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[云计算] A-Would-You-Rather-Game

Choose Only One”是一款有趣的游戏,玩家必须在两个选项之间进行选择,引发有趣的对话,并帮助朋友更好地了解彼此。使用HTML、CSS和JavaScript以及JSON文件,这款游戏非常适合绑定和大笑。
Choose Only One" is a fun game where players must pick between two options, sparking interesting conversations and helping friends get to know each other better. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with a JSON file, this game is perfect for bonding and laughter. (2024-03-03, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] OA-markerClustering

各位 Google Maps JavaScript API 的玩家都應該有過 Marker 太多時,當 Maps 視角一拉遠時,全部 Marker 擠在一起的困擾吧!沒錯 OA s Marker Clustering 就是要來處理這個困擾!,
You Google Maps JavaScript API players should have experienced the problem of too many Markers. When the perspective of Maps is far away, all Markers are crowded together! Yes, OA s Marker Clustering is to deal with this problem!, (2018-06-06, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] wordhunter-api

A web application to find words for the letters you have most probably when you are playing Scrabble... (2020-05-01, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] ML-web-app-streamlit-GCP-deployment

A machine learning web app using streamlit. Users can play with hyperparameters and compare the accuracy in real-time. (2021-07-05, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] crime-stats-polisen-api

GCP App Engine ETL from publicly available API. (Home project to play with GCP products.) (2021-01-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] playground

Play around with code while we make sure you aren t lost! (2023-03-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] xdkt

小滴课堂大小课程视频都有 工业级PaaS云平台+SpringCloudAlibaba 综合项目实战 22年新版- 零基础玩转Vue3+开发仿美团外卖项目vue视频 JAVA VUE Git ECMAScript ShardingJDBC...
The videos of small and small classes have industrial PaaS cloud platform+SpringCloudAlibaba comprehensive project 22 year new version - zero base play Vue3+develop the take away project of the beauty group vue video JAVA VUE Git ECMAScript ShardingJDBC (2022-06-12, Others, 672KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Musical-Note

基本Android应用程序使用Android中的Sound Pool生成Saa Ree Gaa的悦耳声音。。。和它一起玩
Basic Android Application Using Sound Pool in Android to Generate melodious sound of Saa Ree Gaa ... and play With It (2020-07-23, Java, 2692KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] CopeGaming

A cloud-based gaming platform that allows users to let other users remotely play games on their computers and make money (2022-05-23, GO, 69480KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] pong-classic-spark-ar

This a filter for Instagram where you can play the classic game Pong on any surface using your finger to slide up and down your player. (2020-03-05, JavaScript, 2654KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] ions-apache-hive-and-pig-on-google-compute-engine

谷歌计算引擎上的解决方案apache hive和pig,这个示例应用程序将在谷歌计算引擎的Hadoop集群上使用hive和/或pig快速启动并运行。福...
This sample app will get up and running quickly with Hive and/or Pig on a Hadoop cluster on Google Compute Engine. For more information on running Hadoop on GCE, read the papers at <https://cloud.google.com/resources/>. (2018-01-09, Shell, 30KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] DeepFaceLab-2

DeepFaceLab-2.0-Guide-to-Making-Deepfakes,如果您想知道如何制作 deepfake,那么您来对地方了!本 DeepFaceLab 2.0 指南将作为参考和涵盖整个过程的分步教程。DeepFaceLab 可用于各种应用,从娱乐和专业制作,到定制实施和深度学习研究。通过遵循本文档中...
DeepFaceLab-2.0-Guide to Making Deepfakes, if you want to know how to make deepfakes, then you re in the right place! This DeepFaceLab 2.0 guide will serve as a reference and a step-by-step tutorial covering the entire process. DeepFaceLab can be used for various applications, from entertainment and professional production to customized implementation and deep learning research. By following the instructions in this document (2022-11-03, Others, 12003KB, 下载0次)
