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按分类查找All DSP编程(49) 

[DSP编程] TMS320F28335_OV7670_Driver

Driver on the TMS320F28335 for camera ov7670 with FIFO. (2014-12-08, C/C++, 9KB, 下载66次)


[DSP编程] PMSMfoc

dsp2812 control AC permanent magnet synchronous motor, the middle of the PID algorithm, motor power 3 ~ 6KW, people who like to play can look at the motor program reference (2014-03-08, C/C++, 8797KB, 下载87次)


[DSP编程] 0DSP_

Dsp produce any signal using the triangular wave, sine wave, square wave occurs, the use of assembly code programming, debugging software debugging in ccs (2011-10-18, ASP, 386KB, 下载20次)


[DSP编程] DSP_Exp1

1、 学习Matlab最有效的方式是自己动手以及经常查Help。 2、 遇到不很确定的函数或者操作,最好的办法就是自己建一个测试矩阵然后试一下,不会对数据产生不好的影响,也十分直观,因为很多细节老师也不会很清楚。 3、 养成用Editer编程的好习惯,最好结构化编程,经常使用自建的函数,使得代码清晰易查错。 4、 自己给自己加注释,运行程序时可以先试着一行一行运行,看一下每一行的输出是否与预期相同等等,出错的时候自上而下慢慢查。
1, the most effective way to learn Matlab their own hands, as well as regular check Help. 2 has encountered are not sure of the function or operation, the best way is to build their own and then try a test matrix will not produce a bad effect on the data, but also very intuitive, because many details of the teachers are not very clear. 3, to develop a good habit to use Editer programming, the best structured programming, frequent use of self-built functions, making the code clear and easy troubleshooting. 4, add their own notes to yourself, run the program can first try to run line by line, take a look at the output of each line is the same as expected and so on, an error check when the top-down slowly. (2010-03-17, Others, 201KB, 下载4次)


[DSP编程] dsp_f2812_LCD

This procedure for the DSP application, for the F2812 Series LCD module uses the examples to compile this program CCS2000 adoption and success in the development of on-board debugging. (2010-03-13, C/C++, 264KB, 下载36次)


[DSP编程] dsp

自己写的TMS320C32开发程序包,在ti公司的CC开发环境上调试通过。95 的程序都用C语言编写,极大减少了以前TMS320C32用汇编语言写的痛苦。注:C32芯片较老,产生于90年代初期,蛋现在某些工业领域及军口仍在使用,以前主要用汇编语言。
The development of the TMS320C32 write their own package, the CC companies in ti debugging through the development environment. 95 of the procedures are written in C, greatly reducing the previous TMS320C32 assembly language used to write the pain. Note: C32 older chip, resulting in the early 90' s, eggs of certain types of industrial areas and now I still use the military, before the main assembly language. (2009-07-11, C/C++, 97KB, 下载17次)



基于DSP 2812的永磁同步电动机矢量控制程序,包括电流环,速度环。
Based on DSP 2812 PMSM vector control procedures, including the current loop, velocity loop. (2008-04-16, Others, 409KB, 下载912次)


[DSP编程] sig

Signal processing, including some type of identification signal modulation and demodulation debugger. (2008-03-03, matlab, 1021KB, 下载121次)


[DSP编程] DSP_zichengxuku

This is a DSP application subroutine library that includes basic arithmetic subroutine, the hardware interface routines, classical digital signal processing algorithms procedures, modern signal processing, speech signal processing, DSP software development is the development of an instruction manual, a number of procedures and experimental writer in the development of TI board debugging through. To allow developers really useful, not cut off transmission, the proposed increase points. (2007-06-14, Asm, 1723KB, 下载17次)
