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[自然语言处理] bumble-3

Bumble是一款阅读理解游戏,灵感来自Spelling Bee的设计和概念。Bumble的独特之处在于,Bumble采用了不同的方法,该游戏专注于玩家的阅读理解,游戏具有不同的游戏模式,并伴有大黄蜂主题游戏的视觉效果。
Bumble is a reading comprehension game that is inspired by the design and concepts of the Spelling Bee. What makes Bumble unique is that Bumble takes a different approach, this game is focused on the player’s reading comprehension, and the game features different game modes accompanied by bumblebee theme game visuals. (2024-04-12, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] guildbot

Discord bot for hypixel guilds. Offers automatic applications with in-game requirements, displaying guild and player statistics, a guild chat to discord two-way bridge and more. (2024-03-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] inhousebot

An in-house bot that drafts 2 teams and has an MMR system was made for Heroes of the Storm custom games, but it can be used for any game that you play 5v5. (2024-03-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] guess-to-story-app

One person becomes the storyteller, this person chooses the story they want to tell, the players try to solve the story and the event by asking yes no or true false questions to the narrator based on the clue sentence of this story. (2024-03-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] mr-dice

Mr. Dice is a discord bot assisting D&D players in over 2,000 discord servers. Utilities include rolling dice, rolling and calculating da… (2024-01-15, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] hsr-discord-bot

星鐵小助手,讓你在 Discord 上查看玩家資料、自動 簽到 通知、躍遷 模擬 紀錄、忘卻之庭紀錄、排行榜等
Stariron s little assistant allows you to view player information, automatic sign in notice, jump simulation record, forgotten court record, leaderboard, etc (2024-01-01, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] search-node-api

build your own free search api, using koa puppeteer. 使用koa puppeteer代理bing搜索引擎,提供免费的搜索api,可用于自己玩llm的免费工具,参考了search-engine-tool
Build your own free search api, using koa puppet Use koa puppet agent to bind the search engine, provide free search apis, free tools for playing llm, and refer to search engine tool (2023-11-18, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] juke-swgoh-bot

Juke的Swgoh Bot是一款用于移动视频游戏《星球大战英雄银河》的Discord Bot。它使用Swgoh Help API来检索玩家...,
Juke s Swgoh Bot is a Discord bot for the mobile video game: Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. It uses the Swgoh Help API to retrieve players data from game and follow their evolutions (2023-07-31, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] minesweeper-bot

I m a Discord bot that can generate a random Minesweeper game using spoiler tags, for anyone to play! (2022-11-16, JavaScript, 41KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] StarTools

StarTools,开源微信小程序源码 明星工具箱,不需要任何服务器和云服务资源,拥有海量工具,功能不断增加,支持流量主,欢迎star. 功能清单:网速测试,计算器,血型计算,关系计算器,一生时间,尺码计算,色盲测试,房贷计算器,尺子 ,量角器,BMI计算
StarTools, an open-source WeChat mini program source code celebrity toolbox, does not require any server or cloud service resources. It has a massive number of tools, continuously increasing functions, and supports traffic control. Welcome to star Function list: Internet speed test, calculator, blood type calculation, relationship calculator, lifetime, size calculation, color blindness test, mortgage calculator, ruler, protractor, BMI calculation (2022-10-13, JavaScript, 857KB, 下载0次)
