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按分类查找All 电子书籍(35) 

[电子书籍] programming_for_kids

A community book like those old BASIC books where kids typed in source code to play a game. Fork and write!, (2017-09-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] NovelSpider

Learn the simple crawler program completed by the python language sketch framework written on trial, crawl the novel and store the content to the MySQL database according to books and chapters, and the data can be used for other tests., (2019-05-17, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] Cortex-M3 权威指南

不管你是做软件的还是做硬件的,只要相中了ARM的Cortex-M3处理器,这本书就是 为你而写。目标读者包括:一线程序员,嵌入式产品设计师,片上系统(SoC)工程师,嵌入式系统发烧友,学院研究员,还包括所有涉猎过单片机和微处理器领域,慧眼识珍看中了Cortex-M3的人民大众们。 本书要给Cortex-M3的架构做一个简介,浏览一下指令系统,写几个段代码练练手, 说一些硬件特性,再表一表该处理器精深的调试系统。本书还给出了应用程序范例,手 把手地教你使用开发工具,包括ARM的工具和GNU的工具链。如果你以前是ARM7TDMI 的玩家,正准备着升级装备到Cortex-M3,本书也非常解渴,里面讲述了两者的不同, 以及鸟枪换炮的升级过程。
Whether you do software or hardware, as long as you like arm Cortex-M3 processor, this book is Write for you. Target readers include: front-line programmers, embedded product designers, system on chip (SOC) engineers, embedded system enthusiasts, college researchers, as well as all the people who have been involved in the field of single chip microcomputer and microprocessor, and have a good eye for Cortex-M3. This book will give a brief introduction to the architecture of Cortex-M3, browse the instruction system, write a few pieces of code to practice, Some hardware features, and a table of the processor's deep debugging system. This book also gives examples of applications, hands Hand to teach you to use development tools, including arm tools and GNU tool chain. If you used to be ARM7 TDMI This book is also very thirsty. It describes the difference between the two, As well as the upgrade process. (2020-11-24, Asm, 6023KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] 数据库系统实现

本书是关于数据库系统实现方面内容最为全面的著作之一,是美国斯坦福大学计算机科学专业数据库系列课程第二门课程的指定教材。斯坦福大学计算机科学专业数据库系列课程第一门课程的内容包括数据库设计和数据库编程。本书的后两位作者Jeffrey D.UIIman和Jennifer Widom为该课程编写的教材《数据库系统基础教程》(A First Course in Database Systems)第3版的中文翻译版和英文影印版已由机械工业出版社出版。
This book is one of the most comprehensive works on database system implementation. It is the designated textbook for the second course of database series of computer science major at Stanford University in the United States. The first course of the Stanford Computer Science Database Series includes database design and database programming. Jeffrey D. UIIman and Jennifer Widom, the last two authors of this book, have published the Chinese translation and English photocopy of the third edition of A First Course in Database Systems for this course. (2019-06-15, C/C++, 27065KB, 下载6次)


[电子书籍] Java Puzzlers

"Every programming language has its quirks. This lively book reveals oddities of the Java programming language through entertaining and thought-provoking programming puzzles. (2019-03-17, Java, 4158KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] C语言经典算法100例+中文pdf版

100 cases of C language classic algorithm + Chinese pdf version (2018-02-26, C/C++, 2865KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] guide of fpga

《深入浅出玩转FPGA 第二版》用过的最详细的fpga指导书。
The best guide of fpga that I have ever read. (2017-12-01, Vivado, 65689KB, 下载17次)


[电子书籍] 深入浅出玩转fpga

This book explains FPGA, very suitable for beginners to see, is conducive to rapid understanding of FPGA development (2017-07-14, VHDL, 12663KB, 下载25次)


[电子书籍] LINUX24leaning

Install linux from the most basic beginning, the Church in your linux system, how to carry out the common operation of the Internet, word processing, typesetting printing, the use of graphical tools, games and so on, to ensure you Fun linux (2009-12-02, Unix_Linux, 33048KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] 2

电脑基础知识相关精华书籍2包括 扩展名详解.chm 流媒体论坛精华.chm 奇招妙术玩转办公软件.pdf 启动光盘完全手册.chm 清一的网址收藏.chm 等10多个电子精华书籍
Basic knowledge of computer-related essence of books, including two extensions Xiang Jie. Chm streaming media forum essence. Chm wonderful style all their own patients Fun office software. Pdf bootable CD complete manual. Chm clear a Web site collection. Chm essence more than 10 e-books (2009-09-04, Others, 36805KB, 下载7次)


[电子书籍] YoungShin_ION_GNSS07

2007年 ion gnss 会议,斯坦福大学的学生做的关在在电离层风暴中laas系统安全的相关分析
Stanford University Young Shin Park, Godwin Zhang, Sam Pullen, and Per Enge Data-Replay Analysis of LAAS Safety during Ionosphere Storms (2009-05-21, PPT, 2614KB, 下载29次)


[电子书籍] 2001

)需要下载地图,几年前的游戏,地图服务器已经关停,网上有此游戏的破解 ... k.pconline.com.cn/question/575523.html - 14k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 TXT、JAR和UMD电子书制作、编辑及转换教程-手机-诺基亚-天极网TXT、JAR和UMD电子书制作、编辑及转换教程,手机技巧, 手机, 中国最权威手机资源内容网站, 面向众多手机用户, 手机科技资讯时尚, 集手机最新资讯, 手机娱乐, 手机技巧, ... mobile.yesky.com/mobileskill/389/3040889.shtml - 55k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 有没有在手机上编辑TXT文档的jar软件?_百度知道如题,我以前也安装过几个,可是用JAR编辑的文本文档不能用电脑编辑,在电脑上打开以后全部是方框。在电脑上编辑的文本文档也不能用JAR编辑。。。 我希望有个通用的。 ... zhidao.baidu.com/question/44694697.html - 17k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 aMiniEditor 一个java微型编辑器程序(需为*.jar) Windows Develop ...相关搜索: java 编辑器jar java 编辑器 MiniEditor(记事本) jar jar编辑器 aMiniEditor. 输入关键字,在本站50万海量源码库中尽情搜索:
err (2009-01-13, VHDL, 33KB, 下载5次)


[电子书籍] DMX

DMX灯光控制系统一 电脑灯DMX512协议信号DMX是Digital Multipiex 的缩写。ESTA是美国娱乐服务与技术协会.
DMX lighting control system of one computer DMX signal lights DMX512 protocol is an acronym for Digital Multipiex. ESTA is the American entertainment services and technology association. (2008-07-10, WORD, 61KB, 下载74次)


[电子书籍] chengxuyuanxiulianzhidao

"programmers meditation technique" of a series of independent parts, covering topics from personal responsibility, career development, make straight for the code to remain flexible, and easy to adapt and reuse the structure, using many of the rich entertainment anecdotal, thoughtful and interesting example of the analogy, a comprehensive explanation of the software development of many different aspects of best practice and a major trap. Whether you are a beginner, is an experienced programmer, software project managers, the book are suitable for your reading. (2006-05-22, Others, 1355KB, 下载81次)


[电子书籍] reg51try

registry use Daquan, including series in the windows operating system, there are many small skills, it is worth a try to beautify your system (2006-04-10, MultiPlatform, 315KB, 下载21次)
