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按分类查找All ICQ/即时通讯(37) 

[ICQ/即时通讯] QQ_paiming

一时兴起,想查一下群里的朋友发言总数排行,于是就简单的写了这个脚本,纯属娱乐或者辅助踢人工具. 放在PHP环境中,建立一个uptxt文件夹,就可以运行程序了,本程序的主要功能是可以统计出QQ群的发言排行.
On a whim, want to check group of friends to speak for the total number of charts and simple wrote the script, is purely entertainment or auxiliary kicking tool. On the PHP environment, establish a uptxt folder, is can run the program the, the main function of this procedure is can statistics speak ranking of the QQ group. (2016-08-17, HTML, 6KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] lanyaliantiao

A Bluetooth connection for the use of chat, no networking, as long as the phone supports Bluetooth can be chat, will not spend any. Imitation QQ chat interface settings, bubble type information display interface, beautiful and generous, comfortable and natural. Personal data can be set at the same time to view the personal information of the connection side. Can also be a file transfer, the two sides to facilitate the process of sending pictures to send pictures. Is a very fun, easy to use the new Bluetooth applications! (2016-05-16, PHP-PERL, 4203KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] mchat

软件介绍 每个人进入聊天室不需要密码,当名字注册后可以受密码保护,别人就不能用你的名字进入了。有私聊,表情,颜色等部分功能,聊天室的主人有踢人权。点浏览器的刷新不会使聊客退出。可在线开设聊天室,室主可设定聊天室的功能,背景色等等。在简版中,可以注册名字,但不能修改密码等其它属性;可以开设聊天室,在申请时对聊天室进行设置,但不能修改设置。
Software introduction Each person entering the chat room does not require a password, when the name of the registration can be protected by password, others can not use your name to enter the. Private chat, face, color, and other parts of the function, the owner of the chat room to play human rights. Point of the browser refresh will not make chat off. Online chat rooms, the main function of the chat room can set the background color and so on. In the simplified version, you can register the name, but can not modify other attributes such as password, you can set up a chat room, in the application of the chat room to set up, but can not modify the settings. (2016-03-14, C#, 16KB, 下载2次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] cmsChat

Instant messaging is no longer a simple chat tool, it has evolved into a set of communication, information, entertainment, search, e-commerce, office collaboration and enterprise customer service for an integrated information platform. With the development of mobile Internet, the Internet instant messaging also to the expansion of mobility. Currently, Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo and other major instant messaging providers offer access to the Internet via mobile phone instant messaging service, the user can have mobile phones and other mobile phones or computers send and receive messages corresponding client software installed. (2015-05-20, Java, 2259KB, 下载2次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] QQ-pet-masters-of-memory

Before two days of playing QQ pet masters of memory, if only rely on their own memory found a little trouble, then do this gadget, the principle is very simple, is to open the turning over cards in the QQ pet point, press F6 to save the current mouse position of the brand, so that each brand all over the time, you will put all the cards displayed, then find the same card is much easier. (2014-09-27, Visual Basic, 9KB, 下载3次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] WLYCmpszgj-a5

WLYC cards Brush Brush QQ software tools like business cards like software. Without trumpet, brush about 500 per day, free trial brush, software has a second hairpin platform. 撤消修改 您提供的翻译将用于改善翻译质量,并可能以匿名方式供其他用户参考提供建议关闭感谢您提交的内容。 Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察将文件或链接拖放到此处以翻译文档或网页。 将链接拖放到此处以翻译网页。 我们不支持您拖放的文件类型,请尝试其他文件类型。 我们不支持您拖放的链接类型,请尝试其他类型的链接。 (2014-06-03, Java, 1359KB, 下载8次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] qq2012_beta1_build0016_unsigned

适用机型诺基亚 7650,3560,7250,8910i,6200,3650,3530,7210,6100,6610,6220,3300,6108,3100,7250i,3200,7600,7200,6820,6230,3108,5140,6620,6255,6610i,3120,N-Gage QD,6170,2650,7270,7260,9300,3125,6020,6235,3128,6822,6101,6230i,6030,6021,8800,3220 (闪信版),6102,6280(6282),6270,6111,6265,6060,6268,2652,7360,7370,2355,2855,6165,7380,6233,6234,6235i,6103,3152,6125,6070,6136,2610,6126,2865,6151,6080,6275,7390,7373,6085,6288,5200,5300,6086,1325,7088,5070,2660,2760,2630c,2505,1208,3109c,6500c,6500s,8600,3500c,6267,6275i,6131i NFC,6555,5610XM,5310XM,8900,6301,5710,6263,3110 Evolve,7500Prism 水晶版,7900 Crystal Prism,1209,6300i,7070,5000,2680s,1680c,6212c,5220XM,5320XM,5208,3600s,6600s,6205,7510a,7610s,7210c,3610a,1508,8208,3608,E90i,1681C,8800ca,7100s,6260s,N810,2228,3602S,5130XM,1202,1661,2320c,2323c,2330c,7212c,7612s,6208,8800a(黄金版),8800DA,6202c,5611XM,2700c,5030,1662,VERTU Constellation,6216C,6750,RM526,2730c,2720a,7020,6600is,2332c,2322c,3710f,3720c,X3,6350,3208c,3710a,E900,2705,7705,2220s,5902,Erdos,3711,513 (2012-10-11, Visual Basic, 818KB, 下载5次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] QQ

源码+开发文档 多线程在线聊天(每个聊天框为一对一聊天框,但可打开多个聊天框与多人同时进行聊天),其中包括上线提醒,下线提示,聊天框自动打开。支持各种形式文件的在线传输(一次只能传送给一个人),支持两人进行在线玩21点游戏。 本系统采取C/S模式,所有交互均需经过服务器,由服务器来转发,且只有服务器可以访问数据库。
Source code+ development documentation Multi-threaded online chat (one each for the chat box, chat box, but can open multiple chat box to chat with people at the same time Days), including on-line reminders, tips off the assembly line, chat box automatically opens. Support all forms of online file transfer (can only send to one person), supporting both online blackjack games. The system adopted C/S model, all interactions are required to go through the server, the server forwards, and only the server can access the database. (2012-01-13, Java, 30568KB, 下载17次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chatroom

This is my chat with my classmates in the preparation of procedures, with features like QQ. Prepared using the Eclipse integrated environment, using the database MySQL. There are chat, add friends, remove friends, send files, transfer mail, play games and other functions (2010-06-29, Java, 962KB, 下载10次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] QQ

手机QQ将QQ聊天软件搬到手机上,满足您随时随地免费聊天的欲望.新版手机QQ更引入了语音视频,拍照,传文件等功能,与电脑端无缝连接!音乐试听,手机影院等功能,让您边聊边玩,填补旅途,课间的每一秒空闲时间. 新增的功能包括: 1,新增加两套全新皮肤 全新增加的黑色和粉色两套皮肤配色,配合夜间和室外皮肤,充分满足您个性化聊天场景的需要。 2,更加节省电量及流量 通过优化网络链接,增加休眠模式等,有效节省手机电量和GPRS流量消耗,延长您手机的使用时间。 3,产品功能更加完善 优化了功能菜单布局,本地帮助信息更加丰富,上手更快! 4,超级QQ更多特权 超级QQ拥有更多的功能特权,如:好友列表优先排名、移动在线、金色昵称及更多的聊天记录保存名额等。
e457mrt76r7t7m tfdysfyndrsyebw76ye56w4ter (2009-11-19, Java, 81KB, 下载33次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chats

The main achievement of the module features a chat room, following the completion of several major tasks: (1) provide a list of users, and will update the user list to reflect the users to join and leave, for the user, do not need to know each other s IP addresses (2) only need to set up and connection to the server, sending the first data to the server can (3) storage of all of the chat client information, from server to transmit content related to other chat clients, so even if a line customers can access through the server to the content of chat can also be added on the basis of the management to send the contents of the functions of a public notice, or other entertainment features such as song, video and so on. (2009-07-05, PHP, 35KB, 下载7次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] qq2008_console_client

qq2008贺岁版协议控制台客户端,同时支持linux和win32版。本人修正其一处错误,确保在mingw平台下编译通过。linux下我没试~~编译需设置pthread库(包中已有)最简单的办法是把.a库直接扔到mingw的lib目录下.h文件到include目录 可以实现登录 退出 聊天 群聊 等功能
Hesuiban agreement qq2008 console client, while supporting linux and win32 versions. The first error I amended to ensure that the adoption of MinGW platform compiler. under linux I did not try ~ ~ compiled to be set pthread library (package already) the most simple way is to. a library directly into MinGW s lib directory. h files to include directory can log out of chat features such as group chat (2008-11-17, Windows_Unix, 224KB, 下载48次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] ChatRoom

聊天系统   角色可以针对每个频道开创一个独立的拥有消息显示和输入框的面板,就像oicq那样,可以针对每个人开出一个聊天窗口。可以分为以下几种方式   轻声频道   角色说的话,只有他附近的人才可以听到。   团队频道   角色说的话,自己的队友不论在哪里都可以收到,也只有队友可以收到。   好友频道   角色说的话,自己好友名单中的人不论在哪里都可以收到,也只有好友可以收到。   帮派频道   角色说的话,会发给他所在的帮派的所有成员,也只有帮派的成员可以收到。   城域频道   角色说的话,会发给所在城域范围以内的所有角色知道。玩家不能够向全服务器发送消息。   私聊频道   角色说的话,只有他指定的接收方才可以收到。   聊天设置   频道选择:是否接收轻声频道;是否接收团队频道;是否接收帮派频道;是否接收公共频道;是否接收私聊频道。   私聊窗口:当接收到私聊信息时是否打开一对一的小窗口。
err (2007-11-22, Java, 3147KB, 下载15次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] msn_pop_demo

Similar to MSN and QQ realize players are prompted to log in when the pop-up window, to achieve a slow and downplayed the effect of pop-up display. (2007-08-27, Visual C++, 121KB, 下载34次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] loveyou

prepared using JAVA race between the procedures of the game, they can play the game! (2006-06-26, Visual C++, 237KB, 下载94次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] ChinaGames

显示或隐藏游戏和QQ等聊天工具; 适合上班族一边上班,一边玩游戏,老总一来,一键隐藏游戏和QQ:)
to show or hide games and chatting tools such as QQ; For office workers while working as playing games, a general manager, a key hidden games and QQ :) (2005-10-20, Visual C++, 45KB, 下载296次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] u

AIM, the username and offline automated on-line, automatic assembly line procedures for QQ outboard ~ ~ ~, with nothing to read their play, not perfect, but more practical, used QQ outboard (2005-05-31, DOS, 102KB, 下载11次)
