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[Linux/Unix编程] 2014220303020_yang_lab3

1。学习所提供的表达式语法的LR分析 了解calc1。L,calc1。Y,calc2。L,Y calc2。 在Eclipse中创建项目并试运行calc3。L,Y calc3。 2。为学习提供lrgram.txt语法 它与rdgram.txt比较 三.学习和了解makefile文件(可选) 4。写的lrgram LR解析器 (1)解析器生成AST。 野牛的规范文件:lrparser。Y Flex的规范文件:lrlex。l AST相关代码:AST和AST (2)其他功能(如主)main, (3)解析器(rdparser。C)可以读取源文件(如测试。C)从命令行,在分析这个文件,通过调用函数showast印刷结构。 5。设计一个符号表,以便将令牌属性和其他信息保存到表中(可选)
To learn LR analysis of the provided expression grammar understand calc1.l calc1.y calc2.l calc2.y create a project in eclipse and try to run calc3.l calc3.y (2018-01-14, C/C++, 3KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] huangshan

Description 二哥与女朋友到黄山旅行。他们在山上玩了一整天,发现天色已晚,该回家了。而突然又开始下起了雨,二哥的女朋友表示非常不爽:“都是你搞的,早知道就不和你来了。” 二哥当然不能抛下女朋友不管,并且二哥也不想露宿在山上。于是他摊开被雨淋湿的地图。 黄山地图是一个N*N的矩阵,矩阵中的每一项表示那个地方的高度。二哥与女朋友处在左上角,他们的住处在右下角。在矩阵中可以朝上下左右走,但不能沿着对角线行走。二哥的女朋友不喜欢颠簸,所以二哥需要找到一条回到住处的路径,使得路径上的最高点与最低点之差尽量小,而不需要管这条路径有多长。 Input Format 第一行:N 接下来N行 N*N的整数矩阵,(0≤每点的高度≤110 )。 (2≤N≤100) Output Format 一个整数,表示颠簸最小的路径中最高点与最低点的高度差。 Sample Input 5 1 1 3 6 8 1 2 2 5 5 4 4 0 3 3 8 0 2 3 4 4 3 0 2 1 Sample Output 2
the er ge is at huang shan (2017-10-06, C/C++, 3KB, 下载1次)


[Linux/Unix编程] LinkGameGUI

The code via QT development platform to achieve a single version lianliankan, the game industry beautiful, easy-to-user acceptance. Game set beginner, intermediate and advanced three levels, the user can select different levels to play the game according to their own needs, different levels will be different feelings. Can run, I hope a lot of support. (2014-09-23, QT, 660KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] rich-v1.1

linux终端下C编程练习 大富翁游戏,实现了游戏的基本框架,地图显示,4位玩家的行走,买地交租和一个道具的使用,其他道具暂时不能用,有兴趣可以添加其他的实现,欢迎交流! Linux终端设置成黑底白字显示效果好点!
The the linux terminal under the C programming exercises Monopoly game, the basic framework of the game, map display, four players walking to pay the rent, to buy land and a props use other props is temporarily unavailable, the interest can add other implementations, exchange welcome! Linux terminal is set to white on black display good point! (2012-12-04, C/C++, 232KB, 下载9次)


[Linux/Unix编程] lab2_Bomb-Lab-Defusing-a-binary-bomb

Most famous CSAPP dismantle bomb experiment to find six bombs, according to the assembly code, the code I have school experiment clone, I hope we can take practice, this experiment is very fun, very Kaoyan read the code capability (2012-09-23, Unix_Linux, 167KB, 下载56次)


[Linux/Unix编程] chat.tar

Sparrow may be small, fully-equipped enhanced version of chat rooms, source gathered from the Internet, and increase user login password checking, chat information recording function, belongs to original author, I just change the next play. Executed in a terminal, there is no graphical interface, did not create the child process, using an array of int type to save customers accept socket (2009-09-19, Unix_Linux, 5KB, 下载9次)


[Linux/Unix编程] energy211Lecture21ToLecture30

斯坦福Energy211/CME211课《c++编程——地球科学科学家和工程师》的课件,源代码和作业。这门课将教授你C++,软件工程和更多的知识。教材是《C++ Primer》第四版。进度按照《C++ Primer》书里的编排。除了总结书里的内容,课堂上还有很多针对科学计算的例子和源码。本课一共30讲。此压缩包包括第21讲到第30讲的课件,源代码和作业(注:源代码只存在于第28讲到第30讲。 第二十一讲:无 第二十二讲:无 第二十三讲:测试 第二十四讲:计算机组织结构 第二十五讲:计算机组织结构(继续) 第二十六讲:软件设计 第二十七讲:无 第二十八讲:与Matlab结合 第二十九讲:与Fortran结合 第三十讲: 加载和使用动态库
The Stanford Course Energy211/CME211--Computer Programming in C++ for Earth Scientists and Engineers, will teach you the basic C++, software engineering, and more. It uses C++ Primer(the Fourth Edition) as its textbook, and follows its organization. This compressed file includes the courseware, source code and assignment from Lecture 21 to Lecture 30. Lecture 21: None Lecture 22: None Lecture 23: Testing Lecture 24: Basics of Computer Organization Lecture 25: Basics of Computer Organization, cont d Lecture 26: Software Design Lecture 27: None Lecture 28: Integrating C++ with MATLAB Lecture 29: Integrating C++ with FORTRAN Lecture 30: Loading and Using Dynamic Libraries (2009-05-17, Unix_Linux, 220KB, 下载6次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Qtpicutre

前面我们详细介绍了Qt 嵌入式工具开发包的安装和使用方法,但是这个介绍对于要真 正进行一次商业的嵌入式应用开发来说并不足够。嵌入式应用的开发工作基本上是在工作站 或是PC 机上完成的,我们在工作的机器上调试运行嵌入式应用,并将输出结果显示在一个仿 真小型设备显示终端的模拟器上。在开发的后期,我们要根据我们选择的嵌入式硬件平台, 将嵌入式应用编译链接成适合在这个硬件平台上运行的二进制目标代码,另外由于应用使用 到了Qt/Embedded 的库,所以我们还要将Qt/Embedded 库的源代码编译链接成为适合在这个 硬件平台上使用的二进制目标代码库。当一个Qt/Embedded 应用被部署到小型设备上,并可 靠的运行,这样一个开发过程才宣告结束。 使用Qt/Embedded 开发一个嵌入式应用的过程大体可用下面的流程图表示:
err (2008-01-11, C++, 847KB, 下载10次)


[Linux/Unix编程] msys1.0

MSYS在windows下模拟了一个类unix的终端,它带有一些unix终端下常用的工具,如ls、tail、tar,其实它是相应unix/linux工具的windows版,而且它的环境会继承windows的一些系统变量,如path,如果windows下装有ruby、rails,在它的环境里同样都可以直接运行 至于如何使用,大家自己慢慢试吧
MSYS in the windows under the simulation of a unix-type terminal, it is a bit under the unix terminals commonly used tools such as ls, tail, tar, in fact it is the corresponding unix/linux tools for windows version, and it will inherit the environment of windows some system variables, such as the path, if under windows with ruby, rails, in its environment can be directly run the same as to how the use of their time U.S. trial bar (2007-08-17, Windows_Unix, 10768KB, 下载33次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 2.6_kernel_on_HHARM2410_HHARM9200

HHARM2410: 1. 从ftp://ftp.arm.linux.org.uk上下载linux内核,由于项目原因,先后跑了2.6.11,2.6.13和2.6.15,试了一下ftp.kernel.org上下载的2.6.16,没跑起来,打住。 2. 编辑linux-2.6.15/Makefile, ARCH ?= $(SUBARCH) CROSS_COMPILE?= 改为 ARCH ?= arm CROSS_COMPILE?= arm-unknown-linux-gnu- 我用的编译器是4.0.1版本的,一般的3.x的应该都没问题
HHARM2410: 1. Ftp://ftp.arm.linux.org.uk downloaded from the linux kernel, as a result of the reasons the project has run 2.6.11,2.6.13 and 2.6.15, try a bit ftp.kernel.org downloaded 2.6.16, no run up, stop. 2. Editor linux-2.6.15/Makefile, ARCH? = $ (SUBARCH) CROSS_COMPILE? = Read ARCH? = Arm CROSS_COMPILE? = Arm-unknown-linux-gnu-compiler I used is version 4.0.1, the general 3.x should be no problem (2007-07-12, Asm, 67KB, 下载191次)
