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按分类查找All 棋牌游戏(579) 

[棋牌游戏] 斗地主

斗地主,是一种在中国流行的纸牌游戏。是关于旧社会阶级斗争详见土地改革运动。 斗地主是一种扑克游戏。游戏最少由3个玩家进行,用一副54张牌(连鬼牌),其中一方为地主,其余两家为另一方,双方对战,先出完牌的一方获胜。该扑克游戏最初流行于中国湖北武汉市汉阳区,现已逐渐在全球各地流行
Fighting landlords is a popular card game in China. It is about the class struggle in the old society. See the land reform movement in detail. Fighting landlords is a poker game. The game is played by at least three players, with a deck of 54 cards (even ghost cards), one of which is the landlord, the other two are the other, the two sides fight, and the one who plays the first card wins. The poker game was originally popular in Hanyang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, and has gradually become popular all over the world. (2019-03-04, C/C++, 9955KB, 下载2次)


[棋牌游戏] gongzhusrc

首先给扑克牌中每张牌设定一个编号,下面算法实现的编号规则如下:   红桃按照从小到大依次为:1-13   方块按照从小到大依次为:14-26   黑桃按照从小到大依次为:27-39   梅花按照从小到大依次为:40-52   小王为53,大王为54   算法实现如下:   首先按照以上编号规则初始化一个包含108个数字的数组每次随机从该数组中抽取一个数字,分配给保存玩家数据的数组
Each card poker in the first set to a number, the following rules for numbering algorithm is as follows: Hearts in ascending order of :1-13 boxes arranged in ascending order of :14-26 spades in ascending :27-39 plum followed in ascending order of :40-52 Amy is 53, King is 54 algorithm is as follows: First, in accordance with the above numbering rules initialize an array that contains 108 numbers each taken at random from the array A number is assigned to the array of data stored players (2013-06-03, C#, 161KB, 下载1次)


[棋牌游戏] game

Black white board game by 4 x4 square array composition. The board each grid putting one pawn, a total of 8 pieces of white fruit and eight pieces of black fruit. This pawn and every kind of place scheme constitute a game state. On the board have 1 the public side of the two grid called the adjacent squares. A square up has four adjacent squares. Playing with black white game, each step can be any two adjacent square pieces interchange position. For a given initial game state and target the game state, programming calculation from initial game state changes to the target state game the shortest move sequence. (2012-09-14, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载8次)


[棋牌游戏] DongwuQi(Code)

仿快乐动物棋1.0 没什么好写的,这是我用VB6开发游戏的处女作(老处女了),因为游戏功能很简单,只用到了普通标准控件和几个API函数。 还是花了几天时间的。当然了,也许还会继续完善它,比如增加自定义图片和声音功能等等。 我的真正目标是用VB6+DX技术开发2D游戏,它们包括网络棋牌、仿传奇和仿星际争霸等等。 你信不信? 我相信用VB6也能开发出很华丽、很专业的游戏出来。 希望志同道合者一起交流! 我的QQ号码:193553(16小时在线) 电子邮箱:loading2010@163.com(不经常用,差不多是一个月去一次) 这个游戏参考了“湖北工业大学计算机学院魏承东”的“快乐动物棋”,非常感谢魏承东。 我儿子很喜欢玩这个游戏,我把它用VB6编写出来,这样做的收获是很多的。 也希望大家有时间都多编一些有趣的小游戏,万事从小做起。 2011年12月1日(…… 哇!刚才还是11月)
Happy animal chess 1.0 (2011-12-01, Visual Basic, 2661KB, 下载8次)


[棋牌游戏] huawei--poker-game-test

大家都玩过扑克,在出牌过程中大家都必须遵守一定的规则,例如顺子要5张连续的牌才能出,姐妹对要超过3对才能出等等。 现在要实现一个函数,对要出的牌进行判断,是否符合下述规则: 1. 出一张牌可以任意,例如5(5一张),返回类型1 2. 出两张牌必须是一对,例如8,8(8一对),返回类型2 3. 出三张牌必须是三张一样,例如9,9,9(三个9),返回类型3 4. 出四张牌必须是四张一样,例如11,11,11,11(J炸弹),返回类型4 5. 出顺子必须是5张牌以上,例如5,7,6,4,8,9,3(顺子),返回类型5。A可以和2或者K一起组成顺子,比如A,1,2,3,4和10,J,Q,K,A均为合法顺子。 6. 出姐妹对必须3对以上,例如5,5,6,6,7,7(姐妹对),返回类型6 7. 其余情况一律认为是非法规则,返回类型0
We all played poker in the licensing process we all must abide by certain rules, such as straight to five consecutive cards to out to more than three pairs of sisters to a and so on. Now to achieve a function of the license to the judge, whether the following rules: 1. The card can be arbitrary, for example, 5 (5 a), return type 1 2. The two cards are a must, for example, 8,8 (8 pair), return type 2 3. Three out of three cards must be the same, such as 9,9,9 (three 9), return type 3 4. Four out of four cards must be the same as, for example, 11,11,11,11 (J bomb), return type 4 5. Must be straight out of more than 5 cards, such as 5,7,6,4,8,9,3 (straight), return type 5. A 2 or K can be formed with straight, such as A, 1,2,3,4 and 10, J, Q, K, A are legitimate straight. 6. The sisters have three pairs of these, such as 5,5,6,6,7,7 (sister of), return type 6 7. The remaining cases all that is illegal rule, the return type 0 (2011-11-03, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载10次)


[棋牌游戏] wajpq

我爱记牌器为棋牌类游戏的辅助记牌器工具 ,它可以帮助玩家记录各家出过的牌,自动统计除自己外的还没出的牌,根据玩法不同,辅助统计功能显示内容也不同。 目前我爱记牌器支持最新的QQ游戏(视频斗地主,双扣,火拼双扣,升级,四冲等众多主流游戏),更多的游戏支持正在不断增加中,详情请参见软件的支持游戏列表。 软件工作智能化,完全自动记牌,无论游戏窗口是否被其他窗口挡住或者是分辨率变化,我爱记牌器都能正常工作.
I love note cards chess game device to the auxiliary note card tool, it can help players out over various record cards, automatic statistics addition to their not out outside of card games are played according to different statistical functions auxiliary display also different. I love note cards now supports the latest QQ games (video Landlords, Twill, Rush Metallic Twill, upgrade, four red and many other mainstream games), more support is growing in the game, please see the support of the software game list. Software work intelligent, fully automatic note cards, regardless of whether the game window blocked by other windows or change resolution, I love note cards device can work properly. (2010-05-23, Visual C++, 955KB, 下载31次)


[棋牌游戏] Hamilton

8*8 的国际象棋棋盘上的一只马,恰好走过除起点外的其它 63 个位置各一次,最后回 到起点。这条路线称为一条马的 Hamilton 周游路线。对于给定的 m*n 的国际象棋棋盘,m 和n均为大于5的偶数,且|m-n|≤2,试设计一个分治算法找出一条马的Hamilton周游路线。 编程任务: 对于给定的偶数m,n≥6,且|m-n|≤2,编程计算 m*n 的国际象棋棋盘一条马的Hamilton 周游路线。 Input 输入数据的第一行有2个正整数m和 n,表示给定的国际象棋棋盘 由 m行,每行n个格子组成。 Output 将计算出的马的Hamilton周游路线用下面的2 种表达方式输出。 第 1 种表达方式按照马步的次序给出马的 Hamilton 周游路线。马的每一步用所在的方 格坐标(x,y)来表示。x表示行的坐标,编号为 0,1,…,m-1;y表示列的坐标,编号为 0, 1,…,n-1。起始方格为(0,0)。 第 2 种表达方式在棋盘的方格中标明马到达该方格的步数。(0,0)方格为起跳步,并 标明为第1步。
8* 8 chess board on a horse, just walk outside than from the other 63 positions each time, and finally back To the starting point. This line is called Hamilton a horse travel routes. For a given m* n chess board, m And n are even greater than 5, and | mn | ≤ 2, the partition algorithm to design a test to find a horse of Hamilton travel routes. Programming tasks: For a given even number m, n ≥ 6, and | mn | ≤ 2, programming computing m* n chess board a horse Hamilton Travel routes. Input The first line of input data are two positive integers m and n, that a given chessboard By the m lines of n-grid component. Output The calculated travel route horse Hamilton 2 with the following expression of the output. The first one kind of expression is given in accordance with the order of the horse Horse Hamilton travel routes. Horse with each step of the square where Grid coordinates (x, y) to represent. the coordinates of x that line, numbered 0,1, ..., m-1 y co (2010-04-19, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载32次)


[棋牌游戏] siziqirenjiduizhan

程序操作按空格键开始走棋后请等待计算机走棋当全部棋盘下满而未分出输赢时右下会出现蓝色字样DRAW而若用户或计算机胜利时则有相应颜色的字样出现yOU WIN 或 YOU LOSE随后计算机会询问你是否继续玩若是请按Y否则按N程序将退出无论在何时按ESC都将退出无论在何时即使是在游戏中按C都可以调节游戏难度在棋盘上有棋子时按U可进行悔棋
Press the spacebar to start program operation to go after you wait for the computer to go chess chess board when all the winners and losers under the full without separation of the lower right will appear when the blue words, if a user or computer DRAW the victory with a corresponding color words appear yOU WIN or YOU LOSE then the computer will ask whether to continue to play if you press Y or N according to the program will quit whenever and press ESC will quit whenever and even in the game can be adjusted according to C game on the difficulty in the board pieces can be undo, press U (2009-12-24, Visual C++, 24KB, 下载6次)


[棋牌游戏] chnchess

中国象棋排兵布阵版,玩家可以自定义敌方(黑方) 任何一个棋子的攻击力大小和攻击力变动范围,以 形成敌方的不同的排兵布阵的方式,在人机对弈中获得最大的游戏乐趣。 该版本目前还只是试用版本,在人工智能上面还有很大欠缺(敌人太傻),想必还不能满足高手在与机器对弈产生的胜利的快感,这在今后必当逐步完善,今后将会添加更加绚 丽的对战效果,支持网上对弈,也支持从网络棋牌游戏上(如QQ象棋)读取打谱信息,并自动提示下一步的走棋策略,希望 大家多提宝贵意见。 ║ ║ 大家多提宝贵意见。
Chinese Chess formations Edition, players can customize the enemy (black side) of any one piece of the attacking force changes in the size and scope of attacks to form a different enemy formations in a manner that the man-machine chess get the most out of the game fun. This version is still only a trial version of the above, there is still much lacking in artificial intelligence (the enemy is too stupid), presumably still can not meet the master of games with the machine produced by the thrill of victory, which will in the future when the gradual improvement of the future we will add the Versus a more brilliant effect, to support games on the Internet, and also supports chess games from the network (such as QQ chess) read the play spectrum of information, and automatically prompts the next step to go chess strategy, hope we make more valuable advice. (2009-09-05, Visual C++, 6328KB, 下载239次)


[棋牌游戏] 123

三子连珠模仿五子棋的形式,有一方三子连成一线即获胜。 程序设计要求: (1) 玩家可以设置棋盘的大小,即在游戏开始时输入一变量n(n=3~9),使棋盘的大小为n×n。 (2) 本程序有if-else选择语句来判断获胜者,如果棋盘变大这将非常繁琐,现要求将这一功能用循环语句实现,且适用于任意大小的棋盘。 (3) 可以设置悔棋功能,要求任意方可以在对方下棋后悔改一步,即将对方当前步和本方上一步删除,本方重新下棋。
Three sons Lianzhu Gobang imitate the form, even when one of three sons and a line that is winning. Programming requirements: (1) players can set the size of the board, that is the beginning of the game enter a variable n (n = 3 ~ 9), so that the size of the board for the n × n. (2) the procedure to choose if-else statement to determine the winner, if the board this will be very large and cumbersome and are now required to use this feature to achieve the loop, and apply to the board of any size. (3)悔棋function can be set to require any party to repent after a game of chess in the other step will be the current step and the other side to remove the step, the side re-playing a game of chess. (2009-05-29, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载13次)


[棋牌游戏] wzq

近来随着计算机的快速发展,各种棋类游戏被纷纷请进了电脑,使得那些喜爱下棋,又常常苦于没有对手的棋迷们能随时过足棋瘾。而且这类软件个个水平颇高,大有与人脑分庭抗礼之势。其中战胜过国际象棋世界冠军-卡斯帕罗夫的“深蓝”便是最具说服力的代表;其它像围棋的“手淡”、象棋的“将族”等也以其优秀的人工智能深受棋迷喜爱;而我们今天将向大家介绍的是五子棋的算法。 当我们与电脑对战时,您知道这些软件是怎样象人脑一样进行思考的吗?前不久我曾编写过一个五子棋的游戏,在这里就以此为例和大家一起探讨探讨。 总的来说(我们假定您熟悉五子棋的基本规则),要让电脑知道该在哪一点下子,就要根据盘面的形势,为每一可能落子的点计算其重要程度,也就是当这子落下后会形成什么棋型(如:“冲四”、“活三”等),然后通览全盘选出最重要的一点,这便是最基本的算法。当然,仅靠当前盘面进行判断是远远不够的,这样下棋很容易掉进玩家设下的陷阱,因为它没有考虑以后的变化。所以在此基础上我们加入递归调用,即:在电脑中预测出今后几步的各种走法,以便作出最佳选择,这也是我们下棋时常说的“想了几步”。如此一来您的程序便具有一定的水平了。
With the recent rapid development of computers, various board games have been invited to the computer, making those who love playing chess, and usually do not have the opponent s chess enthusiast can always have adequate chess addiction. And all levels of this type of software is high, go a long way with the potential to rival the human brain. Had to overcome one of the World Chess Championship- Garry Kasparov s "Deep Blue" is the most convincing representatives other like Go s "short hand" chess "will be ethnic," also for its excellent artificial intelligence chess enthusiast popular favorite and we will introduce the U.S. are Gobang algorithms. When we and the computer during wartime, you know how the software is to consider brain-like Elephant Man s吗? Not long ago, I have prepared a Gobang games here at this example and explore the U.S. to explore. In general (we assume that you are familiar with the basic rules Gobang), let the computer know at what point Now, it is necess (2009-03-12, DOS, 425KB, 下载15次)


[棋牌游戏] zhinengwuziqi

智能五子棋 人类在下棋的时候一定会选择对自己最有利的走法,计算机也一样,人们编写的下棋程序也继承了人类的思维,即找到对自己最有利的走法。我们设计智能五子棋的任务就是既要拥有高水平的算法,又能够拥有最快的计算速度。 1 人机博弈的要求 一个完整的人机博弈程序应该具备以下5个部分:机器中表示棋局的方法,能够让程序知道博弈的状态;产生合法走法的规则,以使博弈公正地进行,并可判断人类对手是否乱走;从所有合法走法中选择最佳的走法技术;一种评估局面优劣的方法,用以同上面的技术配合作出智能的选择;一个界面,有了它,这个程序才能用。 2 程序设计 在设计整个智能五子棋程序的过程中,我们必须换位思考站在电脑的立场上看待问题。玩家越难下赢电脑表示这个程序越优秀,同时还要求整个程序的效率要高,也就是电脑每走一步的计算时间要短。我们在设计智能五子棋程序的时候只要对照上面这五个要求,一步一步来实现。下面是一个最简单15 *15 的智能五子棋(不考虑五子棋的禁手,也没有做悔棋) 。
err (2007-10-31, Visual C++, 382KB, 下载72次)


[棋牌游戏] zhou_NetworkGame-JunQi

a senior graduation design, realization of a small network games with the characteristics of the four countries flag games, there is a comprehensive framework, database, server, client, hall, the framework of the game, players information, the game chatting, advertising information, and to prevent the flashing pictures, games music. (2006-05-30, Visual C++, 3342KB, 下载1946次)


[棋牌游戏] 超级人机五子棋

五子棋简介 通过一番不懈的努力,我的第一个比较大一点的游戏终于做成了,虽然里面还有许许多多的不足,但已经可以正常运行了。 它可以分两大块:1. 人机对战 2.两人对战(都可以用光标进行控制的) 我来介绍一下它的使用方法: 1.刚开始是进行选择:y: 代表人机对战 n:代表两人对战 2.若选择y,接下来输入选手的名字,为英文字母和数字的组合,最好不要超过10个字符,再下来选择谁先下,若选1代表自己先走,若选2代表计算机先走。 3.若选择n,请输入两个选手的名字,再选谁先下,1代表选手1先下,2代表选手2先下。 4.进入对战界面后,用光标来控制下子。用上下左右键控制光标。把它移到一个合适的位置,按下回车就可经落子了。 5.在对战过程中,有一些功能的操作,按t进入操作,在DO:后按下h表示侮棋,按下r重新开始,按e直接退出。在玩的过程中也可以按e直接退出。 6.下完后可以按下y表示回放以前的下棋过程。 7.当每次出现ERROR或者AGAIN时要先按下一个回车,然后再放子。 8.先说这么多吧,有什么问题多指教,请联系我,QQ:94665967
331 briefings by some tireless efforts, my first one more point of the game was finally made, although there is also many deficiencies, but can be a normal operation. It can be divided into two units : 1. Two man-machine players. Two players (you can use the cursor control) for me to comment on its use : 1. First there is a choice : y : proxy fans n : two representatives of the two players. If they choose y, then down the importation of the names of the players for the English alphabet and figures on the composition, preferably not more than 10 characters, then the choice of who should, if an election ahead of their representatives, if elected two representatives ahead of the computer. 3. If they choose to n, enter the name of two players, whoever is selected, a representative of a player (2005-11-04, Borland C++, 32KB, 下载10次)


[棋牌游戏] 三子棋游戏源代码

在很多游戏网站上,都没有发现‘三子棋’游戏。这是我的家乡人们经常玩的游戏。 规则如下: 1)下子阶段:在这个阶段,只能下棋子而不能移动棋子。像五子棋一样,尽量使自己的子能凑成‘三’,当你的棋子凑成‘三’了以后,你可以把对方任一个子废掉(该子将会变灰色,下子完了以后,它将会被去掉)。 2)行棋阶段:下完子了,就进入行棋阶段。在这个阶段,不能下棋子而只能移动棋子,也是尽量使自己的子凑成‘三‘字。
in many games, it did not find 'three-game' game. This my home often to play the game. Rules are as follows : 1) Now stage : At this stage, only under a pawn and unable to move a pawn. Like the 331, so that their son would make up a 'three', when you make up a pawn 'three' of the future, you can give each other the son of a destroyed (the son would become a gray Now completed, it will be removed). 2) A chess stage : End under the son, entered a move phase. At this stage, not only under the pawn and mobile pawn, but also to enable the children to make up their own 'three' word. (2005-06-17, C++, 370KB, 下载10次)


[棋牌游戏] XiaoJun_Five_Setup

  中国,还有人不会玩五子棋么?没错,这款老少皆宜、益智休闲的小游戏早在N十年前就已经风靡大江南北。少了一分烦躁,多一份闲雅,这就是棋类运动相比其他体育竞技的魅力所在,轻松一下,来和电脑较量较量吧!五子棋是起源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种之一。现代五子棋日文称之为"連珠",英译为"Renju",英文称之为"Gobang"或"FIR"(Five in a Row的缩写),亦有"连五子"、"五子连"、"串珠"、"五目"、"五目碰"、"五格"等多种称谓,游戏中,任一方最先将同色的棋子5个连成一线即告胜利。
China but will not play 331? Yes, this family-friendly, informative and leisure small game in N decades ago has swept the major north-south. A few hours of patience, more than a Elegant, which is chess compared to other sports Sports charm lies and relax, and computer contest to contest! 331 originated in ancient Chinese tradition reversi one species. Renju modern Japanese as "witty", the English translation of "Renju", in English called "Gobang" or "FIR" (Five in a Row initials), also "Even five sons", "five-Link", "Wire", "five heads" "Five heads of touch", "five grid" and many other titles, games, the first to either the same color as a pawn in five even victory will come into line. (2005-06-09, C/C++, 1217KB, 下载8次)


[棋牌游戏] 小游戏:五子棋的设计与实现

五子棋的设计与实现 本“五子棋“程序只编写了人机对弈部分,运用了博弈树进行搜索,在选取最优的走步时使用极大极小分析法,考虑到搜索的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,在程序中只进行了2步搜索,即计算机在考虑下一步的走法时,只对玩家进行一步的推测。(程序中的棋盘规格为15*15)。
renju the design and implementation of the "331" procedure prepared by the Human-Computer Chess, a game using the search tree, in the selection of the optimal use of a treadmill Minimax analysis, taking into account the complex search and space complexity of the procedure only for a two-step search, Computers in the next step in law, only the right players to step estimate. (Procedure specifications for the chessboard 15* 15). (2005-03-24, Visual C++, 241KB, 下载110次)


[棋牌游戏] cn700_vc347662244

在很多游戏网站上,都没有发现‘三子棋’游戏。这是我的家乡人们经常玩的游戏。 规则如下: 1)下子阶段:在这个阶段,只能下棋子而不能移动棋子。像五子棋一样,尽量使自己的子能凑成‘三’,当你的棋子凑成‘三’了以后,你可以把对方任一个子废掉(该子将会变灰色,下子完了以后,它将会被去掉)。 2)行棋阶段:下完子了,就进入行棋阶段。在这个阶段,不能下棋子而只能移动棋子,三’,当你的棋子凑成‘三’了以后,你可以把对方任一个子去掉。 3)直到谁的子剩下少于三个,谁就输了。 4)还有谁无子可动,超时3次也会告负。
in many games, it did not find 'three-game' game. This my home often to play the game. Rules are as follows : 1) Now stage : At this stage, only under a pawn and unable to move a pawn. Like the 331, so that their son would make up a 'three', when you make up a pawn 'three' of the future, you can give each other the son of a destroyed (the son would become a gray Now completed, it will be removed). 2) A chess stage : End under the son, entered a move phase. At this stage, not only under the pawn and mobile pawn, 3 ', when you make up a pawn' three 'of the future, you can give each other the son of a removed. 3) until the son who left less than three, whoever lost. 4) Who have no sons moving, overtime also lost three times. (2005-03-16, C++, 372KB, 下载9次)


[棋牌游戏] 三子棋

in many games, it did not find 'three-game' game. This is my home often to play the game. Rules are as follows : 1) Now stage : At this stage, only under a pawn and unable to move a pawn. Like the 331, so that their son would make up a 'three', when you make up a pawn 'three' of the future, you can give each other the son of a destroyed (the son would become a gray Now completed, it will be removed). 2) A chess stage : End under the son, entered a move phase. At this stage, not only under the pawn and mobile pawn, but also to enable the children to make up their own 'three', when you make up a pawn 'three' of the future, you can give each other the son of a removed. 3) until the son who left less than three, whoever lost. 4) Who have no sons moving, (2005-02-25, Visual C++, 449KB, 下载33次)
