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[数据采集/爬虫] qzone-spider

QQ 空间爬虫,基于 selenium 模拟登录空间,破解滑动验证码,拿到 cookies,然后使用 requests 抓取好友留言板的所有留言与回复,并生成词图。只抓了留言,本来还想抓说说,不过因为我已经好多年不玩 QQ 空间,感觉...
QQ space crawler simulates login space based on selenium, cracks the sliding verification code, gets cookies, and then uses requests to grab all messages and replies from friends message boards, and generates a word map. I just grabbed the message and wanted to talk about it, but because I haven t played QQ space for many years, I feel (2021-02-04, Python, 4545KB, 下载0次)
