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按分类查找All 射击游戏(101) 

[射击游戏] test

A small game: the player controls the spaceship to shoot down the extraterrestrial spaceship, obtains the score, after all shoots down starts afresh. If not all shot down, the game fails to start again. (2020-11-29, Python, 50KB, 下载0次)


[射击游戏] 坦克大战

基于 Python 平台开发的一款坦克大战游戏,画面清晰,操纵灵活,小时候玩过的很经典的射击游戏,希望大家喜欢!
This is a tank battle game based on the Python platform. The picture is clear and the operation is flexible. It is a classic shooting game that I played when I was young. I hope you enjoy it! (2020-08-17, Python, 7350KB, 下载5次)


[射击游戏] CF右键瞬狙

CF sniping mode can use thundersnake's mouse drive to load this file, and then set shooting to the left key in the game, open the mirror to the right key, in the game you can automatically right-click instantaneous sniping. (2019-03-29, Others, 12755KB, 下载20次)


[射击游戏] PanzerWar

Tankedaizhan a classic game, using the C programming language. Tanks, the venue has a good effect. The players can be controlled through the keyboard' s arrow keys, space, missile launch. (2013-04-08, Visual C++, 523KB, 下载28次)


[射击游戏] tank

This is a Battle City game I designed in VC6.0, very classic. . . The integrity of the process. . You can be the first to play. . I hope for your help (2013-02-19, Visual C++, 4339KB, 下载27次)


[射击游戏] fight

The project selection for a flight shooting game. There are various games on a wide range of aircraft and weapons, according to a certain probability of enemy planes, the elimination of enemy game player can get scores of awards, up to a certain fraction will be upgraded, the difficulty of the game as the increase of series game player. The game has many scenes, an increase of irritation (2012-11-16, C/C++, 137KB, 下载3次)


[射击游戏] Tanks-VS-aircraft

Tanks to fight aircraft. Rules of the game: tanks, controlled by the left and right arrow keys to fire 5 key players not only to avoid the enemy s bullets, but also opened fire against the enemy. (2012-05-07, JavaScript, 191KB, 下载4次)


[射击游戏] OpenGL-GAME-Shoot-Fly

A sample about OpenGL.A game about shooting plane. (2012-04-23, C++, 9765KB, 下载32次)


[射击游戏] daba

Professional shooting game, divided into 1 to 10 ring, great game, mainly is suitable for children to play. Ha ha (2012-03-26, matlab, 1KB, 下载8次)


[射击游戏] 7_1

飞机游戏,主角当然是飞机。飞机分成两方:玩者的一方和计算机的一方。我们称为正方和对方。 支持多种分辨率
Airplane game, the protagonist is of course aircraft. Plane is divided into two parties: the player' s side and computer side. We called the square and each other. Support for multiple resolutions (2011-05-24, Visual C++, 156KB, 下载4次)


[射击游戏] NetShoot

This game can be conducted online by two players shooting, was shot in the section of blood will reduce the life blood. Deployment, the host computer as a server, a real machine as a client (2010-12-20, Java, 457KB, 下载8次)


[射击游戏] movinggames

Project topic for making a flight shooting game. The game has all sorts of aircraft and the weapons of the total, according to a certain probability of enemy appears, the player must destroy enemy score after award, will be upgraded after a certain score, the game difficulty increases with the increase of player progression . Game has a lot of explosions, an increase of irritation. (2010-11-01, Visual C++, 1978KB, 下载34次)


[射击游戏] 123456789

Space planes and other shooting games is similar to the number keys on the keyboard to control the players used by the aircraft and fired bullets. Players can use the keyboard on the W (on), S (next), A (left), D (right) key to control aircraft movement, the G keys on the keyboard to launch a bullet. These settings is the default option, but we also consider that some players may be accustomed to these keys, so we will be options (OPTIONS) is set to allow users to their choice of weapon fired the arrow keys and number keys. (2010-03-24, FlashMX, 88KB, 下载5次)


[射击游戏] Tank

VC++ Tankedaizhan, contest first prize was a game works, with music, with the map editor game can play single and double play. We believe that you played this game in childhood, it is fun! Map editor is written in VB, with its own to create the map you can import the game tanks. Source of this game successfully in VC6 compiler needs to pay attention, please put the generated files is the root and sound resources and map the resources directory is the same level in order to ensure that the running. (2009-07-24, Visual C++, 389KB, 下载26次)


[射击游戏] youxi

the first landing the game, and then can be an unlimited period of time the aircraft were shot down there, and when the enemy attacks can not allow the enemy bullets can not hit or collide with the enemy, otherwise the value of the lives of players by 1 and reduce the number of bullets double life until the player value of 0, then the end game. If you hit a certain number of enemy aircraft, will enter the next level. In a small number of aircraft in the upgrade package with the enemy, was shot bullets will become the player to upgrade and increase the value of the upgrade package of life, after players found a bullet will more than double the number of (but can only be increased up to the original three times the bullets), at the same time increase the value of that life. CPC set up the game four aircraft types, both normal and two high-level enemy aircraft. Game players will be in accordance with increase in the number of enemy planes shot down enemy movement speed, the aircraft manag (2009-04-13, Java, 185KB, 下载7次)


[射击游戏] flygame

C++ to prepare for flight shooting games, games are all on a wide range of aircraft and weapons, according to a certain degree of probability of enemy planes appeared, the elimination of enemy players can get scores of awards, scores after a certain upgrade, the game difficulty with player the increase of series. There are many game scenes, an increase of irritation (2009-04-09, Visual C++, 1391KB, 下载18次)


[射击游戏] tangkewar

坦克大战大家小时候都玩过的小游戏,你想也做一个吗?程序是用 VC做的,参考一下吧!
Tankedaizhan everyone spent their childhood played the game, you would like to also make one? Procedure is to do with VC, and refer to it! (2008-05-04, Visual C++, 453KB, 下载3次)


[射击游戏] littleperfitgame

This is a very fun game, basically the design of the game includes all the functions, for weapons, the blood and so on. Long-written source code (2006-06-12, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载7次)


[射击游戏] windows扫雷机器人for winxp(功能全)

complete simulation of the robot's operation, like friends, the exchange of Java programming skills, the content is complete, middle- (2005-12-01, Java, 53KB, 下载6次)
