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[Windows编程] 磁盘文件最优存储

设磁盘上有 n 个文件 f1, f2,…, fn, 每个文件占用磁盘上的 1 个磁道。这 n 个文件的检索 概率分别是 p1, p2,…, pn 且 sum pi=1,磁头从当前磁道移到被检信息磁道所需的时间可 用这两个磁道之间的径向距离来度量。如果文件 fi 存放在第 i(1<=i<=n) 道上,则检 索这 n 个文件的期望时间是 sum pi pj d(i,j)。式中, d(i,j)是第 i 道与第 j 道之间的径向距 离|i-j|。 磁盘文件的最优存储问题要求确定这 n 个文件在磁盘上的存储位置,使期望检索时间达 到最小。试设计一个解此问题的算法,并分析算法的正确性与计算复杂性
Let's have n files on disk f1, f2,... Fn, each file occupies one track on the disk. Retrieval of these n files The probabilities are p1, p2, and... PN and sum pi = 1. The time required for the head to move from the current track to the detected track is Measure the radial distance between the two tracks. If the file FI is stored on path I (1<=i<=n), check The expected time to request these n files is sum PI PJ D (i, j). In the formula, D (i, j) is the radial distance between the first path and the first path. From |i-j|. The optimal storage problem of disk files requires that the storage location of these n files on disk be determined so that the desired retrieval time can be reached. To the minimum. An algorithm for solving this problem is designed and its correctness and computational complexity are analyzed. (2019-05-29, C/C++, 6323KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] MWC四轴飞行器DIY全套教程

MultiWii MWC 主板,采用ATMEGA328P 作为主芯片。包含5V、4V5、3V3 三种电压输出,为了给飞控主板提供更稳定的电源,主板提供了专门的5V外接电源输入口。主板还包括LLC电路 提供HVI2C和LVI2C 传感器接口,方便各位玩家使用各种传感器
When the MultiRotor orientation is changed in any pitch/roll/yaw axis, the gyros indicate an angular change from it's initial position. The MultiRotor controller records the original position and by utilising a "PID" program loop, drives the motors to attempts to return the MultiRotor to its initial position. This is done my a combination of the measured angular deviation, sampling the change over time and predicting the future position. This provides enough information for the controller to drive the motors to return equilibrium. (2019-04-29, C/C++, 4771KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Desktop

There is a bi-directional circular linked list. In addition to prior, data and next domains, freq is added to each node. Before the list is used, the freq value in frequency domain is initialized to zero, and every time a locate (L, x) operation is performed on the list, the freq value in frequency domain in the visited node (i.e., the node whose element value equals x) is increased by 1. At the same time, the order of the nodes in the list is adjusted so that they are arranged in a non-decreasing order of visiting frequency so as to keep the frequently visited nodes at all times. The point is always close to the head node. Try to write an algorithm for locate operation that meets the above requirements. (2019-03-16, C/C++, 22KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 22

为了挑战一个新的高度,作者原创了他从事WEB编程以来的第一个Win32 API应用,之所以编写一个游戏,是因为游戏考察的知识面很综合,之所以选择俄罗斯方块,一是自己曾被瘾过,二是发现这款游戏几乎包含了Widows入门的很多知识,比如窗口、消息、菜单、工具栏、资源、对话框、计时器、自绘按钮、GDI位图操作、Windows目录操作、INI文件操作等等,拿来练手会收获不少。本游戏是带有背景音乐的,一边玩游戏一边欣赏音乐的感觉相信很舒服。
In order to challenge a new height, the author originally created his first Win32 API application since he was engaged in WEB programming. The reason why he wrote a game is that the knowledge of the game investigation is very comprehensive. The reason why he chose Tetris is that he was addicted to it and found that the game almost contains many introductory Widows. Knowledge, such as windows, messages, menus, toolbars, resources, dialog boxes, timers, self-drawing buttons, GDI bitmap operations, Windows directory operations, INI file operations and so on, will benefit a lot from hands-on training. This game is a background music, playing the game while enjoying the music feel very comfortable. (2018-11-08, C/C++, 4715KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] 陶陶摘苹果

陶陶家的院子里有一棵苹果树,每到秋天树上就会结出 1010 10 个苹果。苹果成熟的时候,陶陶就会跑去摘苹果。陶陶有个 3030 30 厘米高的板凳,当她不能直接用手摘到苹果的时候,就会踩到板凳上再试试。 现在已知 1010 10 个苹果到地面的高度,以及陶陶把手伸直的时候能够达到的最大高度,请帮陶陶算一下她能够摘到的苹果的数目。假设她碰到苹果,苹果就会掉下来。
There is an apple tree in the courtyard of the Tao Tao family, and it will come out every autumn. One thousand and ten 10 apples. When apple is ripe, Tao will run to pick apples. There is a Tao Tao Three thousand and thirty 30 centimeters high bench, when she can not directly pick apples by hand, she will step on the bench and try again. Now it is known One thousand and ten The height of the 10 apples to the ground, and the maximum height to be reached when the Tao Tao reaches the handle, please help Tao Taosuan give the number of apples she can pick. Suppose she touches the apple, and the apple will fall. (2018-06-12, C/C++, 1KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] T052(coin test)

众所周知,如果你扔一枚硬币,让它掉在桌上通常有三种结果。是的,只要相信我所说的,它可以是右边或者另一边,或者站在桌子上,如果你不相信,就试着在过去有一些著名的数学家在研究这个问题。但jacmy是一个懒惰的男孩。他忙着约会或者玩游戏。他没有时间100000次掷一个硬币。他的想法来了,他去银行,把几千美元换成硬币,然后只扔在桌子上一次。留给他唯一的工作就是计算三种情况下的硬币数。 他会把桌上的硬币一个一个地给你看。请告诉他硬币的可能性在右边,如果结果和0.5之间的概率不大于0.003为分数。
As is known to all,if you throw a coin up and let it droped on the desk there are usually three results. Yes,just believe what I say ~it can be the right side or the other side or standing on the desk, If you don't believe this,just try In the past there were some famous mathematicians working on this .They repeat the throwing job once again (2017-12-25, C/C++, 182KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] peg

孔明棋(英语:Peg solitaire)亦称单身贵族及独立钻石棋。大约在二百多年前的法国大革命前夕,在巴士底狱中关押著一名贵族囚犯。此人面对铁窗,百无聊赖,终于想起下棋可以消磨时光,解除烦闷。但由于他被囚于独间牢房,找不到对手,于是就在当时欧洲流行的“狐狸和鹅”的棋盘上,设计出一种一个自己能够玩的棋。这就是孔明棋。C语言 广度优先搜索实现
Ming Qi (English: Peg solitaire), also known as singles and independent diamond chess. About two hundred years ago, on the eve of the French Revolution, Bastille prison detained in a noble prisoners. This person face behind bars, bored, you can spend time playing chess finally remembered to relieve boredom. But because he alone among the prisoners in the cell, can not find opponents, so he was popular in Europe in the " fox and geese" checkerboard design a one that they can play chess. This is Ming chess. C language to realize the breadth-first search (2013-12-06, C/C++, 3KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] C-Primer-Plus

C 语言的重要性不言而喻。不多说,为大家奉上C语言方面的新版资料!以下是介绍: 内容提要: 本书全面讲述了C语言编程的相关概念和知识。 全书共17章。第1、2章学习C语言编程所需的预备知识。第3到15章介绍了C语言的相关知识,包括数据类型、格式化输入输出、运算符、表达式、流程控制语句、函数、数组和指针、字符串操作、内存管理、位操作等等,知识内容都针对C99标准;另外,第10章强化了对指针的讨论,第12章引入了动态内存分配的概念,这些内容更加适合读者的需求。第16章和第17章讨论了C预处理器和C库函数、高级数据表示(数据结构)方面的内容。附录给出了各章后面复习题、编程练习的答案和丰富的C编程参考资料。 本书适合希望系统学习C语言的读者,也适用于精通其他编程语言并希望进一步掌握和巩固C编程技术的程序员。 作者简介: StephenPrata 在加利福尼亚州的Kentfield的Marin学院教授天文学、物理学和程序设计课程。他在加州工业学院获得学士学位,从加州大学伯克利分校获得博士学位。他最早接触计算机,始于对星河的计算机建模。Stephen已经编写或与他人合作编写了十多本书。其中包括C++PrimerPlus和Unix Prinmer Plus.
C Primer Plus (2011-12-23, C/C++, 46771KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] base64test

BASE64 encoding of this very interesting, can be every three (binary) encoded into a byte ASCII representation of 4 bytes. Some people may wonder, Save the page as mht format, obviously only a text file, but the browser is opened there is actually picture. In fact, use Notepad to open the mht file, you can see piles of " junk" , which is often the BASE64 encoded pictures. Use this thing because of the recent project, then went down CSDN had a BASE64 encoding and decoding C++ classes. Because no special requirements for efficiency, we only tried it with a small picture, can be used. (2011-11-20, C/C++, 1572KB, 下载16次)


[Windows编程] 3

1.把C++当成一门新的语言学习(和C没啥关系!真的。); 2.看《Thinking In C++》,不要看《C++变成死相》; 3.看《The C++ Programming Language》和《Inside The C++ Object Model》,不要因为他们很难而我们自己是初学者所以就不看; 4.不要被VC、BCB、BC、MC、TC等词汇所迷惑——他们都是集成开发环境,而我们要学的是一门语言; 5.不要放过任何一个看上去很简单的小编程问题——他们往往并不那么简单,或者可以引伸出很多知识点; 6.会用Visual C++,并不说明你会C++; 7.学class并不难,template、STL、generic programming也不过如此——难的是长期坚持实践和不遗余力的博览群书; 8.如果不是天才的话,想学编程就不要想玩游戏——你以为你做到了,其实你的C++水平并没有和你通关的能力一起变高——其实可以时刻记住:学C++是为了编游戏的; 9.看Visual C++的书,是学不了C++语言的;
1. To C++ as a new language to learn (and the relationship between C Mosha! Really.) 2. See "Thinking In C++", do not look at "C++ into a lifeless" 3. To see "The C++ Programming Language" and "Inside The C++ Object Model", not because they are very difficult and we do not see why they are beginners 4. Do not be VC, BCB, BC, MC, TC and so confused by words- they are all integrated development environment, and we should learn is that a language 5. Do not let any one looks very simple little programming problem- they are often not so simple, or could mean a lot of knowledge points 6. Will use Visual C++, does not mean that you will C++ 7. Science class is not difficult, template, STL, generic programming much better than this- the difficulty is the long-standing practice and to spare no effort to-read 8. If it is not genius, then, want to learn programming, do not want to play the game- you think you do, but in fact the level of your C++ does not and your clea (2009-12-30, C/C++, 2KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] clock

【问题描述】普通时钟都有时针和分针,在任意时刻时针和分针都有一个夹角,并且假设时针和分针都是连续移动的。现已知当前的时刻,试求出该时刻时针和分针的夹角A(0≤A≤180)。 注意:当分针处于0分和59分之间时,时针相对于该小时的起始位置也有一个偏移角度。 【输入形式】从标准输入读取一行,是一个24小时制的时间。格式是以冒号(“:”)分隔的两个整数m(0≤m≤23)和n(0≤n≤59),其中m是小时,n是分钟。 【输出形式】向标准输出打印结果。输出一个浮点数A,是时针和分针夹角的角度值。该浮点数保留3位小数值。 【输入样例】 8:10 【输出样例】 175.000 【样例说明】8:10那个时刻时针与秒针的夹角是175.000度
【Description】 general problem of the clock and the clock minute hand has, at any time there is a clock and the angle between minute hand and hour hand and minute hand is the assumption that continuous movement. Now know the current moment, try to derive the moment and the minute hand clockwise angle A (0 ≤ A ≤ 180). Note: When the minute hand at 0 hours and 59 minutes between when the clock relative to the start position of the hour there is a migration perspective. 】 【Input form to read from standard input line, is a 24-hour time system. Format is a colon-separated (":") two integer m (0 ≤ m ≤ 23) and n (0 ≤ n ≤ 59), in which m is the hour, n is the minutes. 】 【Output format print results to standard output. Output of a floating-point A, is the angle between the clock and the minute hand angle. Floating-point numbers to retain the value 3. 】 【Input sample 8:10 【Output sample】 175.000 【Description】 8:10 sample clock with second hand at all times that the angle is 175.00 (2009-06-16, C/C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] 2

A、B、C 是3个塔座。开始时,在塔座A 上有一叠共n 个圆盘,这些圆盘自下而上, 由大到小地叠在一起。 各圆盘从小到大编号为1,2,……,n,奇数号圆盘着蓝色,偶数号圆盘着红色,如图所示。现要求将塔 座A 上的这一叠圆盘移到塔座B 上,并仍按同样顺序叠置。在移动圆盘时应遵守以下移动规则: 规则(1):每次只能移动1个圆盘; 规则(2):任何时刻都不允许将较大的圆盘压在较小的圆盘之上; 规则(3):任何时刻都不允许将同色圆盘叠在一起; 规则(4):在满足移动规则(1)-(3)的前提下,可将圆盘移至A,B,C 中任一塔座上。 试设计一个算法,用最少的移动次数将塔座A 上的n个圆盘移到塔座B 上,并仍按同样顺序叠置。 编程任务: 对于给定的正整数n,编程计算最优移动方案。
Sample Input 3 Sample Output 1 A B 2 A C 1 B C 3 A B 1 C A 2 C B 1 A B (2009-04-25, C/C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Byshell

适合读者:入侵爱好者、网络管理员、黑器迷 前置知识:C基本语法 刘流:后门是黑客们永恒的话题,在各大网站如163、Yahoo、北大等相继被黑之后,越来越多的人开始关注服务器的安全,而各种后门技术也空前地火暴起来!今天我们将给大家带来一个重量级后门的使用、编程方法,让广大新手朋友们有好后门玩,让编程技术爱好者有好的后门编程技术可以借鉴。当然,更多的新技术还等你去发掘。 Byshell后门:无进程无DLL无硬盘文件无启动项   现在网络上流行的木马后门类工具很多,但可以称为精品的则没有多少,大多数新手们还在使用Radmin一类的软件来替代后门程序。不幸的是,它们并不是一个真正的后门,极容易服务器管理员察觉,因此肉鸡经常飞掉也就很正常了。 一个合格的后门至少应该做到不能有陌生进程存在于任务管理器里,给后门进程起一个看起来像系统进程的名字只是掩耳盗铃;不能在注册表Run启动项或者服务启动项里留下众所周知的启动键值或新增服务,当然更不能直接写开始菜单的启动项;不能如同无视管理员或者防火墙一般明目张胆地打开陌生端口;像Bits.dll那样等待连接时无端口,连接时开端口的程序,在端口检查时只有30 的几率能逃脱。另外后门最好能隐藏自己生成的文
Byshell (2009-03-20, C/C++, 1743KB, 下载170次)


[Windows编程] TEST

苏腊卡塔尔棋 本软件是基于Windows操作系统下运行的苏腊卡塔尔棋博弈软件,可独立运行,具有人机博弈、人人对战等博弈方式。启动游戏后可进入如图1所示的人机交互界面。 这时用户可以通过右上角的按钮选择对战方式。若选择“人机对战”则玩家与计算机进行博弈,若选择“人人对战”则可进行两名玩家之间的博弈。由于编写软件的目的主要是为了实现苏腊卡塔尔棋博弈系统的机器博弈,因此软件应默认为“人机对战”模式。 考虑到苏腊卡塔尔棋的普及程度较低,用户大多对规则不太熟悉。为此在界面上需要为用户提供必要的规则信息。用户可以点击“规则信息”按钮进行规则确认。这时会弹出Word程序打开本软件的Readme.doc,里面有苏腊卡塔尔棋的行走规则、吃子规则与胜负判断等等详细的规则信息的介绍。
Qatar Chess Surabaya This software is based on the Windows operating system running under Surabaya Qatar Chess Game software can be run independently, with man-machine game, everybody play the game the way and so on. After the Games start as shown in Figure 1 can enter the human-computer interaction interface. Then the user can select button the upper right corner of the way the war. If you selected the "war machine" is a computer game player and, if you choose "all war" can be carried out of the game between two players. Because the main purpose of writing software in order to achieve the Soviet Union are the Prince of Qatar chess game game machine system, so software should default to "man-machine war" mode. So the Prince of Qatar, taking into account the popularity of chess less, users are mostly not very familiar with the rules. To this end at the interface required to provide users with information necessary rules. Users can click on the "rules of information" button to confirm (2009-03-05, C/C++, 3542KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] grh

1、 每次实验前学生必须根据试验内容认真准备实验程序及调试时所需的输入数据。 2、在指导教师的帮助下能够完成实验内容,得出正确的实验结果。 3、实验结束后总结实验内容、书写实验报告。 4、遵守实验室规章制度、不缺席、按时上、下机。 5、实验学时内必须做数据结构的有关内容,不允许上网聊天或玩游戏,如
1, before each experiment to test students must prepare content experimental procedure and debugging required input data. 2, in the instructor's help to complete the experiment, get the right results. 3, the end of the experiment after experiment concluded, report writing experiment. 4, laboratory compliance regulations, the absence of time, the plane. 5, laboratory science to be done within the structure of the data, not the Internet chat or play games, such as (2006-01-04, C/C++, 4KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] szqyxydm

in many games, it did not find 'three-game' game. This is my home often to play the game. Rules are as follows : 1) Now stage : At this stage, only under a pawn and unable to move a pawn. Like the 331, so that their son would make up a 'three', when you make up a pawn 'three' of the future, you can give each other the son of a destroyed (the son would become a gray Now completed, it will be removed). 2) A chess stage : End under the son, entered a move phase. At this stage, not only under the pawn and mobile pawn, but also to enable the children to make up their own 'three', when you make up a pawn 'three' of the future, you can give each other the son of a removed. 3) until the son who left less than three, whoever lost. 4) Who have no sons moving, (2005-12-06, C/C++, 13KB, 下载63次)


[Windows编程] 模拟停车场管理系统

Suppose the parking is narrow opening which can park many cars,and the cars come and leave the park only though one gate.The first car parks in the northernmost of the parking ,then the later parks beside it towards the south of the parking(the gate is in the southernmost,and the first car parks the northernmost point of the parking) (2005-07-02, C/C++, 2KB, 下载87次)
