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[工具库] So_Long_42

“So Long”是一个42项目,涉及用C开发一个简单的2D游戏。它专注于解析、错误管理和内存分配,要求玩家在地图中导航、收集项目、避开障碍物和到达出口。
"So Long" is a 42 project that involves developing a simple 2D game in C. It focuses on parsing, error management, and memory allocation, requiring the player to navigate through a map, collect items, avoid obstacles, and reach the exit. (2024-04-09, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] Mummy-and-Daughters-

A woman in her 34, slim with hips and medium size breast in her living room with her two daughters on low cut. Value is three and Virtue is 6months. Virtue is struggling to suck breast while Value is playing with tablet and toys. (2024-03-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] Starflare-Communication

Chat client and server utillize TCP, and a built-in protocol. An example for anyone hate WebSocket like me. Have fun! (2024-03-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] Movix

Experience the next level of entertainment with Movix, Built with React, Redux, and a plethora of advanced features, Movix offers unparalleled user- friendliness and responsiveness. Seamlessly search for any movie or TV series, filters based on genres and ratings. Discover trending and upcoming releases sorted for daily and weekly exploration. (2024-03-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] simongame

西蒙游戏,也称为“西蒙说”或“西蒙”,是一款经典的电子记忆游戏,测试玩家记忆和重复一系列彩色灯光和声音的能力。该游戏由拉尔夫·H·贝尔(Ralph H.Baer)和霍华德·J·莫里森(Howard J.Morrison)在20世纪70年代末发明,此后成为一款流行的玩具和电子游戏
The Simon game, also known as "Simon Says" or "Simon," is a classic electronic memory game that tests a player s ability to remember and repeat a sequence of colored lights and sounds. The game was invented by Ralph H. Baer and Howard J. Morrison in the late 1970s and has since become a popular toy and electronic game (2024-02-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] Sofifa_Data_Scraper

这个Python脚本从https:sofifa.com抓取玩家数据,包括姓名、年龄、评级、球队和职位。它提取合同年份,即使跨多行显示,并将所有内容保存为CSV。在运行python scrape_data.py之前,安装请求、beautifulsoup4和csv库。(349个字符)
This Python script scrapes player data from https: sofifa.com , including names, age, ratings, teams, and positions. It extracts contract years, even if presented across multiple lines, and saves everything to a CSV. Install requests, beautifulsoup4, and csv libraries before running python scrape_data.py. (349 characters) (2024-02-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] Lottery-Smart-Contract

Ethereum smart contract for a lottery application. The smart contract is implemented using Solidity and deployed on a testnet. Players can participate in the lottery by sending a fixed amount of ether, and a winner is randomly selected from the pool of participants when the manager ends the lottery. (2024-01-02, Solidity, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] Clash-of-Clans-Bot

This is a Python bot made using mainly the ImageSearch and PyAutoGUI libraries in PyCharm. This program will automatically play the game "Clash of Clans" with no user input by searching for certain pictures using the ImageSearch library, and then interacting with the game using the PyAutoGUI library. (2023-12-23, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] Unity-Curtain

The Curtain system in Unity is a robust and versatile tool designed to manage transitions and loading screens across your games or applications. It serves as a curtain , hiding the scene changes or loading processes that happen in the background, providing a seamless experience for the player. (2023-11-11, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] libSkyblock

这是一个用于与Hypixel Skyblock项目、玩家和更多内容轻松交互的库。包含许多有用的对象、方法和实用程序,用于提取数据并以漂亮的数据形式表示它。
A library made for easy interactions with Hypixel Skyblock items, players and much more. Contains many useful objects, methods and utilities for extracting data and presenting it in a pretty data form. (2022-03-27, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)
