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[嵌入式Linux] pico-smsplus

Sega Master System Emulator,具有SD卡和Raspberry PI Pico Adafruit Feather RP2040 DVI的菜单支持。在HDMI显示器上使用SD卡玩游戏。
Sega Master System Emulator with SD card and menu support for the Raspberry PI Pico Adafruit Feather RP2040 DVI. Play your games from SD card on a HDMI display. (2024-04-01, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] Linux设备驱动开发详解4.0内核(非扫描版)

Linux设备驱动开发详解4.0内核(非扫描版).pdf 技术日新月异,产业斗转星移,滚滚红尘,消逝的事物太多,新事物的诞生也更迅猛。众多新生事物如灿烂烟 花,转瞬即逝。当我们仰望星空时,在浩如烟海的专业名词中寻找,赫然发现,Linux的生命力之旺盛顽强,斗 志之昂扬雄壮,令人称奇。它正以摧枯拉朽之势迅速占领包括服务器、云计算、消费电子、工业控制、仪器仪 表、导航娱乐等在内的众多应用领域,并逐步占据许多WINCE、VxWorks的传统嵌入式市场。 Linux所及之处,所向披靡。
Linux device driver development details 4.0 kernel (non scanning version). Pdf Technology is changing with each passing day, the industry is changing by leaps and bounds. There are too many things disappearing, and the birth of new things is more rapid. Many new things, such as fireworks, are fleeting. When we look up at the starry sky and look for it in the vast number of professional terms, we are surprised to find that Linux is full of vitality and fighting spirit. It is rapidly occupying many application fields including server, cloud computing, consumer electronics, industrial control, instrumentation, navigation and entertainment, and gradually occupying many traditional embedded markets of WinCE and VxWorks. Linux is everywhere it goes. This has something to do with the community development mode and rapid iteration of Linux. Life goes on, reconstruction goes on. (2020-12-24, C/C++, 12702KB, 下载2次)


[嵌入式Linux] SQTEK-mini2440-S3

嵌入式家园 贺工,从事嵌入式一线研发6年,嵌入式培训讲师3年,一直致力打造最开放、最开放、最自由、最便捷的嵌入式开发、学习、培训平台! 嵌入式家园:www.embedclub.com 上海嵌入式家园-开发板商城: http://embedclub.taobao.com 目前,嵌入式家园与上海申嵌嵌入式培训强强联手,共同打造免费的嵌入式视频系列讲座 - 《菜鸟玩转嵌入式》,敬请关注。。。 【申嵌视频-mini2440入门篇】下载地址: 申嵌入门篇1-1_构建嵌入式Linux系统_-U-Boot.rar 申嵌入门篇1-2_构建嵌入式Linux系统_-Kernel.rar 申嵌入门篇1-3_构建嵌入式Linux系统_-NFS和YAFFS根文件系统.rar 申嵌入门篇2_编写第一个嵌入式Linux应用程序-HelloWorld.rar 申嵌入门篇3_编写第一个嵌入式Linux驱动程序-HelloWorld.rar
SQTEK embedded Linux traning video based on mini2440 board. (2012-08-02, Unix_Linux, 54KB, 下载16次)


[嵌入式Linux] Linux_C_study_new

北京亚嵌教育研究中心 宋劲杉 写的嵌入式C语言编程,分三部分讲解,1、C语言热门 2、C语言本质 3 、linux系统编程 对玩嵌入式的很有帮助
Education Research Center, Beijing Asia Song Jin embedded cedar write embedded C programming language, to explain the three parts, 1, C language popular 2, C language, the nature of 3, linux embedded system programming is helpful for playing (2011-08-09, C/C++, 7316KB, 下载9次)


[嵌入式Linux] embedded-MIPSPLinux-cross-tool

本文从嵌入式交叉开发环境现状和发展特点出发,结合实际项目情况,设计并建立了一个插入嵌入式TLinm(平台的目标机调试桩,以Eclipse平台为宿主机开发工具的集成交叉开发环境TLinux-IDE。详细地分析了嵌入式TLinux-Stub的结构、原理、内部工作过程,并全新地设计和实现了对应用到内核的集成交叉调试新功能,并设计了宿主机Eclipse新增插件,从而深层次地配合目标机调试桩的调 试.
This status from the embedded cross-development environment and development characteristics, combined with the actual project situation, designed and built a plug embedded TLinm (target platform debugging pile to Eclipse platform development tools for the integration of host cross-development environment TLinux- IDE. a detailed analysis of the structure of the embedded TLinux-Stub, principles, internal work processes, and design and implement a new application to the core of the integration of cross-debugging of new features, and designed new Eclipse plug-in host, so deep to meet the target level debug debugging pile. (2011-04-15, Unix_Linux, 3545KB, 下载2次)


[嵌入式Linux] 实用化嵌入式LINUX 大连

NET-DL 套件由日立SH7750处理 器、32M SDRAM 以及8M 的FLASH为用户的软件研发提供了足够的空间。板上提供非常 丰富的外设接口:一个10M/100M 自适应快速以太网接口、两个RS-232 串口、一个JTAG调 试口以及若干个基于PIO的指示灯。系统具有体积小、耗电低、处理能力强、网络功能强大 等特点,能够装载和运行嵌入式Linux 操作系统
NET-DL Boards Hitachi SH7750 processor, 32MB of SDRAM and 8MB of Flash users to the software development provides adequate space. Board with a very rich set of peripherals : a 10M/100M Adaptive Fast Ethernet interface, two RS-232 serial ports, a JTAG Debugging mouth and a number of lights on the PIO. Systems with small size, low power consumption, processing power and networking capabilities such as powerful features, capable of carrying and running embedded Linux (2005-07-04, Unix_Linux, 1121KB, 下载20次)
