Visual C++, 7635KB, 下载10次)


[VC书籍] congxiaogongdaochengxuyuan

" Pragmatic Programmer" by a series of separate parts, covering topics from personal responsibility, career development, until used to make the code flexible, and easy to adapt and use a variety of framework technologies, using a number of highly entertaining unheard-of different things, there are examples of thoughtful and interesting analogies, comprehensively explained the many different aspects of software development best achieved and major pitfalls. Whether you are a beginner, there are experienced programmers, or software project manager, this book is suitable for reading. (2009-12-28, Visual C++, 10957KB, 下载6次)


[VC书籍] CPlusPlusChenSiLu

C++ meditation. . Engaged in the development of C++ programmer, be sure to see. This book based on the well-known authors published in the journal technical articles, delivered speeches all over the world, as well as Stanford University, finishing the course lecture notes, writing is made the author' s 10 years of financial poly C++ program career insights. (2009-12-24, Visual C++, 7433KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] Tetris

一个VC++ 可以全屏的俄罗斯方块游戏源程序,比较经典的游戏了,小时候经常玩的,请注意资源文件的相对目录位置,要不然全屏后一片空白,在VC6.0下可顺利编译。
VC++ can be a full-screen source code of the game Tetris, the classic game of comparison, the child often played, please note that the relative resource file directory location, otherwise a blank space after the full-screen in a smooth compile under VC6.0. (2009-08-10, Visual C++, 103KB, 下载15次)


[VC书籍] vcexample280

This is a Topsy VC contains 280 examples of technique, in particular, just want to learn VC rapid access to skilled help the state, Comrade (2009-01-20, Visual C++, 7686KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] lottery-analyse-tool

The artifacts of a Lottery, Sports Lottery with MFC prepared analyzer. To enhance the probability of winning. Does not rely on a powerful data analysis can do it? Ha ha. Note: a few pack of cigarettes money can be fun, not big on the greed. (2008-10-23, Visual C++, 1526KB, 下载93次)


[VC书籍] wuziqi

This procedure achieved through C-2-player computer games Gobang artificial, when the party in the horizontal, vertical or diagonal row on the five have the side pieces, then won Game is over (2008-09-05, Visual C++, 40KB, 下载1次)


[VC书籍] Lab3

If m × n matrix has an element of a [i, j] satisfy the following conditions: a [i, j] is not only the first i elements of the minimum trip, but also is the first j elements out of the maximum value (called for the saddle point), try to write a saddle point matrix algorithm (2008-05-29, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[VC书籍] tcsearch

  本软件收录了355个Turboc 2.0库函数供参考, 希望能给C语言编程爱好者一点帮助学习好C语言。 如果发现软件的内容有错误的请与本人联系谢谢! QQ:48683975 E-mail:LFM1@163.com 程序设计:梁福明
The software includes 355 Turboc 2.0 library for reference, I hope to give fans a little C programming language to help learn a good C language. If it is found that the contents of the software have a mistake please contact me Thank you! QQ: 48683975 E-mail: LFM1@163.com Programming: Liang Fuming (2008-05-07, Visual C++, 231KB, 下载5次)


[VC书籍] VC++2005

VC++ 2005 入门经典的教材,是有霍顿编著的一本好书,强烈推荐,不仅教会你怎样去学编程的语法,更有VS2005的开发环境让你一试身手,小心你看了就会爱上他,(呵呵笑)
VC++ 2005 Introduction to the classic textbook is edited by Horton (2008-03-23, Visual C++, 8183KB, 下载1687次)


[VC书籍] PetFazenda

Using C language in the Brew platform prepared under a small game, (2008-03-11, Visual C++, 849KB, 下载55次)


[VC书籍] guessnumber_mfc

tones, according to the figures you guess, through 1A1B and tell you that we should have played. There is packaged MFC code (2007-04-22, Visual C++, 331KB, 下载11次)
