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[VC书籍] dsfgw34563w4tgserg4t5

C++编程方面的经典书籍,作者是一对享有盛誉的技术伉俪,Andrew Boeing和Barbar Moo。本书基于作者在知名技术杂志发表的技术文章、世界各地发表的演讲以及斯坦福大学的课程讲义整理、写作而成,融聚了作者10多年C++程序生涯的真知灼见。全书分为大部分,共32章,分别对C++语言的历史和特点、类和继承、STL与泛型编程、库的设计等几大技术话题进行了详细而深入的讨论,细微之处几乎涵盖了C++所有的设计思想和技术细节。全书通过精心挑选的实例,向读者传达先进的程序设计的方法和理念。本书适合有一定C++编程经验的程序员阅读。
C++ programming books, the author is a prestigious and his wife, Andrew Boeing and Barbar doing a Moo. The book is based on published technical articles by the author in a well-known technology magazine, in a speech by all over the world as well as Stanford University lecture notes finishing writing from melting together of more than 10 years C++ procedures career insights. The book is divided into most of the 32 chapters of the history and characteristics of the C++ language classes, and inheritance, the STL and generic programming library design, detailed and in-depth discussion of several major technical topics covering almost the nuances C++ all design ideas and technical details. Book through carefully selected instance, advanced process design methods and concepts to convey to the reader. The book is suitable for programmers have certain C++ of programming experience to read. (2012-05-27, Visual C++, 15038KB, 下载43次)


[VC书籍] 1

设停车场只有一个可停放几辆汽车的狭长通道,只有一个大门可供汽车进出。汽车在停车场内按车辆到达的先后顺序依次排列,若车场内已停满几辆汽车,则后来的汽车只能在门外的便道上等候,一旦停车场内有车辆开走,则排在便道上的第一辆汽车即可进入;当停车场内某辆汽车要开走时,由于停车场是狭长的通道,在它之后开入的车辆必须先推出车场为他让路,待车辆开出大门,为他让路的车辆再按原次序进入车场。 每辆车在离开停车场时,都应根据它在停车场内停留的时间长短交费。如果停留在便道上的车未进停车场就要离去,允许其离去,不收停车费,并且仍然保持在便道上等待的车辆的次序。试设计这样一个停车场模拟管理程序
h (2010-12-07, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载6次)


[VC书籍] vc6.0

Joseph (Joeph) a description of the problem is: numbered 1,2, ..., n, n individuals sitting clockwise circle, each holding a password (positive integer). An optional start a positive integer as the number of reported upper limit of m, from the first person to embark on the clockwise direction starting from a reported sequence number, to report the number of m stop reported. Those who reported m out of the column, his password as the new m value, from his home in a clockwise direction on the next person started to re-reported from a few, and so on, until all of the column until all the up. Try a program designed to find out the column order. (2009-12-21, Visual C++, 304KB, 下载33次)


[VC书籍] Ruminations_on_Cpp

C++沉思录 本书基于作者在知名技术杂志发表的技术文章、世界各地发表的演讲以及斯坦福大学的课程讲义整理、写作而成,融聚了作者10多年C++程序生涯的真知灼见。     全书分为6大部分,共32章,分别对C++语言的历史和特点、类和继承、STL与泛型编程、库的设计等几大技术话题进行了详细而深入的讨论,细微之处几乎涵盖了C++所有的设计思想和技术细节。全书通过精心挑选的实例,向读者传达先进的程序设计的方法和理念。     本书适合有一定经验的C++程序员阅读学习,可以帮助你加强提高技术能力,成为C++程序设计的高手。
Ruminations on C++:A Decade of Programming Insight and Experience Based on the author of this book well-known technology in the technology magazine articles published around the world as well as the Stanford University lecture notes finishing courses, writing together, melting together the author for more than 10 years C++ program career insights. Most of the book is divided into 6, a total of 32 chapters on C++ language, history and characteristics, class and inheritance, STL and generic programming, database design, and so on several technical topics in detail and in-depth discussion of the subtle almost covers the C++ all the design ideas and technical details. Book through carefully selected examples, to convey to readers the process of advanced design methods and concepts. The book has some experience suitable for the C++ programmers learn to read, I can help you enhance the technical capacity to become C++ programming expert. (2009-06-06, Visual C++, 7634KB, 下载32次)
