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[图形图象] IPL-data-Analysis

Player Performance, Venue Analysis, and Team Analysis from IPL 2008-2020 with over 150 graphs using SQL and Tableau. (2024-04-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] BitcoinAddressGenerator

This script generates valid bitcoin addresses and WIF-private keys. Have fun fiddling with it. (2024-03-18, Ruby, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] FrickGlow

Hides multiple sources of glow during Geometry Dash gameplay, including in the level editor. (No, this does not affect player glow.) (2024-02-27, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] FuckGlow

Hides multiple sources of glow during Geometry Dash gameplay, including in the level editor. (No, this does not affect player glow.) (2024-02-20, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] BlackJack-Bot

Complete BlackJack game and Bot using Python. BlackJack Game bot with user authentication to play automatically (Input Automated using Image (2024-01-18, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] speed-graph

Toribash Lua脚本,测量玩家化身的移动速度,并在屏幕上向用户显示数据。
Toribash Lua script that measures the movement speed of the player avatar and shows the data on-screen to the user. (2023-12-22, Lua, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] photoguesser-front

Guess what year a photo was taken in a web browser game that you can play with your friends. (2023-12-22, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] TooltipAnimations

Some little ideas for bouncy and playful tooltip shapes and animations with SVG and anime.js. Among other styles, we use shape morphing and transform. (2017-05-31, JavaScript, 36KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] mortar-boy-unity-game

3D Unity游戏,玩家可以在山上跑来跑去,从3门不同的大炮发射炮弹...
3D Unity game where the player can run around and shoot cannonballs from 3 different cannons across a mountain range to destroy 3 enemy cannons that are on the other side of the map with AI that aim and shoot cannonballs within a certain radius of the players current location. (2021-02-23, C#, 136358KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Multiplayer3DPacmanGameOnline-Client

3D packman,使用Three.js和Orbital相机实现。主要的想法是制作一个游戏,人们可以在里面玩...
3D packman, using Three.js and Orbital camera implementation. Main idea was to make a game where people can play in multiplayer agains ghosts, but in future releases it was planned to add AI where ghosts would have a "smell" feature and would be able to learn from mistakes and play better. This game has editor as a separate project. (2017-11-25, JavaScript, 2634KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] EpicBattleSimulator

3D Top view shooting game built with Unity where the player is a soldier in the battlefield with the goal of capturing enemy outposts with AI allies. Game models created with Blender. (2023-01-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Tap---Conquer

2D和3D Stretgy Phone7游戏。玩家必须通过直接攻击AI和管理资源来摧毁敌人...
2D and 3D stretegy Phone7 games. The player must destroy the enemies by attacking directly the AI and manage resources. Occupying free slots or conquering them let you to generate bigger army.. (2012-07-23, C#, 11862KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Jungle_Pathfinding_Unity3D

使用导航网格和Unity.AI,创建一个3D Unity platformer,玩家需要在其中到达跑步结束...
Using Navigation meshes and Unity.AI, creating a 3D unity platformer where the player needs to reach the end of a randomly generated jungle with Many patrolling NPC (2018-12-30, C#, 12918KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] space-lua

在这个游戏中,玩家建造并由Lua AI控制的船只在3D模拟中相互战斗。
In this game ships constructed by players and controlled by Lua AI fight against each other in 3D simulation. (2021-01-05, C++, 23825KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] GameAI

Procedurally generated 3D terrain using Perlin noise. Created a Player that can move around using WASD keys and shoot bullets to cause damage. Implemented A* algorithm for movement/pathfinding for Enemy AI NPC. Developed 2 Enemy AI state machines and incorporated probabilities. Enemy can heal, flee and retreat (2023-05-19, C#, 99424KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Adaptation

Adaptation ? describes a player who goes out to find food in order to survive, but is attacked by various enemies of his kind. So, he has to find a way to remain alive in spite of enemy attacks. This game serves as an illustration of how living things live in adverse conditions and in constant danger of predators. Their Creator, foreseeing that ... (2022-01-28, Java, 14KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] jiaoyizhibiao

一款外汇交易指标 自带识别趋势行情还是单边行情 不同行情不同操作方法 月利润大约30 值得一试
A foreign exchange trading index comes with the identification of the trend of the market or the single side of the market for different operating methods of different operating methods on about 30 of the monthly profit worth a try (2016-08-15, Others, 2KB, 下载11次)


[图形图象] Bow-Ties-Final

swift实现的IOS APP带领结功能,可以实现基本的带领结功能,可以显示领结图像,带领结次数,给试带评分等功能。
swift realization led IOS APP node function, can achieve the basic function of a tie, the tie can display images, the number of times a tie, with a score to test other functions. (2015-02-24, Objective-C, 453KB, 下载4次)


[图形图象] d1

This is my usual boring play written for image mapping, oval and rectangular, use Windows interface. (2005-04-29, Visual C++, 43KB, 下载5次)
