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[数值算法/人工智能] 2048

如输入 w 1 2 a 5 4 s 11 2 d 13 4 d 9 2   ,表示用户依次进行了如下5次操作: 玩家向上滑动一次,之后在编号1的位置新出现一个数值为2的新增块 玩家向左滑动一次,之后在编号5的位置新出现一个数值为4的新增块 玩家向下滑动一次,之后在编号11的位置新出现一个数值为2的新增块 玩家向右滑动一次,之后在编号13的位置新出现一个数值为4的新增块 玩家向右滑动一次,之后在编号9的位置新出现一个数值为2的新增块 如果编号所在的位置不为空,则修改 编号   编号 16+1,并探索编号所在位置是否为空,弱编号位置不为空,则重复  编号   编号 16+1,直至探索编号位置为空,并增加新增块
The input w 1 2 a 5 4 s 11 2 d 13 4 d 9 2, indicates that the user turn the following five actions: Players slide up once, and then in the position number 1 of the emergence of a new value for the new block 2 players slide to the left once, after the number 5 position of the emergence of a new value for the new players to block a downward slide 4, after the No. 11 position in the emergence of a new value for the new 2 player sliding block once to the right, after the number 13 position in the emergence of a new value for the new players to block 4 slides right once, after No. 9 position emerging a new value for the location of the block 2 where if the number is not empty, then modify the number number 16+1, and explore the location number is empty, weak position number is not empty, then repeat number number 16+1, until the position is empty explore numbers and increase new block (2016-12-07, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[数值算法/人工智能] s2

设数组A中存放互不相同的n个整数,试编写算法, 输出从这n个数中取出k个数的所有组合(0<k< n)。
A set stored in the array of n integers different each other, try to write the algorithm, the output the number n Remove all combinations of the number k (0 <k< n)。 (2016-10-20, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] text

Let the set S = {x1, x2, ..., xn} is a set of positive integers, c is a positive integer, a subset of the problem and determine whether there is a subset S S1, so that the elements of S1 and is c. Try to design a solution subset and problems backtracking. (2016-06-08, Visual C++, 1201KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Digital-triangle-and-the-biggest

Suppose someone starting the top of the triangle, in each node can choose left or right, go straight to the bottom.Try to design an algorithm that helps the person the top to the bottom, make it go by the sum of all Numbers is the largest. (2016-05-23, Visual C++, 117KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] The-sub-matrix-sum

Set up a two-dimensional matrix of the element as an integer, the size of its matrix can be any size, but not greater than the size of the matrix, the child and for all of its elements and matrix.Try to write a program to calculate the maximum of all child matrix and matrix. (2016-05-23, Visual C++, 103KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] paixusuanfa

In textbooks, various internal sorting algorithm time complexity analysis algorithm is given only to the order of time, or about the execution time.Through random data to compare the algorithm of keyword comparison frequency and the number of key mobile, in order to obtain intuitive feelings. (2016-03-24, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] medi

设X[0:n-1]和Y[0:n-1]为2 个数组,每个数组中含有n 个已排好序的数。试设计一个 O(log n)时间的算法,找出X 和Y 的2n 个数的中位数。
Let X [0: n-1] and Y [0: n-1] for the two arrays, each array containing the n number has been sorted. Try to design an O (log n) time algorithm to find the X and Y 2n median number. (2013-09-06, Visual C++, 77KB, 下载32次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Stack-and-queue

假设正读和反读都相同的字符序列为“回文”,例如,‘abba’和‘abcba’是回文,‘abcde’ 和‘ababab’则不是回文。试写一个算法判别读入的一个以‘@’为结束符的字符序列是否是“回文”
Assumptions are read and read the same sequence of characters as "palindrome", for example, Abba and abcba is a palindrome, ABCDE and ababab is not a palindrome. Try to write an algorithm for distinguishing reads a sequence of characters at the end of the @ is for "palindrome" (2013-06-24, Visual C++, 29KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] bala

符号平衡问题 给定n(1<=n<=3,000,000)个整数a1,a2,…,an组成的序列,试设计一个O(n) 时间算法,计算其最长符号平衡段的长度
Symbol balance problems given n (1 < = n < = 3,000,000) integers a1, a2, ..., aN sequence of trial design of an O (n) time algorithm to calculate the equilibrium stage the length of the longest symbol (2012-11-21, Visual C++, 62KB, 下载10次)


[数值算法/人工智能] matrix

Assuming a sparse matrix A and B are in triples table as a storage structure, try to write the matrix (multiplied by- election) algorithm by adding additional triples Table C store the resulting matrix. (2012-11-14, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载5次)


[数值算法/人工智能] shujujiegou

Design a test to a group of English words arranged according to the base of lexicographic sorting algorithm. Let the words are lower case letters or spaces constitutes the longest word has MaxLen letters (2011-03-03, Visual C++, 53KB, 下载9次)


[数值算法/人工智能] e3_4

Consider the integer linear programming problem max (ci* xi) try to design a solution of this problem, dynamic programming algorithm, and analysis of algorithms computational complexity (2009-12-21, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载159次)


[数值算法/人工智能] caisuijishu

C++程序设计作业:猜取随机数 系统随机给出一个0到99之间的两位数,玩者通过键盘输入一个数,系统判别输入数和随机数,然后给出大或小的提示,玩者在给定回合内继续输入直到得到该随机数为止
C++ programming operation: take a random guess the number of systems are given a random between 0-99 double-digit, playing through a number of keyboard input, the system identification number and the random number input, and then given large or small tips, play in a given round continue to enter until the random number received so far (2009-07-08, Visual C++, 47KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] find_the_middle_number

Set X [0: n-1] and Y [0: n-1] for the two arrays, each array has n good order have been ranked the number and try to design a O (logn) time algorithm to find of the X and Y in the 2n-digit number. (2009-04-12, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载106次)


[数值算法/人工智能] suijishu

脧渭脥 鲁 脣忙 禄煤 赂 酶 鲁 枚脪禄 赂 枚0渭 陆 99脰 庐 录 盲渭脛脕 陆 脦 禄脢媒, 脥忙脮脽脥 篓 鹿 媒 录 眉脜脤脢盲脠毛脪禄 赂 枚脢媒, 脧渭脥 鲁 脜脨 卤 冒脢盲脠毛脢媒 潞 脥脣忙 禄煤脢媒, 脠禄 潞 贸 赂 酶 鲁 枚 (2008-08-27, Visual C++, 47KB, 下载3次)


[数值算法/人工智能] suanfayuxitingjiegou

Minimum weight design problems in the machine: a machine set up by the N-components, each component can be different from the M vendors. Wij for j from supplier i purchased the weight of components, cij is the corresponding price. Try to design an algorithm (2007-12-23, Visual C++, 109KB, 下载296次)


[数值算法/人工智能] dia

A given plane, composed of n points of the polygon P have n edges of length, try to design a O (n) time algorithm to calculate the diameter of the polygon P (2007-11-13, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] medi

′问题描述: 设 X[0:n-1]和 Y[0:n-1]为 2 个数组,每个数组中含有 n 个已排好序的数。试设计一个 O(logn)时间的算法,找出X和Y的2n个数的中位数。 例如,当n=7,X=[1,3,6,7,8,9,10];Y=[2,4,5,11,12,13,14]时,X 和Y 的中位数是7。 (2007-08-26, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载19次)


[数值算法/人工智能] aba

try to write an algorithm for the discriminant read into a '@' website at the end of the sequence of characters is whether the "Palindrome" (2006-06-21, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载12次)


[数值算法/人工智能] SwitchViewInSDI

算法简单描述如下: 如果当前棋局为终局状态,则返回状态分 从当前棋局的状态出发,找出一个可走的步数,试走此部,新状态扩展为当前棋局的 一个子结点 此子结点做为新的当前状态递归调用 (此过程中可加入α-β裁减) 思考:如果采用循环代替递归,保存所有已构造的节点,在下一次构造博奕树时本次构造 的节点可能重复利用,节省构造时间。
err (2006-05-10, Visual C++, 42KB, 下载5次)
