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[OpenCV] 茶叶茶艺茶道茶文化PPT模板

This is a double race walking game. It's a two person game strategy game. There are two points in the game. The first player can control the trend of the first point according to R, G, F and D. (2018-03-25, PHP, 9705KB, 下载1次)


[OpenCV] opencv3之目标跟踪(单目标、多目标)

对于刚入门的opencv玩家,提起目标跟踪,马上想起的就是camshift,但是camshift跟踪往往达不到我们的跟踪要求,包括稳定性和准确性。 opencv3.1版本发行后,集成了多个跟踪算法,即tracker,大部分都是近年VOT竞赛榜上有名的算法,虽然仍有缺陷存在,但效果还不错。
For incoming opencv players, CAMSHIFT is the key to target tracking, but CAMSHIFT tracking often fails to achieve our tracking requirements, including stability and accuracy. After the release of opencv3.1, multiple tracking algorithms, namely tracker, have been integrated. Most of them are famous algorithms in recent VOT competition. Though there are still some defects, they still have good results. (2017-12-26, C/C++, 3KB, 下载14次)


[OpenCV] opencvof

稀疏光流Demo 此程序是斯坦福大学大牛David Stavens 2007年编写,其中程序注解详尽,配有PPT和PDF讲解图文并茂,非常适合初学者学习使用。 本程序基于OpenCV。
Sparse Optical Flow Demo this program at Stanford University in 2007, Daniel David Stavens written program notes which detail with PPT and PDF to explain illustrated, ideal for beginners learning to use. The program is based on OpenCV. (2016-04-29, Visual C++, 4181KB, 下载7次)


[OpenCV] CB2010_OpenCV

真正可以在c++ builder 2010 下编译的Opencv文件。压缩包中包含必须的dll,lib和h文件,并有OpenCVExample.cbproj可测试运行,具体信息见doc文档。
The real opencv project in c++ builder 2010. the attachment consists of the needed dll,lib and h files. the OpenCVExample.cbproj can be open and run. the detail information refer to doc document. (2012-05-01, C++ Builder, 9102KB, 下载72次)


[OpenCV] OpenCV_OpticalFlow

稀疏光流Demo 此程序是斯坦福大学大牛David Stavens 2007年编写,其中程序注解详尽,配有PPT和PDF讲解图文并茂,非常适合初学者学习使用。 本程序基于OpenCV。
Sparse Optical Flow Demo This program is Stanford University Daniel David Stavens 2007 was prepared, including detailed program notes, PPT and PDF with illustrations to explain, very suitable for beginners to use. The program is based on OpenCV. (2011-10-13, C++ Builder, 5515KB, 下载26次)
