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[游戏] 21点汇编

21 points of the game, initially sent to the player two cards, the computer two cards (not shown), some of the internal code can be referred to (2017-12-06, Asm, 8KB, 下载3次)


[汇编语言] 42

The number of words in the first address as DATA group, storage 100H 16 complement number, try to write a program, average them on the AX register and find the array smaller than this average number of the results on the BX register. (2013-05-18, Asm, 1KB, 下载4次)


[汇编语言] 41

Enter a string of characters from the keyboard (with the end of the Enter key, 10 function calls.) On the STRING, the existence of a digital test preparation of a program to test string. If so, put the CL 5 position 1, otherwise this bit is set to 0. (2013-05-18, Asm, 1KB, 下载3次)


[界面编程] SkinSharp

最近想玩一下软件界面,百度了半天,发现 SkinSharp 挺强的。可是以前写的好多程序都懒得改源码了,所以想调戏一下 SkinSharp ,在没有源码的情况下,让任何一个 EXE 都可以使用 SkinSharp。本人是很尊重知识产权的,发这个贴子完全是出于技术交流的目的。如果你想使用 SkinSharp 请到官网 http://www.skinsharp.com/htdocs/index.htm 购买。这里玩的 SkinSharp 是1.0.6.6 版的。
Recently want to play the software interface Baidu for a long time, and quite strong SkinSharp. But I used to write a lot of programs are too lazy to change the source code, so I want to take liberties with SkinSharp, in case there is no source, so any SkinSharp an EXE can use. I have great respect for the intellectual property, send this post out the purpose of the exchange of technology. If you want to use SkinSharp Please official website http://www.skinsharp.com/htdocs/index.htm purchase. The play here SkinSharp version (2012-12-01, Asm, 493KB, 下载13次)


[汇编语言] colloge

To create a performance management file file (if there is to directly use the file), which contains seven items of the school, English, advanced mathematics, sports, language, physical, and their average performance. Try to write a management program, the system displays the following menu, button and perform the appropriate action. (2012-06-25, Asm, 118KB, 下载3次)


[汇编语言] shiyan6

1.编写完整的汇编语言程序: (1) 从键盘输入一系列字符(以回车符结束),并按字母、数字及其他字符分类计数,最后显示这三类的计数结果。 (2) 已定义了两个整数变量A和B,试编写程序完成下列功能(使用简化段源程序格式):  若两个数中有一个是奇数,则将奇数存入A中,偶数存入B中;  若两个数均为奇数,则将两数均加1后存回原变量;  若两个数均为偶数,则两个变量均不改变。 (3) 用减奇数次数的方法,求一个数的近似平方根,这个平方根是一个整数。如求17的平方根,可以用17相继减去奇数1、3、5、7、…,当结果为负数时停止,即: 17-1-3-5-7-9<0 可以看出,17在减去5次奇数后结果变为负数,可以近似认为17的平方根在4与5之间,计算NUM的平方根,如果NUM=17,则ANS中保存结果4。 (4) 以下面形式定义一个长整数,其所占用字节数由N得到,比如128位的数5746352413DE89674523BC9A78563412H定义成: NUM DB 12H,34H,56H,78H,9AH,0BCH,23H,45H DB 67H,89H,0DEH,13H,24H,35H,46H,57H N DB $-NUM 试编写一个程序,实现对N字节的NUM的值求补(类似NEG的操作),并把求补后的值仍保存在NUM中。
1.编写完整的汇编语言程序: (1) 从键盘输入一系列字符(以回车符结束),并按字母、数字及其他字符分类计数,最后显示这三类的计数结果。 (2) 已定义了两个整数变量A和B,试编写程序完成下列功能(使用简化段源程序格式):  若两个数中有一个是奇数,则将奇数存入A中,偶数存入B中;  若两个数均为奇数,则将两数均加1后存回原变量;  若两个数均为偶数,则两个变量均不改变。 (3) 用减奇数次数的方法,求一个数的近似平方根,这个平方根是一个整数。如求17的平方根,可以用17相继减去奇数1、3、5、7、…,当结果为负数时停止,即: 17-1-3-5-7-9<0 可以看出,17在减去5次奇数后结果变为负数,可以近似认为17的平方根在4与5之间,计算NUM的平方根,如果NUM=17,则ANS中保存结果4。 (4) 以下面形式定义一个长整数,其所占用字节数由N得到,比如128位的数5746352413DE89674523BC9A78563412H定义成: NUM DB 12H,34H,56H,78H,9AH,0BCH,23H,45H DB 67H,89H,0DEH,13H,24H,35H,46H,57H N DB $-NUM 试编写一个程序,实现对N字节的NUM的值求补(类似NEG的操作),并把求补后的值仍保存在NUM中。 (2012-05-29, Asm, 3KB, 下载19次)


[汇编语言] CRLF------MACRO

Student achievement with 10 points, respectively 76,69,84,90,73,88,89,63,100,80, the preparation of a routine test statistic 60 to 69 minutes, 70 to 79 minutes, 80 ~ 89 , 90 to 99 minutes and the number 100, on the S6, S7, S8, S9 and S10 cell (2011-04-21, Asm, 3KB, 下载3次)


[matlab编程] cjj521

Try to write a procedure that requires more in the array ARRAY complement of three 16-bit number, and the terminal on the basis of comparative results show the following information: 1 if the three numbers are not equal, display 0 2 if two of three the number of Showing 1 are not equal 3 If three numbers are equal, displays 2. (2010-05-03, Asm, 2KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] XY

Equipped with an array of X and Y. X array are X1, ..., X10 Y array are Y1, ..., Y10. Test preparation program to calculate Z1 = X1+ Y1, Z2 = X2+ Y2, Z3 = X3-Y3, Z4 = X4-Y4, Z5 = X5-Y5, Z6 = X6+ Y6, Z7 = X7-Y7, Z8 = X8- Y8, Z9 = X9+ Y9, Z10 = X10+ Y10, the results into an array Z. (2010-01-18, Asm, 1KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] result

Equipped with 10 student achievement 56,69,84,82,73,88,99,63,100 and 80 points respectively. Programmed test statistics were less than 60 minutes, 60 ~ 69 minutes, 70 ~ 79 minutes, 80 ~ 89 points, 90 ~ 99 points and 100 points, the number of storage to the s5, s6, s7, s8, s9 and s10 unit. (2010-01-18, Asm, 1KB, 下载6次)


[教育系统应用] student

Needs of each student described as follows: Student ID, name, performance. Results 1 to retain a decimal point. Try to prepare a student entry process is completed and output. The final results of all students to sort from high to low, and the output of sorting results, and the average score obtained, and retained a decimal, and the output. (2009-12-13, Asm, 3KB, 下载14次)


[汇编语言] mg

Assembler language to complete the maze game, can run, you can re-dos in playing this game (2009-06-02, Asm, 5KB, 下载30次)


[单片机开发] LED2

改进中的数码显示灯0000--9999 实验名: 八个数码管显示 功 能:让实验板上八个数码管循环显示0-9十个数 硬件环境: 自制单片机实验板, 软件环境: Windows操作系统 使用软件:伟福 V3.20, Easy 51Pro v2.0
To improve the digital display lights in the 0000- 9999 Experiment name: eight digital display Function: 8 to allow on-board digital tube experiments showed that the cycle number of 10 0-9 Hardware environment: self-made single-chip board, Software Environment: Windows operating system The use of software: Fu Wei-V3.20, Easy 51Pro v2.0 (2009-04-08, Asm, 2KB, 下载7次)


[汇编语言] 3

With 10 pupils, respectively 56,69,84,82,73,88,99,63,100 and 80 minutes. The preparation of statistical test procedures were less than 60 points, 60 ~ 69 hours, 70 ~ 79 hours, 80 ~ 89 hours, 90 ~ 99 hours and 100 hours the number of storage to the s5, s6, s7, s8, s9 and s10 unit. (2008-12-13, Asm, 1KB, 下载5次)


[汇编语言] assemble

There are dozens of student achievement are 76,69,84,90,73,88,99,63,100,80. The preparation of a statistical test subroutine 60-69 hours ,70-79 minutes ,80-89 sub-90-99 the number of points, respectively, deposited to the S6, S7, S8, S9 of the unit. (2008-05-30, Asm, 1KB, 下载9次)


[汇编语言] tongji+yuefen

题目一:设有10个学生的成绩分别为:56,69,84,82,73,88,99,63,100和80分。 试编写程序分别统计:低于60分,60-69分,70-79分,80-89分,90-99分以及100分的人数,分别存放到s5, s6, s7, s8, s9,s10单元中,并把它们打印出来。 (要求使用完整段定义,数据只能读一次) 题目二:试编写一程序,要求根据用户键入的月份数在终端上显示该月的英文缩写名(英文名的头3位,比如January =JAN)。(要求用跳跃表法实现) (要求使用简化段定义)
Title 1: with 10 pupils are as follows: 56,69,84,82,73,88,99,63100 and 80 points. Preparation of statistical test procedures were: less than 60 minutes 60-69 ,70-79 minutes ,80-89 sub-90-99 points, as well as the number of 100 points, respectively, deposited to the s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10 unit, and print them out. (Requires the use of the definition of a complete paragraph, the data can only be read once) Title II: Test procedures for the preparation of a request based on user type in the terminal a few months to show the month name abbreviation (in English were the first three, for example, January = JAN ). (Requires realize jump table method) (require the use of simplified definition above) (2008-05-11, Asm, 4KB, 下载13次)


[汇编语言] CJCX

There are 10 pupils 76,69,84,90,73,88,99,63,100 and 80 minutes. Test the preparation of a subprogram, statistics less than 60 points, 60 ~ 69 hours, 70 ~ 79 hours, 80 ~ 89 hours, 90 ~ 99 points and 100 points the number of people, and output display results. (2008-05-07, Asm, 2KB, 下载19次)


[汇编语言] ht9200

9200 with the ht9200 with isd1100. their voice output through a resistor and capacitor to together and after a triode amplification. ... A20 : Anitya, your approach I tried it, or the allocation of the passageway, Automatic dialing can hear faint dial tone, but the phone did not reflect the point, it seems Only (2006-09-08, Asm, 1KB, 下载165次)


[单片机开发] 0141

一个数字时钟的程序 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ※资料提供:上海齐济电子有限公司※ ※联系电话:21-65630199 ※ ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 16F877秒表源程序,带注解 该源程序已在实验板上调试通过,读者可直接引用,并可以利用软件编程的灵活性,加以拓展,实现更为复杂的功能。
a digital clock procedures****************************************************** information : Shanghai Qi Ji Electronics Co., Ltd.** Contact telephone : 21-65630199****************************************************** 16F877 stopwatch source , annotated source in the experimental board debugging, readers may directly quoted, and can use software programming flexibility, be broadened to more complex functions. (2006-01-06, Asm, 12KB, 下载15次)


[破解] 学习破解手记

步骤一 查壳步骤二 脱壳步骤三 试运行程序 发现突破点步骤四 W32DASM 寻找突破点(可以跳过)步骤五 查询软件的编译类型步骤六 采用GetVBRes v0.51 对付VB程序步骤七 用W32Dasm载入修改后的文件步骤八 制作内存补丁 KeyMake v1.73
steps to check a shell two steps Shelling three steps trial operation procedures found breakthrough steps to find a breakthrough W32DASM four points (can skip) Step 5 inquiries software compiler used six types of steps to deal with VB GetVBRes v0.51 procedural steps included seven NodeManager Professional with the revised document produced eight steps memory patch KeyMake v1 .73 (2005-05-10, Asm, 2174KB, 下载99次)
