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[认证考试资料] FU-XI-TI

高级工理论复习题.rar 带答案 装配钳工高级理论知识 数控铣工复习题 广告复习题 高级维修电工知识复习题 高级数控车工知识考题       高级家用电子产品维修工知识复习 高 级 车 工 知 识 试 卷 服装制作工高级知识复习题
Senior Engineering Theory Review Questions. Rar with answers Assembly fitter advanced theoretical knowledge of CNC milling Advertising Review Questions Review Questions Review Questions senior maintenance electrician knowledge of CNC lathe advanced knowledge exam senior home electronics repairman knowledge review papers Senior turner knowledge advanced knowledge of apparel production workers review questions (2014-05-08, Visual C++, 348KB, 下载2次)


[认证考试资料] dynamips-0.2.7-cygwin

CCNA考试设备配置模拟软件,Dynamips,是一款专业的 Cisco7200/3600路由器模拟器,用户可以在Dynamips 虚拟出 的环境中直接运行Cisco IOS 软件,这个过程类似于在PC上使用街机模拟器玩街机游戏一 样。
CCNA exam equipment simulation software (2013-04-24, C/C++, 1281KB, 下载1次)


[认证考试资料] VB0

马上又要期末考试了,给孩子一个VB复习资料宝典,助你们考试通过。 本文综合了VB的主要特点,供考试使用。
Once again the final exam, and give children a VB Collection review materials to help you pass the exam. This paper synthesizes the main features of VB, for exam use. (2011-06-02, Visual Basic, 87KB, 下载0次)


[认证考试资料] english.attach

这是新东方老师的词根词缀 可以很好的的记单词 可以试一下
This is a new teacher' s roots affixes the East can be very good to try to memorize words can be (2009-10-26, PHP, 800KB, 下载7次)


[认证考试资料] C_Programming_practice

Nankai 3 PC title on the machine 100. Would like to test for the three-tier PC computer examinations, it is good preparation materials. 100 title to do this to ensure that you can easily have a PC-3 trial! (2008-03-18, Visual C++, 600KB, 下载18次)
