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[其他书籍] chapter4

Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is an analytical method based on fuzzy mathematics. Fuzzy mathematics is a new discipline developed in the past 40 years (2018-03-19, matlab, 16KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] Convex-Optimization

Stephen Boyd 美国斯坦福大学 1980年以最高荣誉获哈佛大学数学系AB学位;1985年获伯克利大学电力工程和计算机服务系博士学位,后获瑞典皇家工学院荣誉博士称号。 编写的《凸优化》中文版
Stephen Boyd Stanford University in 1980, won the highest honors AB degree in mathematics Harvard University Ph.D., 1985 the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Services Berkeley University and received honorary doctorates Swedish Royal Institute of Technology. Written " convex optimization" Chinese version (2017-05-03, PDF, 48341KB, 下载20次)


[其他书籍] deep-learning-pdf

This document is the depth of learning, deep learning Stanford University public courses ppt lecture, in layman' s language, it is worth learning (2017-01-02, Python, 15311KB, 下载60次)


[其他书籍] FoxitPhantom_crack

Foxit Phantom,可便捷地用于pdf的拆分合并等操作,功能远超福熙阅读器,适用于办公、看小说等方面,里面有详细的使用和汉化说明。
Aspect Foxit Phantom, can easily be used pdf split merge operation, functions far beyond Foch reader, suitable for office, reading novels, etc., there are detailed instructions to use and finished. (2015-08-30, Visual C++, 247KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] huaweiOJ

华为OJ c++答案,华为机试刷题库专用,考前必备
华为OJ c++ (2015-08-19, Visual C++, 196KB, 下载168次)


[其他书籍] MV

吴福朝的“计算机视觉中的数学方法”。此书由射影几何、矩阵与张量、模型估计三个部分组成,它们是三维计算机视觉所涉及到 的基本数学理论与方法。
WU Fu-Chao' s " Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision." This book by the projective geometry, matrix and tensor, the model estimates of three components, which are involved in three-dimensional computer vision the basic mathematical theory and methods. (2011-02-23, Others, 4015KB, 下载38次)


[其他书籍] weijiyuanliyujiekou

微机原理与接口 里面含有河北工业大学考研复试的一些内部资料 计算机科学与软件学院 也可用作期末考试 可以压到很多选择题
Microcomputer Principle and Interface which contains the Hebei University of Traditional Interview some of the internal information of Computer Science and Software Engineering can also be used as the final exam a lot of pressure to multiple-choice questions (2011-02-08, Others, 3714KB, 下载26次)


[其他书籍] Matlab

:Or绍了有限元法的本质特征及用变分试函数法和残值试函数法导出有限元法的过程,给出了在Matlab 语言环境下实现有限元法的步骤.利用Matlab语言中的PDE工具箱求解偏微分方程具有简便、快速、可视化 程度高等优点,能满足精度要求,并以一个工程实例说明了利用有限元法求解偏微分方程从而解决实际问题 的方法.
: Or introduce a finite element method and the essential characteristics of the trial function with variational trial function and the residual value method to export the process of finite element method is given in the Matlab language environment for the realization of the finite element method under the steps. Matlab language using PDE Toolbox to solve partial differential equations is simple, rapid and high degree of visibility, to meet accuracy requirements, and examples of a project using the finite element method for solving partial differential equations to solve practical problems . (2009-05-15, matlab, 138KB, 下载23次)


[其他书籍] mba

全国首届MBA学生论文大赛论文集:突破Yahoo——未来搜索引擎的目标市场初探、 利用信息技术 实现科学管理、成都地奥与四川康福制药资产重组、加强企业财务管理,盘活银行不良资产、建立沪深股市平准基金初探、 中国汽车业战略分析与思考 、企业绩效评价的利器- 杜邦财务分析体系、 我国企业股权激励的机制与运用 、 企业常见利润操纵方法的会计分析、乐凯胶卷之竞争战略及策略 、 科研院所转制中应研究的财务会计问题
First National Thesis Competition Essays MBA students (2009-02-04, Others, 743KB, 下载14次)


[其他书籍] FreeType2

freetype official translation of electronic documents, they are requested to study, I also do not use this font engine, you have to play good if you please tell me (2008-12-12, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载129次)


[其他书籍] CCS_cn

第一章 CCS概述 1 第二章 开发一个简单的应用程序 17 第三章 开发DSP/BIOS程序 32 第四章 算法和数据测试 41 第五章 程序调试 58 第六章 实时分析 76 第七章 I/O 86
CCS outlined in Chapter 1 Chapter II to develop a simple application development 17 Chapter III DSP/BIOS program 32 Chapter IV 41 algorithm and data test program debugging 58 Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII of the 76 real-time analysis of I/O 86 (2008-12-04, Visual C++, 521KB, 下载46次)


[其他书籍] Cortex_M3_TRM__en_and_cn

Cortex-M3 Chinese English technical manuals, with the Cortex-M3 authoritative guide Topsy can easily use Cortex-M3 (2008-11-09, Others, 6167KB, 下载142次)


[其他书籍] Poser.3dsmax.Deep-Paint-3D.Photoshop

《Poser_3ds max_Deep Paint 3D_Photoshop快速玩转》这本书可以帮助大家三维建模,其中poser软件中含有普通的人脸模型,可供大家实现三维人脸的重建。
err (2008-10-05, Others, 11627KB, 下载61次)


[其他书籍] Teradata_basic

Teradata公司是全球最大的数据仓库及企业分析方案的供应商,业务遍及全球60多个国家。我们的客户遍及通信、金融服务、证券、制造、零售、保险、政府及公共服务、媒体及娱乐、医疗与制药、旅游与物流运输等行业。 本文介绍Teradata数据库的基础知识,是入门Teradata的好材料!
Teradata Corporation is the world (2008-09-23, PDF, 1300KB, 下载139次)


[其他书籍] MT20_EMS

MT20 EMS 系统技术手册 德尔福发动机管理系统是以德尔福MT20发动机控制模块(ECM)为核心的系统,简称为MT20发动机管理系统。 第一章 系统介绍 第二章 58齿同步逻辑及MAPCID 第三章 燃油系统 第四章 点火系统 第五章 怠速系统 第六章 空调控制系统 第七章 碳罐电磁阀控制 第八章 风扇控制 第九章 里程累计系统 第十章 故障诊断
MT20 EMS system technical manual engine management system is based on Delphi Delphi MT20 Engine Control Module (ECM) as the core of the system, referred to as MT20 engine management system. System Introduction Chapter I Chapter II 58-tooth synchronous logic and fuel system MAPCID Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V ignition system idle system air-conditioning control systems Chapter VI Chapter VII of the solenoid valve to control carbon cans Chapter VIII Chapter IX mileage fan control Chapter X the cumulative system fault diagnosis (2008-05-22, WORD, 203KB, 下载215次)


[其他书籍] MIT

本书1984年出版,成型于美国麻省理工学院(MIT)多年使用的一本教材,1996年修订为第2版。在过去的二十多年里,本书对于计算机科学的教育计划产生了深刻的影响。   第2版中大部分重要程序设计系统都重新修改并做过测试,包括各种解释器和编译器。作者根据其后十余年的教学实践,还对其他许多细节做了相应的修改。   本书自出版以来,世界各地已有100多所院校采用本书做教材,其中包括美国斯坦福大学、美国普林斯顿大学、英国牛津大学、日本东京大学等。 (2008-03-27, Others, 1484KB, 下载17次)


[其他书籍] Informationf_Retrieval

An Introduction to Information Retrieval 介绍信息检索的一本书,是斯坦福大学的一个教授写的,据说还没有出版,先放出来给读者提改进意见的。注意是英文版的
An Introduction to Information Retrieval Information Retrieval introduction of a book, a Stanford University professor of writing, it is said has not yet published, first released to the readers to improve their views. Attention is the English version of (2008-01-29, MultiPlatform, 4075KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] Wireless-Communication-Goldsmith

斯坦福大学Goldsmith著,无线通信教程,Wireless Communication,也是一部精典的无线通信书籍。英文,pdf格式,也很清晰!
Goldsmith, Stanford University, and wireless communications tutorials, Wireless Communication, is also a classical wireless communication books. English, pdf format, is also very clear! (2007-10-26, PDF, 2527KB, 下载221次)


[其他书籍] windowsgaoshoujinjie(5)

软件版本号详解;少在WINXP下玩“虚的”;升级系统前的八大注意事项;使用 WINDOWS XP 组策略修改系统配置;视频播放的新问题全面解析等。
Elaborates on the software version; WINXP less in the next game of "virtual"; Before the system upgrade eight attention; using Windows XP Group Policy changes to the system configuration; video of new issues such as a comprehensive analysis. (2006-04-19, TEXT, 21KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] 丘吉尔传

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during the Second World War, led the British people to win the war against fascism great victory for the hero, and Stalin, Roosevelt go to the "Big Three", is standing in the world history of this great man. (2005-10-31, TEXT, 314KB, 下载4次)
