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[游戏] FPGA-2048

Will randomly appear in a small number of the start box 2, each of which you can choose a direction to go up and down the slide, each slide once, all digital boxes will move closer to the sliding direction, the system will appear in the random number blank place a number 2 or 4 squares, the probability is the probability that 2 of 4 appears three times, the same number of squares in closer, when the sum will collide. System gives digital box 2 is not 4, players find a way Couchu " 2048" figure in this little box 16 grid range. Off superimposed final piece together 2048 this figure even if successful clearance. When all 16 digital grid is full, it can not be superimposed, and no 2048 figure is considered the game failed. (2016-05-16, VHDL, 6KB, 下载12次)



Fun FPGA layman' s language of Hou Air, published by the Publishing House of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The book collected a bit of experience in the FPGA learning and practice. The book not only day-to-day study notes, depth discussion of some commonly used design techniques and methods many vivid example of these examples are mostly based on specific projects as the basis, with some reference value There are also suitable for test routines for beginners introductory and advanced learning also given two relatively complete DIY project, allowing readers to understand the FPGA development process from a system perspective. (2013-04-17, VHDL, 28978KB, 下载15次)



Layman Fun FPGA, author Hou flight from Beijing Aerospace University Press. Book, the authors collected the FPGA to learn and practice experience bit by bit. The book not only the daily study notes on some common design techniques and methods in depth there are many vivid case studies, these examples are mostly based on specific projects as the basis, with some reference value some suitable Beginners and advanced study of the experimental routine also shows two relatively complete DIY project, so the reader from a system perspective to understand the FPGA development process. (2011-07-09, VHDL, 40383KB, 下载262次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] duhex

完成经典渡河游戏——猫、鼠、狗渡河过程,能够实现正确渡河过程,并用LED灯来展示两岸动物;能够使用复位键进行游戏的重玩; 能够设置四种难度,当超过设置的最大步数时显示“LOSE”;显示渡河次数、当前所选渡河难度及其所对应的最多步数;失败后显示所走次数及“LOSE”;成功后显示所走次数及“SUEE”
Cross the river to complete the classic game- cats, rats, dogs crossing process, to achieve the correct course to cross the river and use LED lights to show both sides of animals able to use the reset button to re-play the game to four difficulty settings, when more than set the maximum step displayed when the number of " LOSE" shows the number of crossing, the current difficulty to cross the river and its corresponding selected the maximum number of steps failure to go after the show the number and " LOSE" successful shows followed a number of times and " SUEE" (2011-05-21, VHDL, 344KB, 下载10次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] DMX512_2_23

本系统设计利用FPGA设计了一个接在电脑串口上的一个DMX512协议的转接卡,它可以让你的电脑变成一台超强的电脑灯控制台或者调光台、LED控制器等。通过电脑软件,可以控制电脑灯或者其他DMX512协议的设备,比如LED灯、激光灯、PAR灯、DJ设备等等。 本系统还有体积小巧携带方便等特点,足够一般的娱乐场所、多功能厅、会议厅等场所使用,同时采用电脑进行灯光的控制,也可以提升工程的技术含量,显得更高科技。通过简单更改DMX模块的UART部分,还可以将串口转换usb接口,不过由于手头上的FPGA开发板没有USB接口,所以使用UART接口进行测试。
The system design using FPGA, a serial port on the computer then a DMX512 protocol adapter, it can make your computer into a super computer console or lighting console lights, LED controller. Through computer software, can control lights or other DMX512 protocol computer equipment, such as LED lights, laser lights, PAR lamps, DJ equipment. The system also features compact, portable and so on, is sufficient for most of the entertainment, function rooms, conference rooms and other places to use, while using computer control of lighting can also enhance the project s technical content, appears to higher technology. DMX module by simply changing the UART portion can also convert usb serial interface, however, because the FPGA development board on hand no USB interface, so tests using the UART interface. (2010-07-11, VHDL, 2171KB, 下载270次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] 8caideng

Lantern try to design a controller to control 8 lights. The controller has four kinds of lanterns automatically switch the pattern. The first lantern pattern for right-to-left, and then lit from left to right each time, the whole body light second pattern for a lantern light at the same time on both sides of successive spread to the middle of moving again third pattern for lantern light at the same time on both sides to the middle of two successive re-dispersed mobile fourth pattern for the lantern light at the same time on both sides of the three, then four out four bright, four out four-liang, the last light out. Automatically transform the four patterns, repeat the process above. Input clock frequency of 500Hz, the time for lights between 1-4 seconds, they can control. Circuit in order to " 1" on behalf of lights to " 0" on behalf of lights out. (2009-04-15, VHDL, 1KB, 下载22次)
