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按分类查找All Windows编程(105) 
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[Windows编程] EYE

是专门针对上班一族而设计的一款实用软件。里面集成了多种常用功能。自动更换桌面功能:让我们每天开机都能眼睛一亮有一份好的心情。隐身功能:让我们在忙里偷闲时不用担心老板的突然袭击。经典游戏功能:集成了一款经典又耐玩的 “俄罗斯方块”游戏。备忘录功能:在我们忙的晕头转向时,看看它就清楚了,有什么好的灵感也可以随时记录在里面哦。
vb6 design. include a game.include screen save. (2018-09-14, Visual Basic, 613KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] wheresfocus

监测焦点所在进程,并可以实现日志记录在内存。 玩游戏时突然失控?一定是游戏程序失去焦点了。保持它处于运行状态可以帮助你查看是哪个程序抢走了焦点。
Monitoring focused process and can log in memory. Suddenly out of control when playing games? You must have lost focus of the game program. Keep it running can help you see which programs snatched focus. (2016-03-09, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] up

玩24 点 朗读英文 模拟抽奖 抽取座号 打砖块小游戏 显示弹u盘窗口 简易计时器 人体生物钟的计算 打开小i机器人聊天网站 星星爆发屏幕保护(彩色) 字符串转换成Chr(...) & Chr(...)... 批量产生字符
Play with 24 points Read English aloud Simulation of draw Take a seat number Make bricks little game Show u disk window Simple timer The calculation of the human body biological clock Open the small robot I chat sites The stars outbreak screen saver (color) String into a CRH (...). & CRH (...). ... Batch produces characters (2014-07-11, Visual Basic, 371KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] tupianfanse

VB source code to achieve the anti-color images to achieve a similar effect of X-rays, the program default on a map, if you do not want to use, can be replaced with your own images of other test, click on "Command1" button, the program starts from left to Right rendering images, and ultimately anti-color effect. (2014-05-08, Visual Basic, 253KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] drawcube

VB produced a 3D rotating body- dice, dice simulated rotation movement, click Control dice stopper, distance control mouse movement speed, I feel pretty fun. Eight vertex plane position storage cube, using ramps measured drawing, painting good 12 edges to form a cube, and controlled to achieve 3D rotation function, it is worth drawing a VB code (2014-05-08, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] monishaizi

Let the dice turn up-VB produced a 3D rotating body- dice, dice simulated rotation movement, feeling pretty fun. Click Control dice stopper, distance control mouse movement speed. (2014-05-06, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] 161_1326796_f8daa380ae1ccf7

适合三个版本,估计是1.21及1.22及1.20e吧。 等下试试,单机玩RPG或别的图可以有来修改下,未作验证,不过可以肯定的说比黄永平写的要好吧。 因为我在作者的主页看到HYP回复说他自叹不如。 压缩包中加了几个OCX文件,我打不开一个一个下载后放到WINDOWS/System32(中间几个字忘了)就能用了 提示:如果出现 “没有找到MSVBVM60.DLL”错误",请查看帮助文件" http://www.52miji.com/help.shtml#vb
适合三个版本,估计是1.21及1.22及1.20e吧。 等下试试,单机玩RPG或别的图可以有来修改下,未作验证,不过可以肯定的说比黄永平写的要好吧。 因为我在作者的主页看到HYP回复说他自叹不如。 压缩包中加了几个OCX文件,我打不开一个一个下载后放到WINDOWS/System32(中间几个字忘了)就能用了 提示:如果出现 “没有找到MSVBVM60.DLL”错误",请查看帮助文件" http://www.52miji.com/help.shtml#vb (2011-03-18, Visual Basic, 449KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] RouletteButler

Using VB to write a small game, you can use the keyboard to play. Can be used to demonstrate a small game, such as customer acceptance before making a product (2009-12-18, Visual Basic, 982KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] vb

计算机自动产生多种不同类型的方块,并出现在区域的最顶端;而后通过一个固定时间间隔向下下落一层,玩家可以使用键盘控制方块的形状以及下落速度,当不能下落是则停止并产生一个新的方块,当新方块无处放时就GAME OVER。
The computer automatically generate a variety of different types of boxes, and appear in the top of the region and then downward through a fixed time interval of the whereabouts of a layer, the player can use the keyboard to control the shape of the box, as well as the whereabouts of speed, when you can not drop is the cessation of and create a new box, when the new box is no place to put when GAME OVER. (2009-10-21, Visual Basic, 25KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] game

VB version of the game, a simulation of a child playing with a very simple handheld game console, the contents of the game is to escape capture large octopus. (2009-05-21, Visual Basic, 408KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] AI_Winmine

此程序可用来解决windows扫雷(初级),先打开扫雷,使其在桌面顶层,然后点GetAddress即可。按Esc退出。花一天编的程序,可能会有些Bug,且准确率不太高,仅供娱乐! (注意:使用时Windows的窗体边框宽度必须设在25,具体可在 显示-〉外观里设置)
This procedure can be used to solve the windows de-mining (primary), first open the mine to the top of the desktop, and then point to GetAddress. Exit by Esc. Prepared to spend a day procedure, there may be some Bug, and the accuracy rate is not too high, only for entertainment! (Note: Use the form border when the width of Windows must be located at 25, specifically in the Display-> Appearance Lane) (2009-01-15, Visual Basic, 75KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 31767649librarydatabase

热门话题 第一只进博物馆的猪 醉酒后 高油价时代 财经·科技·房产 ·股市要熊到2010年? 证券分析师跳楼自杀 ·A股论坛28日举行 三大主力抄底(附股) ·IBM抑郁员工公开信 房企怕缺钱被逼自杀 奥运·体育 ·意大利换帅内幕 姚明27日归队训练 ·火箭海选姚明替补 NBA梦之队PK总冠军 ·卡卡儿子未来命运 足坛十大乒球高手 潘玮柏死盯辣妹脱衣 央视名嘴抵川 流泪赵普受关注 [央视名嘴大都身兼多职][更多娱乐新闻] ·新妙玉造型被讽像媒婆 熊猫成亿万富翁 ·新旧红楼梦演员差距 宋慧乔傍上吴宇森 ·高圆圆张亚东约会(图) 石康批士兵突击 ·容祖儿新艳照(图) 艳星彭丹夜会李云迪 ·金马奖影帝影后靓照 琼瑶小生变老大叔 流行阅读[百家讲坛:千古中医故事] [路遇劫匪:我没说我淑女] 嫁凤凰男,你敢吗? 阿娇被迫拍人体写真 女大学生的尴尬时刻 全国高校招生办答疑 女性·时尚 ·11个细节超有异性缘 丰胸产品使用心得 ·吊带背心的搭配心得 谁送狂人上巅峰? ·测测你的爱人在哪里 十大最难惹的公主 预订LAVIDA朗逸休闲·新品 ·详解东风日产新天籁 旗舰级手机排行榜 ·暗黑3公布希望大增 R02台服延至明年 ·刘
err (2008-06-25, Visual Basic, 982KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] gongziguanlixitong

医院员工工资管理系统 vb管理信息系统 vb+access数据库。 包含所有源码 可调试运行 编辑员工信息 添加、删除、更改。是学习vb的不错代码 从学校书籍的光盘拷贝的,放心使用 vb+access数据库,工资管理系统
Wages and salaries of hospital management system vb Management Information System vb+ Access database. Contains all the source code can be run editorial staff debugging information to add, delete, change. Vb is a good code to learn from school books on CD-ROM copy, rest assured that the use of vb+ Access database management system for wage (2008-05-13, Visual Basic, 319KB, 下载106次)


[Windows编程] dltravelmis

Dalian City Tourism Resource Management System is a realistic demand a practical system. The design objective is to provide a friendly travel agent, direct exchange platform. This system is mainly divided into nine modules: geographical information management, resource management attractions, hotels resource management, resource management restaurants, entertainment, resource management, information management plane, the train information management, tourism management and line management system users. The system (2008-03-14, Visual Basic, 880KB, 下载139次)


[Windows编程] fivenetcode

Net5 是一个支援网路连线的五子棋游戏,可以让你透过网路跟你的亲朋好友 来场五子棋大赛,不过Net5 并没有设计单人的模式,只能利用连线来玩。
Net5 is a support network connection Gobang games, can let you through the web with your friends and family to market Gobang contest, but did not design Net5 single model, only use the connection to play. (2007-08-09, Visual Basic, 15KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] Windows_Button_Broken

Windows 按钮突破专家(VB版本源代码) 有个小软件,叫做Windows按钮突破专家,发现很好用,一些软件的按钮或者滑块什么的,被禁用了,没办法使用。如果使用这个突破专家,那么就可以使这些控件变得重新可用了,有时还真能实现原来的功能。例如一些软件没注册时,会限制一些功能,而可以使用突破专家来试试。总之遇到有什么按钮变成灰色的时候,又想要按它时,就可以想到按钮突破专家。
Windows button breakthrough experts (VB versions of the source code) is a small software Windows button breakthrough called experts found useful, some software button or slider or anything like that be banned, and not to use. If the use of this breakthrough experts, we can make these controls become available again. Sometimes we will one day be able to achieve the original function. For example, some software did not register, would restrict some functions, and can be used to try to break experts. In short encounter what the buttons turned gray, according want it, we can expect a breakthrough experts button. (2007-06-02, Visual Basic, 7KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] SolverTable

这个是斯坦福大学商学院MBA教学用的Excel 集成的Visual Basicl语言编写的Solver软件,可以解决商业路径最优化问题
This is a Stanford University Business School MBA teaching Excel integration of the Visual Basi cl language prepared by the Solver software can solve business problems path optimization (2007-01-14, Visual Basic, 827KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] VB-lantern

呵呵……学VB时,写来玩的~~~~~ 可以用鼠标拖动它,左键双击即可关闭,右击弹出贺词~~~~ 另外也可以打开多个,点右边那个之后,左边那个就不动了,这样可以挂好多个
Oh ... learn VB, the directive was to play with the mouse can drag it, double-click the button can be closed, Right click on pop-up message ~ ~ ~ ~ It also can open multiple point that the right side, not the left that moved, this can be hung over (2006-06-19, Visual Basic, 134KB, 下载170次)


[Windows编程] TimeMaster

是一款控制电脑上机时间的软件,管理员可以自定义开机时间和下次开机时间。界面简洁、操作方便,安全性高。适合于为控制小孩玩电脑的家长们和废寝忘食的程序员们。 计时采用程序本身自带计数器,如本机时间无关。 本软件属于绿色软件,对计算机操作系统无影响。
control is a time machine computer software, administrators can customize boot time and the next time. Interface simple, easy to operate and safe. In order to control for the children to play with the computer and parents caring for the programmers. Time used its own counter itself, if the plane has nothing to do time. The software is green software, the computer operating system without impact. (2006-04-02, Visual Basic, 523KB, 下载24次)


[Windows编程] gaoMSAgent

只想让自己的程序带上一个像Office那样的精灵,但是又不想承受MS AGENT那庞大的身躯的人有福了!这是一个用VB编写的小巧的精灵。别看它小,功能却少不了多少,更重要的是它可以完全整入你的APP之中,让你的程序更有希望成为绿色软件
just want to put their own procedures Office as a kind of spirit, but do not want to bear a large MS Agent of the body blessed! This is a VB prepared by the Small Stars. Although it is small, but indispensable function of how much more important it is entirely your entire income APP, the procedure you want to be more green software (2004-12-06, Visual Basic, 533KB, 下载40次)
