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按分类查找All 其他智力游戏(557) 

[其他智力游戏] snake

“贪吃蛇”是一种很流行的电子游戏。游戏方法如下 :一条蛇在棋盘上爬行,由键盘控制其转弯;棋盘上随机地出现5个数字(1~5),当蛇的头部碰到数字时(吃数字),蛇的身体会变长。当蛇的头部撞到障碍时或碰到自己身体时,游戏结束,如果蛇头撞到边界时会从另一边钻出。游戏结束时,根据蛇身体的长度计算得分。程序会自己记录最高得分和所用时间,然后提示留下玩家姓名,其默认名为无名侠。
Snake Eating is a very popular video game. The game method is as follows: a snake crawls on the chessboard and its turn is controlled by the keyboard; five numbers (1-5) appear randomly on the chessboard. When the head of the snake touches the number (eat the number), the body of the snake grows longer. When the head of a snake hits an obstacle or touches its own body, the game ends, and if the head hits the boundary, it will drill out from the other side. At the end of the game, the score is calculated according to the length of the snake's body. The program will record the highest score and the time spent, and then prompt to leave the player's name, its default name is Anonymous. (2019-04-04, Visual Basic, 28KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] Unity2D横版游戏《深海潜水艇》源码

游戏特色: 这个游戏比传统的跑步游戏更刺激,更有趣,更有创造力。 如何开始: 加载游戏后,点击屏幕让游戏开始。 如何玩: 一旦进入游戏,潜水艇自动前行,你只需长按屏幕跳跃和保持高,离开屏幕下拉。收集硬币,避开障碍物。当你碰到障碍物时,游戏结束了。
It is an exciting running game. Game features: The game is much more exciting and fun and creative than the traditional running game. How to start: After loading the game, click the screen to let game begin. How to play: Once into the game, the submarinerun toward, you just need to long press on the screen to jump and keep high, leave the screen to drop down. Collect coins, avoid obstacle. When you touch the obstacle, game is over. (2017-12-04, U3D/Unity3D, 9625KB, 下载2次)


[其他智力游戏] tetris_a5

Physical buttons Tetris source is only applicable to a simulator of Tetris, because the blocks tumble need to press on the key, but the game, there are no virtual keyboard, and now most of the big-screen smart machine has no physical keys, so it only has the arrow keys on the physical simulator arrow keys or have old Andrews Machine to play, but the game complete algorithm, if want to do secondary development Tetris algorithm can be mixed about this project. According to the falling speed of the game which was divided into squares became six difficulty levels, need friends can download and look at the default compiler version 2.3.3 coding GBK. (2015-01-28, Java, 682KB, 下载2次)


[其他智力游戏] JavaScript

僵尸大战植物(JS) 兼容各种主流浏览器 IE9-6,Chrome,FireFox,Safari,Opera等 目前进度是23关 下载后无需做任何修改即可上传到网络使用 在本地电脑上可以通过直接双击Index.htm打开 有完整JavaScript引擎的智能手机上可以通过拷贝程序到存储卡上直接脱机玩无需联机 手机浏览器注意打开JavaScript脚本功能、gif动画显示功能 以及调整适合的浏览模式(比如缩放适屏)
Compatible with all major browsers IE9-6, Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, etc. At present there is no need to make progress 23 off any modifications you can upload or download to a computer on the local network using a complete JavaScript can be opened by double-clicking Index.htm the engine smartphone can copy the program to the memory card directly without online play offline mobile browser CAUTION JavaScript scripting capabilities, gif animation features and adjusts the browsing mode (such as scaling appropriate screen) (2014-05-30, Java, 13545KB, 下载3次)


[其他智力游戏] java_saolei

扫雷是一款相当大众的小游戏,游戏目标是在最短的时间内根据点击格子出现的数字找出所有非雷格子,同时避免踩雷。扫雷最初的流行伴随着1992年发布的windows 3.1,之后迅速成为了各种操作系统中必不可少的一款游戏(包括windows的winmine, KDE桌面环境下的KMines,GNOME桌面环境下的gnomine等),也出现于一些智能手机平台(比如Android系统的Minesweeper Classic,苹果ios系统的Minesweeper Q)。同时,Minesweeper Clone等功能更为丰富的“专业”扫雷软件也应时而生。扫雷玩家可以在中国扫雷网加入排行。
Minesweeper is a very popular game, the game objective is the shortest time according to the number that appears click the grid to identify all non-Lei Gezai, while avoiding the step on mine. With the prevalence of mine originally released in 1992 windows 3.1, quickly became a variety of operating systems essential for a game (including the windows winmine, KDE Desktop environment KMines, GNOME Desktop Environment gnomine etc.) , also appeared in a number of smartphone platforms (such as Android system Minesweeper Classic, Apple ios system Minesweeper Q). Meanwhile, Minesweeper Clone richer features such as "professional" Minesweeper software should also be timely. Minesweeper Minesweeper network players can join in the Chinese ranking. (2013-08-20, Java, 113KB, 下载2次)


[其他智力游戏] TANCHISHE

Aka Snake Snake is a classic game. Players use the arrow keys to control a long snake beans constantly swallow, but swallow snake beans with continuously variable length, when the snake hit the snake or the barrier when the game ends. Snake was originally known Nokia phone comes with a small game, it is accompanied by the Nokia phones to the world. Snake now there have been many derivative versions, and was ported to various platforms. (2013-07-17, Visual C++, 1900KB, 下载1次)


[其他智力游戏] Gamehads

Written in Java, one playing the box game, the game panel at the bottom there is a baffle above is the number of boxes, a small ball in four ejection, the ball hit the box on the box disappeared and extra points, the ball hit the wall on the rebound, players move around the mouse or keyboard to control the baffle below to let the ball fall into the underground, if you fall into the end of the game. The interface uses some of the pictures, still beautiful. (2012-08-09, Java, 400KB, 下载7次)


[其他智力游戏] main

Moving mountains Games: with n mountains, computers and people as a race between the parties, the two sides take turns to move mountains. The number for each and every move can not exceed k Mountain Block, who moved last one who lost. Start of the game, the computer asked people to enter the total number of mountain (n) and each time the maximum number allowed to move mountains (k). Then please people get started, people need to move the mountain entered the number, the computer immediately how much output it to move mountains, and prompts the remaining number of hills. Both sides take turns to move a mountain to move those mountains up until the last. Who is the winner of the computer display, and asked whether to continue the race. If people do not want to play, and can enter the total number of mountains to 0, the computer will tell the people were gone for several Bureau, the outcome of how the two sides. (2010-06-06, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] Tetris

俄罗斯方块游戏,很经典的游戏了,不但很多人喜欢玩,而且 现在从事程序开发了,也比较喜欢编写俄罗斯方块,希望通过游戏的编写提高自己的VB编程水平,因此这个小游戏对于新手来说,可以借鉴一下,游戏中可反映出很多的编程难点,学会了编写游戏,你已经跨入了VB程序开发的行列了。
Tetris games, classic games, not only a lot of people like to play, and now engaged in program development, and also more like the preparation of the Russian box, hope the game write VB program to improve their own level, so this little game for the novice speaking, we can draw about the game shows a lot of programming can be difficult, learned to write the game, you have already entered the ranks of the VB application development. (2010-03-31, Visual Basic, 11KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] 3D-Gram-Programing

谁都想做3D游戏,但是谁都知道3D编程和2D编程是不同的。   做2D游戏只要有一个画点函数就什么都有了。变化很少,无非就是几个alpha混来混去的,就那么些东西,经过这么多年,早就被大家玩透了。   但是3D不同,它复杂,需要一大堆理论知识,点、线、面、向量、矩阵、材质、贴图、灯光……   光这些术语就够让人一个头两个大了,更别说要用程序来表现这些东西。   但是现在想要做游戏,3D还真不能不学,我就正开始学3D编程。   "什么?你都才开始学3D就敢写文章骗钱了!"   (台下番茄、鸡蛋如流星雨般袭来……)   嘿嘿,大家先听我说。由于我这个人比较懒,想学东西但是又缺乏毅力,常常是半途而废,所以想给自己一点压力,把学习的过程写出来让大家监督、督促我,让我能坚持把3D编程学完,学好。   而那些和我一样想学3D编程的家伙,也可以通过这篇教程入门。至于高手们,就劳烦各位该干嘛干嘛去吧,别在这里浪费时间。
3D Gram Programing (2009-09-22, Visual C++, 4646KB, 下载12次)


[其他智力游戏] src_MetalMax

This is a J2ME-based mobile phone games, the " capacity of soldiers," the source code, the source has not been tested in cell phones can be successfully compiled. This game is basically all the necessary functions, such as collision detection, map conversion, NPC dialogue, event handling, cross-version of turn-based combat system, and in accordance with the characteristics of the original game by adding the people, the two cars fighting system, playing the process, you can use the arrow keys to control the character walk Enter the menu pop-up games, " 1" key to cancel the order. (2009-04-27, Java, 220KB, 下载65次)


[其他智力游戏] LifeGamechengxu

生命游戏的VC实现。 生命游戏其实是一个零玩家游戏。它包括一个二维矩形世界,这个世界中的每个方格居住着一个活着的或死了的细胞。一个细胞在下一个时刻生死取决于相邻八个方格中活着的或死了的细胞的数量。如果相邻方格活着的细胞数量过多,这个细胞会因为资源匮乏而在下一个时刻死去;相反,如果周围活细胞过少,这个细胞会因太孤单而死去。
The realization of the VC games to life. Game of Life is a zero-player games. It includes a rectangular two-dimensional world that each square is home to a living or dead cells. The next moment of a cell life and death depend on the adjacent eight grid living or dead cells. If the box next to the excessive number of living cells, the cells because of lack of resources and die the next moment the other hand, if too small around the living cells, the cells died because of too much loneliness. (2009-04-21, Visual C++, 94KB, 下载59次)


[其他智力游戏] SkypeClient

java编写的一款简单的拼图游戏,可以下载到手机上玩。. 用eclipse打开 在eclipse左侧包资源管理器中右键选择导入 然后选择现有项目到工作空间中,点下一步 在选择根目录中选择压缩包解压后的目录,单击完成即可 用eclipse新建 新建项目 新建源文件夹src,及对应三个类 新建文件夹pic,与src同目录,放置图片
java prepared a simple jigsaw puzzle, you can download to your phone to play. . Using eclipse in the eclipse to open the left side of packet Explorer right to choose to import existing projects and then choose to work in space, point the next step in the selection of the root directory of select compressed package after extracting the directory, click Finish to use eclipse New New New Project source folder src, and the corresponding three types of New Folder pic, with the same src directory, placing picture (2008-05-03, Java, 29KB, 下载17次)


[其他智力游戏] Hanio_1_01a_Final

编写这个游戏主要是为了学习,用Turbo c2.0编写, 附源程序,我觉得挺有意思的,拿出来与大家共享。 希望你会喜欢。(附源码!!) 汉诺塔曾是一个谜题 但被后人改制成了一个游戏 这个游戏益智健脑 令人百玩不厌 是您休闲时的好伴侣 现在就运用你的智慧 开动您的大脑去试试吧
preparation of the game is to study and use the Turbo c2.0 prepared by the source, I think quite interesting, to show and share. I hope you will like. (A source! !) Tower of Hanoi has been a puzzle but by later generations systems to a game this game is 100 Jiannao able to play your leisure listening to the good partners now use your wisdom to activate your brain to try it (2006-03-17, C/C++, 324KB, 下载8次)


[其他智力游戏] 史酷毙逃出鬼屋

1、第一关,点左边门去中间屋,点桌布现出踏板。 2、点左边门去右边屋,点烛台拿蜡烛,回最右边屋点右边塑像按钮,点燃蜡烛,回最左边屋 3、用蜡烛点燃烛台,点烛台放上钢丝,去中间屋踩桌下正中踏板,看天花板上日历为3月26日 4、去左边屋点画,输入保险箱密码0326,拿到钥匙,回最右边屋开门离开 5、第二关,分别在左边和右边屋玩拼图游戏,拿左边的方块补上右边空位,或拿右边补上左边,3次后可得光盘 6、去左边屋在音响上使用光盘,听动物叫声,去中间屋按叫声顺序放下墙上动物,过关 7、第三关,去最左边灯箱拿骨头,去最右边灯箱打碎玻璃,点最大的脚得硬币,去左起第二个灯箱 8、点该灯箱下配电盒,硬币点螺丝,取出红色电线 9、去马头的灯箱装上电线,打开电源,骨头打碎玻璃得到钥匙 10、用钥匙打开旁边乌龟手中的皮箱得到夹钳 11、用夹钳剪开右起第二个锁链锁住的通道离开
1, the first customs point to the left of the middle house, tablecloths show pedal point. 2, point to the left of the right side of housing points with votive candles, the most right back to the right point statue housing buttons, lit candles and left to the most three estates, with lit votive candles, votive point via wire to intermediate housing step under the table middle pedal, look at the ceiling on the calendar for March 26 April, to the left houses dotted, the importation of safe password 0326, and got his keys, back to the rightmost left five open houses, the second hurdle, respectively on the left and right house playing pieces of the jigsaw take the left block fill vacancies on the right side, or to fill on the right side of the left, after three rounds of six CD-ROMs available, (2006-01-04, FlashMX, 2756KB, 下载23次)


[其他智力游戏] 教你如何作弊玩扫雷

最近闲暇时间迷上了扫雷,有的时候经常遇到模棱两可的地方,很容易死到.于是就在想,要是我一开始就知道哪个地方有雷就好了.遂打开OllyDBG,对扫雷程序(WinMine.exe),进行了一番跟踪.好在WinMine.exe没有加壳,直接看它的IMPORT TABLE,在两个可疑的API上下断点,一个就是GDI.BitBlt,这个是程序来画地图的,另一个就是User32.GetDlgItemInt,这个用来获得扫雷地图大小,和雷的个数的.
recent spell of the mine, some of the frequently encountered when the ambiguity, it is easy to die. So just think, if I started to know where the minefields are not alone. OllyDBG was open to mine (WinMine.exe) performed a track. Fortunately, WinMine.exe no shell, direct look at its IMPORT TABLE, the two suspicious API next breakpoints, is a GDI.BitBlt, this is a procedure to draw the map and the other is the User32.GetDlgItemInt, the mine was used to map the size and the number of the mine. (2005-12-12, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载22次)


[其他智力游戏] hannota70

总个数确定后,每张盘curDisk的移动方向maybe_To是确定的且唯一的:如共有三个盘时,盘1始终向左移动。 这里,将柱子由左向右看成A(源柱子Source),B(借助的柱子Borrow),C(目标柱子Target). A的左看成C,B的左看成A,C的左看成B; A的有看成B,B的右看成C,C的右看成A; 每张盘的移动方法(因为不可能连续两次移动相同的盘!): 一个盘curDisk现在在 柱子curStick上,那么curDisk另一个柱子(3个中除了2个的另1个) 只要有选择的选择一个柱子curStick,分析、判断其最上面的盘curDisk的能否向curDisk确定的唯一的方向移动;移动 完后 再 选择 另一个 柱子 分析 判断 就可以完成了 (这个算法特别适合于人玩这个“弱智”(我有同学这么说)游戏,我玩我的文曲星pc1000a上的Hanoi 9层游戏,需要5分钟就可以移动完毕)
total number identified, each set curDisk maybe_To direction of the movement of which is determined only : If there are three disk, was always left a mobile. Here, the columns from left to right as A (source pole Source), B (using the pole Borrow), C (target pole Target). A left as C, B to the left as A, C on the left as B; A as the B, B on the right side as C, the right as A; each set of mobile methods (as it is impossible for the same two mobile disk!) : a set curDisk curStick now on the pole, then curDisk another pole (three in addition to two other one), when given a choice, choose a pole curStick, analysis, judgment, the most above-curDisk curDisk the ability to determine the direction of the only mobile; mobile End choice after another pole analysis and judgment can be completed (thi (2005-03-09, C/C++, 2KB, 下载9次)
