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[WEB开发] digital-design-grp-12

Dino Fit Adventure! Play Chrome Dino in real world with your body movement! Course project of Digital Design, Tsinghua University. (2024-02-04, Verilog, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] lc3_guess-number

A project that accomplish a simple game.Please use vivado.etc to generate bitstream or use existed bit file,then you can play your game! (2023-12-30, Verilog, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] FPGA-Blackjack

单人21点游戏,可在Altera DE2-115 FPGA板上玩。游戏是用Verilog设计的,类似于Atari 2600版本的21点。它采用玩家对计算机模式,其中计算机充当经销商。包含线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR)和有限状态机(FSM)。
A single-person game of blackjack, playable on the Altera DE2-115 FPGA board. The game is designed in Verilog and resembles the Atari 2600 version of blackjack. It features a player-versus-computer mode, where the computer acts as the dealer. Contains a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) and a Finite State Machine (FSM). (2023-12-28, Verilog, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] simonGameFPGA

While taking "Logic Circuit Design" course, I have developed a game called "Simon" that can be played on FPGA Card (2023-12-19, Verilog, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] SlotMachine

Interactive slotmachine game made for use with nexys3 board. Includes lights, sounds, and FUN! See readme for instructions on how to play, (2015-07-24, Verilog, 0KB, 下载0次)


[超算/并行计算] processor

This processor is a beast with multicore. JK it is not multicore, but we will be playing bug_on_a_wire, (2016-04-27, Verilog, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] verilog_examples

A few verilog examples to help students to start playing with Verilog and the Icarus simulator, (2021-02-23, Verilog, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Reaction-Timer-2

一个verilog项目,使用DE10 Lite板允许用户玩两个不同的游戏,旨在测试他们的 React速度。2.0...,
A verilog project which uses a DE10-Lite board to allow users to play two different games designed to test their reaction speed. The 2.0 extension is because this was designed as an improvement on a project for a class. (2018-02-01, Verilog, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] FPGATictactoegame

In this project, we implemented a different kind of a tic tac toe board game that is played on an FPGA board using its push buttons. We used Verilog HDL to code the project and implemented a VGA interface for visualization. (2023-07-25, Verilog, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] fpga-snake

在VGA显示器上玩简单的蛇游戏,专为Altera DE2打造
Simple snake game played on a VGA monitor, built for Altera DE2 (2020-01-27, Verilog, 21KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Whac-A-Mole-FPGA

Verilog HDL的一个项目,在BASYS 2 FPGA板上玩whac-A-mole游戏。
A project by Verilog HDL to play the whac-a-mole game on BASYS 2 FPGA board. (2019-09-25, Verilog, 321KB, 下载0次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] FlappyBird-Machine-learning-FPGA

用遗传算法在FPGA上进行机器学习的自玩Flappy Bird游戏。
Self playing Flappy Bird game with machine learning on FPGA with genetic algoritm . (2019-06-25, Verilog, 27588KB, 下载0次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] 深入浅出玩转FPGA 第

FPGA related information, detailed content, clear explanation, part of the actual column more commonly used, a good introductory book (2020-08-26, Verilog, 40516KB, 下载4次)


[文章/文档] 1.深入浅出玩转FPGA_吴厚航

Excellent Teaching Materials for Learning FPGA (2019-05-11, Verilog, 28695KB, 下载4次)



DE1-SOC实验开发板和Verilog HDL语言的交互式程序作品,选择避障小车作为课程设计题目,并根据选题制定了如下设计需求: 1.能实现基本的避障小车功能,即躲避障碍,变速,计分,计时显示游戏开始、进行和结束画面; 2.能实现人机交互功能,玩家可通过外接键盘或DE1-SOC开发板自带按键和开关操作小车转向; 3.能通过VGA在显示屏中显示,并且能达到5Hz的刷新频率; 4.能实现自定义小车和障碍物皮肤的功能;
DE1-SOC experiment development board and Verilog HDL language interactive program works. Our group chooses obstacle avoidance car as curriculum design topic, and according to the selected topic, we have designed the following design requirements. 1. can achieve the basic obstacle avoidance car function, that is to avoid obstacles, speed, score, timing display games start, carry out and end the picture; 2. can achieve human-computer interaction function, players can use the external keyboard or DE1-SOC development board to carry button and switch to operate the car. 3. can be displayed in the display screen by VGA, and can reach the refresh frequency of 5Hz. 4. can realize the function of the custom car and the obstacle skin. (2018-03-17, Verilog, 20652KB, 下载26次)
