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按平台查找All Windows_Unix(94) 

[单片机开发] MLX90640 红外成像仪数据手册

现在自己在做红外成像仪的越来越多了,两年前有个井下机电设备运行状态的科研项目, 当时使用了 AMG8833(8*8 像素),科研毕竟就是科研,后来也没有听说成果得到应用的消 息, 我想也是, 8*8 能干什么,也就能做个红外测温枪吧。 前段时间因为公司生产电路板测 试需要,打算买一台红外成像仪测量电路板发热是否正常,商用的价格还是有些小贵的,我 们电路板都不大所以就找了一台便宜的先用着,无意中发现 (2022-07-14, Windows_Unix, 2800KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] MLX90640 红外成像仪开发笔记

现在自己在做红外成像仪的越来越多了,两年前有个井下机电设备运行状态的科研项目, 当时使用了 AMG8833(8*8 像素),科研毕竟就是科研,后来也没有听说成果得到应用的消 息, 我想也是, 8*8 能干什么,也就能做个红外测温枪吧。 前段时间因为公司生产电路板测 试需要,打算买一台红外成像仪测量电路板发热是否正常,商用的价格还是有些小贵的,我 们电路板都不大所以就找了一台便宜的先用着,无意中发现 (2022-07-14, Windows_Unix, 1881KB, 下载0次)


[其他游戏] Maoliao

Super cat Rio, a twisted version of super Marie source (2016-08-22, Windows_Unix, 3938KB, 下载6次)


[数学计算] filter_2

******************2.算术平均滤波法******************************* 说明:连续取N个采样值进行算术平均运算 优点:试用于对一般具有随机干扰的信号进行滤波。这种信号的特点是 有一个平均值,信号在某一数值范围附近上下波动。 缺点:对于测量速度较慢或要求数据计算较快的实时控制不适用。 *********************************************************
fiter 2 (2016-08-15, Windows_Unix, 1KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] Fire-equipment-burner-system-design

火烧试验设备是在某种特殊的环境下,通过明火高温烧试品来检 测试品是否良好。燃烧器系统是火烧试验设备的主要组成部分,主要 用于高温燃气的形成。
Fire test equipment under certain special circumstances, by high temperature burning fire test to check Test article is good. Burner system is a major component of the fire test equipment, the main For forming a high-temperature gas. (2016-04-27, Windows_Unix, 710KB, 下载1次)


[游戏] mota

A word game similar to Magic Tower, players start in the direction of the castle hall and then enter into a room in which the truck inside the room there may be big devil, there may be a princess, there may be nothing, players the purpose is to rescue the princess the hall to leave, but the way we encounter a major devil, then the game will fail. (2015-10-24, Windows_Unix, 4KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] BL

A BL game, beautiful screen, sound great, the characters US-based, rot women must play oh (2013-05-26, Windows_Unix, 10635KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] mathematicalTranslations-

Mathematics popular classics series, popular science books suitable for young people. Also applies to the highly intelligent entertainment. Including arithmetic game, interpretations on arithmetic, geometry games, geometry interpretations on the many facets of board games, magic squares, map coloring problem, a single line, mental arithmetic, the combination of design, password analysis. (2012-03-17, Windows_Unix, 10996KB, 下载6次)


[游戏] 9.1data

花 2500元 买的 9.1 石器一条龙linux版csa服务端 data win 版也可使用,私服关闭不玩了,发出给有需要的拿去
Spent 2,500 yuan to buy the 9.1 version csa stone dragon linux server data win version is also available, PW closure does not play, and sent to the need Naqu (2010-04-06, Windows_Unix, 8949KB, 下载625次)


[其他] Xbox360Joystick

Xbox360的无线手柄,好是好,就是微软官方的驱动程序太LJ,一点设置功能都没有,很多游戏很多键位都没法使用。网上找到个日本人开发的驱动,非常不错,除了不支持手柄上的耳麦设备,简直就是完美,甚至还可以设置导航键为游戏按键,但是整个设置界面是日文的,就特地做了一下汉化。 这个驱动分的比较细,不同windows版本都不兼容,这个是32位XP的。 驱动的安装比较怀旧,好像回到了win95时代。下载附件,解压,到设备管理器界面中选择自己手动从磁盘安装,浏览到解压目录选择x360wc.inf安装。安装完成后运行解压目录下的x360wcsai.exe,在系统托盘会出现手柄图标,右键点击就可以详细配置手柄功能了。 祝曾经为360无线驱动问题而苦恼的玩家玩的愉快!
Xbox joystick driver (2009-05-25, Windows_Unix, 269KB, 下载7次)


[OpenGL] 200711151061989771

OpenGL™ 是行业领域中最为广泛接纳的 2D/3D 图形 API, 其自诞生至今已催生了各种计算机平台及设备上的数千优秀应用程序。OpenGL™ 是独立于视窗操作系统或其它操作系统的,亦是网络透明的。在包含CAD、内容创作、能源、娱乐
OpenGL ™ is the industry' s most widely accepted field of 2D/3D graphics API, it has been since the birth of the birth of a variety of computer platforms and equipment on thousands of outstanding applications. OpenGL ™ are independent of the Windows operating system or other operating system is also network transparent. Contains at CAD, content creation, energy, entertainment (2009-03-23, Windows_Unix, 65KB, 下载2次)


[C#编程] MegEyesMonitV1.1

Net2005 development tools using C# Language developed by the global telecommunications eye video files Automatic Monitoring System for the original code, with multi-threading to achieve. After six months the improvement works at the trial run to good effect. (2009-01-09, Windows_Unix, 670KB, 下载35次)


[编译器/解释器] CompilersPrinciplesTechniquesAndTools

Compilation Principle classic materials (Liuzhou book), is the most authoritative in the field, one of the most classic books. Stanford University, Bell Labs, Avaya Labs classic reference textbooks, almost all of the compiling principle of its teaching materials are copied, and copied only the most simple front-end some of the elements. (2008-12-16, Windows_Unix, 48351KB, 下载65次)


[WEB开发] wss

Get their own forward play, and I hope useful, more suitable for beginners to learn. Players will not need to read, there is nothing to the meaning of the (2008-04-24, Windows_Unix, 271KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] mp_mc

I said in my program files used in the calculation of the minimum cost maximum flow algorithm does not first Ford- Fu Dixon calculated maximum flow and then calculated the dual minimum cost, but will combine two algorithms, minimum cost and calculate maximum flow together (2007-11-26, Windows_Unix, 1KB, 下载3次)


[其他] ppserver

bubble appear server inside a station that likes Wanpaopaotang friends Download Development. (2006-08-12, Windows_Unix, 3830KB, 下载47次)


[C#编程] Chat_zhuxubiao

This one I started to learn C# when reading the play, is a peer-to-chat, But do not impressive, illustrious (2006-06-16, Windows_Unix, 55KB, 下载11次)


[串口编程] com口通讯工具大集合

此包括COM口开发所需要的测试工具,我自己的一个仪表就是这东西试出来的,并且是免费的共享的,应该结束整天用超级终端的年代到了。而且COMTOOLS 还支持两个COM口的使用很方便
this COM port development, including the required test tools, I own an instrument that is something the trial, and is free to share the day should end with the Super Terminal to the era. But COMTOOLS also supports two COM ports to the use of convenient (2005-11-30, Windows_Unix, 4882KB, 下载1632次)


[其他游戏] 海底宝藏

是一款需要耐心去完成的游戏,一共有100关 同时需要智力去完成,玩的过程中会发现窍门的。
is a need for patience to complete the game, a total of 100 related intellectual needed to complete the process of playing, you will find the keys. (2005-07-12, Windows_Unix, 6337KB, 下载6次)


[处理器开发] arm源代码-游蛇吃豆

Nokia mobile phones have this game and now I moved it onto the ARM, no phone can still play. ARM_SDT2.51 used in the development of embedded ARM Lane. (2005-04-07, Windows_Unix, 439KB, 下载60次)
