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按平台查找All Python(107) 

[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] finalyear-object-detection-project

My final year project which explores the fusion of video image processing, synthetic dataset generation, and object detection to track the movements of a playable character from the video game League of Legends, by identifying their action animations frame-by-frame. (2024-03-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] computer-vision-rock-paper-scissors

A game of rock, papers, scissors is played against the computer using a computer vision model as the user s choice and automating a randomised selection from a list of options as a computer player (2024-03-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] WinkWinkOWO

Eye fatigue can be detected by blinking detection. A very simple small program, written to play. Blink detection uses dlib to detect key points of human eyes, and then uses eye aspect ratio to detect wink. (2020-04-17, Python, 70633KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] Yolo-Model-for-Don-t-Strave-together

In order for AI to learn and play some decision-making games on their own, such as "Famine Online Edition," it is necessary to have AI recognize some of the images that appear in the game. Therefore, a new Yolo model is trained to enable AI to recognize (2022-01-07, Python, 323KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] Robot-cleaner

Had a great time implementing a virtual vacuum cleaner robot as part of a school project. You can find my modified solution in myvacuumagent.py . Since the agent is unaware of its surroundings I implemented a heat map in order to keep the agent "curious" and is prone to explore new environments. I also added a file named "have_fun.py" without ... (2022-09-14, Python, 102KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] FortniteVideoAnalysis

Fortnite视频分析,论文的再现性人工制品“Philipp Moll,Veit Frick,Natascha Rauscher,Mathias Lux.2020。玩家如何...
Reproducibility artifacts for the Paper "Philipp Moll, Veit Frick, Natascha Rauscher, Mathias Lux. 2020. How Players Play Games: Observing the Influences of Game Mechanics. In International Workshop on Immersive Mixed and Virtual Environment Systems (MMVE’20), June 8, 2020, Istanbul, Turkey. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages. https: //doi.org/10.1... (2020-04-28, Python, 10696KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] Ludo-Game-with-Sam

和Sam一起玩Ludo游戏,我用Python Tkinter制作了一个Ludo游戏。。。。这是一款童年游戏,也是一款用Python制作的非常性感的游戏。。。
Ludo-Game-with-Sam,I made a Ludo Game using Python Tkinter....It s a childhood game and a very sexy game to make it in Python... (2021-02-15, Python, 592KB, 下载0次)
