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按分类查找All 3D图形编程(89) 

[3D图形编程] ReactCraft

A Three.js-Powered Minecraft Experience. ReactCraft is a Minecraft-inspired game developed using React and Three.js. It offers a simplified block-building experience with five types of blocks: wood, wood planks, cobblestone, dirt, and more. Players can unleash their creativity by constructing various structures. (2023-08-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[3D图形编程] tabletop-club

An open-source platform for playing tabletop games in a physics-based 3D environment for Windows, macOS, and Linux! Made with the Godot Engine. (2023-07-13, GDScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[3D图形编程] FiringRange3D_OpenGL

An OpenGL and GLUT based 3D videogame, where the player has to complete different levels shooting the targets with a certain amount of bullets. (2022-05-24, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[3D图形编程] snake

A 3D "snake" game (C++, OpenGL) with quite the remake. It has a first person camera with a gameplay similar to snake, your goal is to move your player with a joystick towards 3d pillars (i.e fruits in original snake). (2019-06-25, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[3D图形编程] Dice-motion-simulation

Dice motion simulation (2013-12-22, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载5次)


[3D图形编程] shoot

Now is playing with Qt+ Ogre, have a project is to do 3 d virtual shooting range, now just started, made up a basic function of the shooting range, can rotate lens, up, down, left and right movement. Had not enough time to set up sound and target, a gun for more Settings (2012-03-02, QT, 1098KB, 下载60次)


[3D图形编程] BUNNY_Data

这是一个完整的斯坦福兔子的数据,Bunny.txt是数据,数据的每行分别按照x y z 的格式存储;BunnySrc.txt是将该数据赋值个数组格式;BunnyTriId.txt是在matlab中使用trimesh函数生成三角形的点序号。
This is a complete data on the Stanford rabbits, Bunny.txt is the data, respectively, each row of data in accordance with the format of xyz storage BunnySrc.txt be to assign one array of data formats BunnyTriId.txt in the use of trimesh function matlab point of the triangle generated serial number. (2009-08-24, Visual C++, 1569KB, 下载42次)


[3D图形编程] scanalyze-1.0.3_source_code

Stanford University in the development of a 3D point cloud generation reconfigurable mesh, NURBS surface generation further increases and the effect of illumination system. Generation can be achieved on the 3D graphics rotation, movement and different angles graphics Mosaic (2007-03-21, Visual C++, 932KB, 下载1616次)


[3D图形编程] small_rpg_3DnetGame_ver1.0

这是一个服务端/客户端模式的小型网络游戏,1.0版。可连接多玩家,最多连多少个玩家视各位电脑的配置而定啰。根据Andre LaMothe游戏大师的 DirectX RPG Game Programming著作编成。比上次上存的版本有所完善。
This is a server/client model of a small network games, version 1.0. Multi-player can be connected up even as the number of players you computer configuration which 1,10. According to Andre LaMothe master of the game DirectX RPG Game Program ming organization works. On deposit from the last version is perfect. (2006-04-22, Visual C++, 1646KB, 下载699次)
