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[OpenGL] MyCube3D

Self learning software programming, this is my third complete program, using MFC+OpenGL to realize the 3D magic square program, can be played as a small game, the right mouse button moves the rotating view, the left mouse button moves the corresponding square in the magic cube, can random disorder, can automatically restore the magic cube, the reduction method from the manual method, no advanced use of the advanced method. Mathematical algorithms. A lot of source code comes from the Internet, so it is also shared on the Internet after the completion, hoping to help students who like me. (2018-06-07, Visual C++, 5433KB, 下载11次)



OpenGL™ 是行业领域中最为广泛接纳的 2D/3D 图形 API, 其自诞生至今已催生了各种计算机平台及设备上的数千优秀应用程序。OpenGL™ 是独立于视窗操作系统或其它操作系统的,亦是网络透明的。在包含CAD、内容创作、能源、娱乐、游戏开发、制造业、制药业及虚拟现实等行业领域中,OpenGL™ 帮助程序员实现在 PC、工作站、超级计算机等硬件设备上的高性能、极具冲击力的高视觉表现力图形处理软件的开发。
OpenGL ™ is the industry' s most widely accepted field of 2D/3D graphics API, it has been since the birth of the birth of a variety of computer platforms and equipment on thousands of outstanding applications. OpenGL ™ are independent of the Windows operating system or other operating system is also network transparent. Contains at CAD, content creation, energy, entertainment, game development, manufacturing, pharmaceutical industry and virtual reality industries field, OpenGL ™ help programmers achieve at PC, workstations, super computers and other hardware devices on the high-performance, highly with high impact visual performance graphics processing software development. (2009-03-23, Visual C++, 1014KB, 下载6次)


[OpenGL] vcopengl

OpenGL™ 是行业领域中最为广泛接纳的 2D/3D 图形 API, 其自诞生至今已催生了各种计算机平台及设备上的数千优秀应用程序。OpenGL™ 是独立于视窗操作系统或其它操作系统的,亦是网络透明的。在包含CAD、内容创作、能源、娱乐、游戏开发、制造业、制药业及虚拟现实等行业领域中,OpenGL™ 帮助程序员实现在 PC、工作站、超级计算机等硬件设备上的高性能、极具冲击力的高视觉表现力图形处理软件的开发。
OpenGL ™ is the industry' s most widely accepted field of 2D/3D graphics API, it has been since the birth of the birth of a variety of computer platforms and equipment on thousands of outstanding applications. OpenGL ™ are independent of the Windows operating system or other operating system is also network transparent. Contains at CAD, content creation, energy, entertainment, game development, manufacturing, pharmaceutical industry and virtual reality industries field, OpenGL ™ help programmers achieve at PC, workstations, super computers and other hardware devices on the high-performance, highly with high impact visual performance graphics processing software development. (2009-03-23, Visual C++, 217KB, 下载8次)


[OpenGL] opengl---1

With the development of online games, the task is increasingly becoming an important part of the game, or even a specific mandate to flaunt the main rules of the game of online games, tasks become a game player was an important means fun, but also one of the characteristics of the game, exciting mission system will not only rich fun of the game is also an important source of props and experience, the following from the server and client side 2 (2006-03-05, Visual C++, 1492KB, 下载28次)


[OpenGL] opengl_complete_game_hero

英雄是什么? 是大权在手,纵横天下? 是仗剑江湖,任我独行? 还是夙夜忧思,心怀广大? 一千个人心中有一千个哈姆雷特,一时之间谁又说得清楚? 但是玩过了这个游戏,您也许会感叹,只要胸怀宽广,寻常人也能成为英雄。 皇朝的兴衰与英雄的成长,明暗线索的交织会让人唏嘘不已。 一圆您心中对英雄的梦想。 欢迎进入《英雄》的世界!
What is the hero? Power is at hand, the sun? The ring is versatile, as I walk? Worrying or occupied, harbor the majority? 1,000 individuals have hearts 1000 Hamlet, between 1:00 Who made it clear? But that play the game, you may sigh, as long as broad-minded, ordinary people can become heroes. The rise and fall of dynasties with the heroic growth, the shaded trail cutting people will greatly saddened. A round your mind right heroic dreams. Welcome to the "heroes" in the world! (2006-03-03, Visual C++, 1195KB, 下载64次)
