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[其他] SDRuno v1.31(原版加汉化提示)

SDRuno是SDRplay平台的一款频率存储器软件,SDRuno是系统下的无线电通信的电脑端软件,安装后运行SDRuno,在打开的窗口中设置调整系统参数,具有强大的频率管理功能,根据需要可以建立存贮多个列表,可导入导出,也可以在网络上搜寻广播频率列表,只需简单的格式化编辑即可导入SDRuno! 使用说明 SDRuno1.31版只汉化了提示部分,面板汉化会乱码。 1、安装原版 2、到安装路径找到(SDRuno.exe),复制汉化SDRuno.exe覆盖就可以了。 说明: 不是专业汉化,专业用词翻译难免有错误,最近有兴趣想玩一下sdr,店家提供的软件都是英文,网上找了一下,也没有找到中文版的软件,就顺手翻译了一下,分享给业余无线电爱好者。希望对大家有用!
Sdruno is a frequency memory software of sdrplay platform. Sdruno is the computer software of radio communication under the system. After installation, sdruno is run. In the open window, it is set to adjust system parameters, with powerful frequency management function. It can build multiple lists of storage according to needs, can be imported and exported, or search for broadcast frequency list on the network. It only needs simple grid You can import sdruno by editing in a format! (2021-03-21, Windows_Unix, 19233KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] guet-ipclient-broker

I am Gui electricity slag one, often with the campus network, but an account is not enough, they borrow someone else with a (non-laboratory personnel account basic waste), but unfortunately I do not know the password, then use the button spirit script specimens password. Thanks to the school s software simple, there is no verification code protection, it is possible, I am a night person to break 20, enough for a month (2016-05-15, Windows_Unix, 1KB, 下载2次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] scope_new

本实验,为 ZX-2 开发板的综合实验,该实验利用 ZX-2 开发板上的 ADC、独 立按键、 UART 等外设, 搭建了一个具备丰富功能的数据采集卡, ZX-2 开发板负 责进行数据的采集并将数据通过串口发送到 PC 机上, PC 端,利用强大的串口调 试工具——串口猎人,来实现数据的接收分析,并将数据分别以波形、码表、柱 状图的形式动态显示出来,以让使用者能够直观的看到 ADC 采集到的信号细节。 同时,用户也可以使用串口猎人通过串口给下位机( FPGA) 发送指令,下位机将 对接收到的指令进行解码,然后依据解码结果来配置 FPGA 中各个子模块的控制 寄存器,以实现通过串口控制 FPGA 中子模块工作状态的功能。
In this experiment, comprehensive experiment ZX-2 development board, the experimental use ADC ZX-2 development board, separate buttons, UART and other peripherals, to build a feature-rich data acquisition card, ZX-2 Development Board is responsible data collection and data sent via the serial port to the PC, PC side, using powerful serial debugging tools- hunter receives serial analysis to achieve the data and the data waveforms respectively, stopwatch, dynamic histogram form displayed to allow the user to visually see the detail signal ADC collected. At the same time, users can also use serial hunter through the serial port to the next bit machine (FPGA) to send commands, the next crew will have received instruction decode, and then based on the result of decoding to configure the FPGA in each sub-module control registers, in order to achieve through the serial port control FPGA neutron module status functions. (2015-12-01, Windows_Unix, 23824KB, 下载3次)


[数值算法/人工智能] spss

分析数据 为了了解某地母亲身高x与女儿身高Y的相关关系,随机测得10对母女的身高(见下表)。利用SPSS软件,完成以下任务: 1.画出x、Y散点图,观察因变量与自变量之间关系是否有线性特点; 2.试对x与Y进行一元线性回归分析,列出一元线性回归预测模型; 3.预测当母亲身高为161cm时女儿的身高? 母亲身高(cm) 159 160 160 163 159 154 159 158 159 157 女儿身高(cm) 158 159 160 161 161 155 162 157 162 156
Analyze the data in order to understand the correlation between height somewhere mother and daughter x height Y randomly measured 10 pairs of mother and daughter' s height (see table below). Use SPSS software, complete the following tasks: 1 Draw x, Y scatter, observe the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables are linear features 2 trial of x and Y be a linear regression analysis, a linear list. regression prediction model 3 predict when her mother height is 161cm tall when? Mother Height (cm) 159 160 160 163 159 154 159 158 159 157 daughter Height (cm) 158 159 160 161 161 155 162 157 162 156 (2014-05-12, Windows_Unix, 1722KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] DS-5_crack

使用期限到2099年 破解步骤参见crack.txt 只在5.11版本上破解过,其他版本未尝试。 如果破解后出现问题,卸载DS-5并删除C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\ARM\DS-5(WIN7)文件夹,然后重新安装。 仅用于学习目的。
Use deadline to 2099 cracked steps, see crack.txt only 5.11 cracked version, other versions did not try. If the problem occurs after the break, uninstall DS-5 and delete the C: \ Users \ Administrator \ AppData \ Roaming \ ARM \ DS-5 (WIN7) folder, and then reinstall it. Only for learning purposes. (2013-10-17, Windows_Unix, 8433KB, 下载616次)


[软件设计/软件工程] LoadRunner9.5userguide(Chinese)

欢迎使用 LoadRunner 教程!这是一个可由您自己掌握学习进度的可打印指南, 旨在指导您完成负载测试的过程和熟悉 LoadRunner 测试环境。 第 1 课介绍 LoadRunner 和测试概念。 第 2 课通过示例测试来说明 LoadRunner 工具的功能。 第 3 课到第 6 课介绍如何使用 Mercury 虚拟用户生成器创建脚本。 第 7 课到第 9 课解释如何使用 LoadRunner Controller 设计和运行负载测试。 第 10 课介绍 Analysis 工具,说明如何创建图和报告,这些图和报告有助于您分 析负载测试。 学完本教程后,您就可以在自己的应用程序上设计、运行和监控一个简单的测 试。建议您循序渐进地学习本教程。
Please Reference to Chinese function description (2011-11-25, Windows_Unix, 2010KB, 下载7次)


[DirextX编程] 3DMark2001SE

3DMark2001 SE 是3DMark系列的最新工业标准,透过由一个超过400万个系统的效能数据库做比较为依据的结果,提供精细的标竿测试结果。可以让你以自己拥有的系统效能,跟世界上其它使用者的系统作比照。 结合支持DirectX 8.1的最新3D绘图,3DMark2001 SE 客观的测量你的计算机如何有效地适当执行3D绘图。SE版本里面包含有全新的像素投影1.4版测试程序。新版的System Info(系统信息)现在也会侦测安装好的硬盘级AGP,这些都对3D效能有重大的影响。新版会检查所有最新的处理器如AMD的Athlon XP、英特尔的Pentium 4 以及用于笔记型计算机的Pentium III -M处理器。 3DMark2001 SE 与主要的3D加速器及处理器制造商合作,提供你毫不逊色的可能性以及一套高稳定度诊断工具,同时包含一组全新的示范操作,包含四套新游戏测试并展示一些实时3D图形最新的改进与创新。这个试用版本不包含可玩的游戏展示以及专业的批次执行和结果浏览工具。
3DMark2001 SE 3DMark series is the latest industry standards through a more than four million by the system to compare the performance of the database based on the results, providing detailed benchmark test results. Allows you to own the system performance, with the rest of the world for the user s system, cf. Combined with support for DirectX 8.1 3D graphics of the latest, 3DMark2001 SE and objective measurement of how effectively your computer the proper implementation of 3D graphics. SE version which contains a new test program version 1.4 pixel projection. New version of the System Info (System Information) is now also detects installed hard-drive level AGP, these have a significant impact on 3D performance. The new version will check all the latest processors such as AMD s Athlon XP, Intel s Pentium 4 and notebook computers for Pentium III-M processor. 3DMark2001 SE with the major 3D accelerator and processor manufacturers to provide you with the possibility of no less and a set o (2011-04-30, Windows_Unix, 40798KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] 9.1data

花 2500元 买的 9.1 石器一条龙linux版csa服务端 data win 版也可使用,私服关闭不玩了,发出给有需要的拿去
Spent 2,500 yuan to buy the 9.1 version csa stone dragon linux server data win version is also available, PW closure does not play, and sent to the need Naqu (2010-04-06, Windows_Unix, 8949KB, 下载625次)


[OpenGL] Face

OpenGL™ 是行业领域中最为广泛接纳的 2D/3D 图形 API, 其自诞生至今已催生了各种计算机平台及设备上的数千优秀应用程序。OpenGL™ 是独立于视窗操作系统或其它操作系统的,亦是网络透明的。在包含CAD、内容创作、能源、娱乐、游戏开发、制造业、制药业及虚拟现实等行业领域中,OpenGL™ 帮助程序员实现在 PC、工作站、超级计算机等硬件设备上的高性能、极具冲击力的高视觉表现力图形处理软件的开发。
OpenGL ™ is the industry' s most widely accepted field of 2D/3D graphics API, it has been since the birth of the birth of a variety of computer platforms and equipment on thousands of outstanding applications. OpenGL ™ are independent of the Windows operating system or other operating system is also network transparent. Contains at CAD, content creation, energy, entertainment, game development, manufacturing, pharmaceutical industry and virtual reality industries field, OpenGL ™ help programmers achieve at PC, workstations, super computers and other hardware devices on the high-performance, highly with high impact visual performance graphics processing software development. (2009-03-23, Windows_Unix, 4408KB, 下载29次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] qq2008_console_client

qq2008贺岁版协议控制台客户端,同时支持linux和win32版。本人修正其一处错误,确保在mingw平台下编译通过。linux下我没试~~编译需设置pthread库(包中已有)最简单的办法是把.a库直接扔到mingw的lib目录下.h文件到include目录 可以实现登录 退出 聊天 群聊 等功能
Hesuiban agreement qq2008 console client, while supporting linux and win32 versions. The first error I amended to ensure that the adoption of MinGW platform compiler. under linux I did not try ~ ~ compiled to be set pthread library (package already) the most simple way is to. a library directly into MinGW s lib directory. h files to include directory can log out of chat features such as group chat (2008-11-17, Windows_Unix, 224KB, 下载48次)


[Windows编程] Billyelcebvirus(Win32)

WIN32病毒教程,这是一篇关于病毒基础知识的教程,作者Billy Belceb,西班牙人,在16 岁时写的这篇教程,曾创建了病毒组织 DDT,好不容易找到的,教程中还有大量有用的源码,让你玩病毒轻松入门
WIN32 Virus Tutorial, which is a basic knowledge on the virus tutorial, the author Billy Belceb, the Spaniards, in the 16-year-old when writing this tutorial, have created a virus Organization DDT, hard to find, there are a large number of useful tutorials source, allows you to easily play the virus entry (2008-05-27, Windows_Unix, 541KB, 下载60次)


[数据结构] rb-tree

红黑树的算法,网上有好多例子,包括移植STL中的RBTREE算法,但是我试了,不怎么好用阿。 这是麻省理工数据结构课程的一个实现,我把它改造了一下,经过30-40万的数据量测试 windows/unix下都做过测试,没有问题。
Red and black tree algorithm, the Internet has a lot of examples, including the transplantation of STL algorithms RBTREE, but I tried, not very easy to use the Arab-Israeli. This is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a data structure course realize, I modified it a bit, after 30-40 million the amount of data to test windows/unix done under test, no problem. (2008-03-02, Windows_Unix, 5KB, 下载179次)


[Windows编程] Wom_v7.71

Windows优化大师 v7.71 Build 7.0417 1:解压到任意目录下; 2:内附KeyGen.exe为5.92版注册机,经测试可正确注册。如果有问题可尝试长一点用户名! 注:新版本检测注册机运行,因此在优化大师注册时请关闭注册机的运行,否则无法成功注册!
Windows Optimization Master v7.71 Build 7.04171: unzip to any directory 2: containing Zhuceji keygen.exe for version 5.92, after testing the correct register. If you have problems can try a little longer in that user name! Note: The new version detection Zhuceji run, so when you optimize the master register closed Zhuceji operation, otherwise it is impossible to successfully register! (2007-09-15, Windows_Unix, 3935KB, 下载3次)


[Linux/Unix编程] msys1.0

MSYS在windows下模拟了一个类unix的终端,它带有一些unix终端下常用的工具,如ls、tail、tar,其实它是相应unix/linux工具的windows版,而且它的环境会继承windows的一些系统变量,如path,如果windows下装有ruby、rails,在它的环境里同样都可以直接运行 至于如何使用,大家自己慢慢试吧
MSYS in the windows under the simulation of a unix-type terminal, it is a bit under the unix terminals commonly used tools such as ls, tail, tar, in fact it is the corresponding unix/linux tools for windows version, and it will inherit the environment of windows some system variables, such as the path, if under windows with ruby, rails, in its environment can be directly run the same as to how the use of their time U.S. trial bar (2007-08-17, Windows_Unix, 10768KB, 下载33次)
