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按分类查找All 调试/Bug(46) 

[调试/Bug] CustomMonster

This is a Tshock server plug-in, which is mainly used to modify monsters on the Tshock server. It can be customized to modify AI, modify HP, modify bullet screen, modify dropped objects, modify range BUFF, modify follower monsters, pull players, modify defense, modify invincibility, modify immune magma, modify immune traps, control the number of specified monsters, NPC protection, etc. Since the author has not opened the source, Yuxue decompiled the plug-in and tried to open the source after obtaining the author s permission. (2024-04-30, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[调试/Bug] BuildMaster

这是一个Tshock服务器插件主要基于:MiniGamesAPI框架开发,它的玩法类似于MC中的小游戏(速建大比拼),玩家将需要在一定时间内完成相对应主题的建筑,时间到后将由每位玩家进行评分,得分会在游戏结束后进行一个排名。快来发挥你的想象力,把建筑搞起来!由于作者隐退羽学将其插件反编译后进行二次开源,现已适配Tshock 5.2.0。(注意:该插件必须依赖于MiniGamesAPI运行)
This is a Tshock server plug-in, which is mainly developed based on the MiniGames API framework. Its playing method is similar to the mini game in MC (fast build big competition). Players will need to complete the corresponding theme building within a certain time. When the time comes, each player will score, and the score will be ranked after the game. Come to play your imagination and start building! Since the author has decompiled his plug-in for secondary open source, it is now suitable for Tshock 5.2.0. (Note: The plug-in must rely on the MiniGames API to run) (2024-04-30, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[调试/Bug] loadorderlibrary

Load Order Library是一个网站工具,用于与其他玩家共享Bethesda游戏的mod列表。主要用于调试目的,但可以b...,
Load Order Library is a website/tool to share mod lists of Bethesda games with other players. Primarily for debugging purposes, but can be quite useful for YouTubers to have mod lists for each of their let s play characters, mod list creators to share with users, etc. (2023-07-29, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[调试/Bug] critterpedia

A tool for Animal Crossing: New Horizons players who are curious to know what critters they can encounter on their island! The app allows the user to search for bugs, fish, or sea creatures on their island by specifying the hemisphere their island is in and the month. (2022-02-22, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[调试/Bug] SWTOR-Animation-Mods

A collection of mods that improve animations or sounds within SWTOR. The purpose of this tool it give players a better, more-enjoyable experience playing the game. It also includes a number of graphical bug-fixes which at the time of writing this, Bioware has not fixed. (2022-12-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[调试/Bug] tml-resetmode-mod

This mod applies a time limit to a given world before it permanently locked, requiring a new and fresh world in turn. All player progress is lost on each reset, with the exception of Progress Points (see Rewards mod for how to use). (2019-10-12, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)
