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[书籍源码] 源代码

飞行员兄弟 需要玩家顺利的打开一个拥有16个把手的冰箱 只有当所有把手都打开时,冰箱才会打开
Pilot brothers need players to open a refrigerator with 16 handles (2020-06-22, Java, 1KB, 下载0次)


[书籍源码] sap5

sap5是线弹性结构静动力分析有限元程序。 该程序是美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校土木工程教授WILSON和他的博士研究生BATHE等编制。1979.5~1979.7美籍华人学者卞学鐄、张之勇应我国五机部的邀请,在北京工业学院举办有限元学习班,并赠送了该程序。沈阳鼓风机厂、北京汽车制造厂、杭州汽轮机厂、西安六三一研究所、五机部计算中心、二机部遵义计算站、西安红旗机械厂等单位先后进行移植。1980年后陆续调试完毕,投入正常使用。同时对有些工科大学学生进行为期50学时的授课。
SAP5 is a static and dynamic finite element program for linear elastic structures. The program was compiled by WILSON, a professor of civil engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, and his doctoral student, BATHE. From May 1979 to July 1979, Chinese-American scholars Bian Xuetao and Zhang Zhiyong, at the invitation of the Five Machinery Departments of China, held a finite element course at the Beijing Institute of Technology and presented the program. Shenyang Blower Plant, Beijing Automobile Manufacturing Plant, Hangzhou Steam Turbine Plant, Xi'an 631 Research Institute, Five Machinery Department Computing Center, Second Machinery Department Zunyi Computing Station, Xi'an Red Flag Machinery Factory and other units have been transplanted. After commissioning in 1980, it was put into operation normally. At the same time, some engineering university students teach for 50 hours. (2018-09-03, Fortran, 987KB, 下载29次)


[书籍源码] ourdev_549748

国际上通用的* 种热电偶,即#,8,9,5,:,6, 及 " 型号的热电偶,按!"# $ & 要求,中国计量科学院凌 善康等人应用美国标准与技术研究所(:!#")和美国试 验与材料学会(<#".)给出的有关公式和系数,进行了 计算并编制了分度表,于’ 7 年出版。因此,使用这些 公式进行编程计算,打印计算结果并与分度表比较,使 程序的编制和对程序正确性的验证有了充分的依据
Internationally accepted* thermocouple, that#, 8,9,5,:, 6 and " type thermocouple, according to!" # $ & Requirements, China Institute of Metrology Lingshan Kang, who applied the United States (:!#" ) Institute of Standards and Technology and the American Society for Testing and Materials (< #" .) given the formula and coefficients were calculated and the preparation of the indexing table in ' 7 was published. Therefore, the program calculated using these formulas, print results and comparison with the indexing table, the program' s preparation and verification of the correctness of the program have a sufficient basis for (2011-07-02, Visual C++, 95KB, 下载13次)


[书籍源码] 345345

这是一本C++编程方面的经典书籍,作者是一对享有盛誉的技术伉俪,Andrew Boeing和Barbar Moo。本书基于作者在知名技术杂志发表的技术文章、世界各地发表的演讲以及斯坦福大学的课程讲义整理、写作而成,融聚了作者10多年C++程序生涯的真知灼见。全书分为大部分,共32章,分别对C++语言的历史和特点、类和继承、STL与泛型编程、库的设计等几大技术话题进行了详细而深入的讨论,细微之处几乎涵盖了C++所有的设计思想和技术细节。全书通过精心挑选的实例,向读者传达先进的程序设计的方法和理念。本书适合有一定C++编程经验的程序员阅读。
C++ meditation, it is the classic book (2010-05-22, C/C++, 1780KB, 下载5次)


[书籍源码] baoan

1.问题描述 世界名画陈列馆有m*n个陈列室组成。为了防止名画被盗,需要在陈列室设置警卫机器人哨位,每算法个警卫机器人除了监视它所在的陈列室之外,还可以监视与它所在的陈列室相邻的上,下,左,右4个陈列室。 2.要求 试要求,设计一个安排警卫机器人哨位的算法,使得名画陈列馆的每个陈列室都在警卫机器人监视之下,切所用的警卫机器人数目最少。
1. Description of the problem: world-famous paintings m* n rows of buildings are composed of a showroom. In order to prevent the paintings stolen, you need to set the security robot sentinel showroom, each algorithm is a security robot in addition to monitor it in the showroom, you can also watch it in the showroom with the adjacent upper and lower, left, Right 4 showrooms. 2. Requested test requirements, design an arrangement guard robot sentinel algorithm, making paintings in each gallery showroom are under the surveillance of the security robot, cutting the number of robots used by security guards at least. (2010-01-09, Visual C++, 37KB, 下载66次)


[书籍源码] ehTETQ8h

自己照TTCP写的一个测试网络的程序 还不完善 不过这个功能是可以实现的 里面是源代码+说明+程序 感兴趣的朋友可以试下 也希望给我提出建议 说明: 类似于ping命令的的发包程序 需要两台电脑 因为是用UDP做的 不是ICMP 格式: xyz -p -n 100 -w 100 -l 1000 -p 代表ping 还有其他功能的 不过目前都没做 -n 代表发包个数 -l 代表包的大小是多少字节 简单的格式就是 xyz -p 其他参数是可以随便加的 需要两台电脑 一台发 一台收 另一台写 xyz -r 就可以了
A simple tool for sending packet (2009-06-07, Visual C++, 41KB, 下载33次)


[书籍源码] energy211Lecture11ToLecture20

斯坦福Energy211/CME211课《c++编程——地球科学科学家和工程师》的课件,源代码和作业。这门课将教授你C++,软件工程和更多的知识。教材是《C++ Primer》第四版。进度按照《C++ Primer》书里的编排。除了总结书里的内容,课堂上还有很多针对科学计算的例子和源码。本课一共30讲。此压缩包包括第1讲到第10讲的课件,源代码和作业。 第十一讲:指针(继续)和容器 第十二讲:递归和调试器 第十三讲:类 第十四讲:类(继续) 第十五讲:重载 第十六讲:讨论项目一 第十七讲:类(继续) 第十八讲:泛型编程 第十九讲:无 第二十讲:异常处理
The Stanford Course Energy211/CME211--Computer Programming in C++ for Earth Scientists and Engineers, will teach you the basic C++, software engineering, and more. It uses C++ Primer(the Fourth Edition) as its textbook, and follows its organization. This compressed file includes the courseware, source code and assignment from Lecture 1 to Lecture 10. Lecture 11: Pointers, cont d and Vector Lecture 12: Recursion and Debugger Lecture 13: Classes Lecture 14: Classes, cont d Lecture 15: Overloading Lecture 16: Project 1 Discussion Lecture 17: Classes, cont d Lecture 18: Generic Programming Lecture 19: None Lecture 20: Exceptions (2009-05-17, Unix_Linux, 227KB, 下载5次)


[书籍源码] energy211Lecture1ToLecture10

斯坦福Energy211/CME211课《c++编程——地球科学科学家和工程师》的课件,源代码和作业。这门课将教授你C++,软件工程和更多的知识。教材是《C++ Primer》第四版。进度按照《C++ Primer》书里的编排。除了总结书里的内容,课堂上还有很多针对科学计算的例子和源码。本课一共30讲。此压缩包包括第1讲到第10讲的课件,源代码和作业。 第一讲:介绍 第二讲:C++入门 第三讲:类型和简单变量 第四讲:命名空间和标准库 第五讲:数组 第六讲:表达式 第七讲:循环 第八讲:函数 第九讲:输入输出库 第十讲:指针
The Stanford Course Energy211/CME211--Computer Programming in C++ for Earth Scientists and Engineers, will teach you the basic C++, software engineering, and more. It uses C++ Primer(the Fourth Edition) as its textbook, and follows its organization. This compressed file includes the courseware, source code and assignment from Lecture 1 to Lecture 10. Lecture 1: Introduction Lecture 2: Getting Started with C++ Lecture 3: Types and Simple Variables Lecture 4: Namespace and Standard Library Lecture 5: Arrays Lecture 6: Expressions Lecture 7: Looping Lecture 8: Functions Lecture 9: The IO Library Lecture 10: Pointers (2009-05-17, Unix_Linux, 3516KB, 下载16次)


[书籍源码] zhongweishu.cpp

X[0:n-1]和Y[0:n-1]为2个数组,每个数组中含有n个已排好序的数。 试设计一个O(log n)时间的算法,找出X和Y的2n个数的中位数。
X [0: n-1] and Y [0: n-1] for the two arrays, each array contains n have lined up a number sequence. Try to design a O (log n) time algorithm to find X and Y number of 2n median. (2008-08-31, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载24次)


[书籍源码] medi

设X[0:n-1]和Y[0:n-1] 为2 个数组,每个数组中含有n 个已排好序的数。试设计一个O(log n) 时间的算法,找出X 和Y 的2n 个数的中位数。
Set X [0: n-1] and Y [0: n-1] for the two arrays, each array contains n have lined up a number sequence. Try to design a O (log n) time algorithm to find X and Y number of 2n median. (2008-07-07, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载22次)


[书籍源码] juzhengxiangjia

5.22④ 假设系数矩阵A和B均以三元组表作为存储结构。 试写出满足以下条件的矩阵相加的算法:假设三元组表A 的空间足够大,将矩阵B加到矩阵A上,不增加A、B之外 的附加空间,你的算法能否达到O(m+n)的时间复杂度?其 中m和n分别为A、B矩阵中非零元的数目。
5.22 ④ assumptions coefficient matrix A and B are in three groups, as the storage structure. Try to write the following conditions are met the matrix sum of the algorithm: Suppose Table A triple room is large enough, will be added to the matrix A matrix B, not to increase A, B in addition to space, your algorithm can achieve O (m+ n) time complexity? which m and n, respectively, for A, B matrix in the number of non-zero element. (2008-07-01, C/C++, 3KB, 下载2次)


[书籍源码] ch3.16

Ch03 Ex16 [Ch03 Ex16] 假设如题3.1所述火车调度站的入口处有n节硬席或软席车厢(分别以H和S表示) 等待调度,试编写算法,输出对这n节车厢进行调度的操作(即入栈或出栈操作)序列,以使用 所有的软席车厢都被调整到硬席车厢之前。 串。
Ch03 Ex16 [Ch03 Ex16] assumptions, such as described in 3.1 title at the entrance to the train station scheduling has n hard seat section or Green compartment (H and S, respectively, to express) to wait for scheduling, preparation of test algorithm, the output of these n cars for scheduling operation (that is, a stack operation or?) sequence, to use all of the Green compartments were adjusted to the hard seat compartment before. String. (2008-05-12, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[书籍源码] VF123

您现在使用的软件或注册器,由本站整理收集!欢迎访问我们网站║  ║我们网站包括:国产软件注册,各类软件注册码,注册器,跟踪调║   ║试工具,各类破解实例,精品软件推介!我们所有资料软件皆从网║  ║上收集整理而来,并非本站作品,而且都注明了出处!仅限参考、║   ║教学与个人使用交流!请勿用于商业目的,本站不对你的使用负任║  ║何责任!如果你想使用我们收集的软件破解,必须先同意这个协议
You can now use the software or registration, and by finishing the collection site! Welcome to our website our website ║ ║ include: China-made software to register all types of software code, registration, and tracking test tune ║ ║ tools, examples of various types of crack, software products to promote! We have all the information the software from the network on ║ ║ collected from this site does not work, but will state that the source! Reference only, ║ ║ exchange of teaching and personal use! Do not be used for commercial purposes, your use of this site does not bear any responsibility ║ ║ Ho! If you want to use our software to crack the collection, they must first agree to this agreement (2007-11-07, VFP, 277KB, 下载5次)
