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[网络编程] dx

上线主机稳定,连接速度快,超强攻击效果,网吧经常掉线?网站经常被攻击?站长很闹心!服务器经常连接不上?非常郁闷!你们很有可能遭受竞争对手的恶意攻击leader网络工作室成立于2009年,自成立以来一直致力于网络软件开发,网站与服务器防护以及网络压力DDOS等领域的技术发展与创新。现在将最新研发的成果放出来竭诚服务于网站站长与服务器管理员 1.穿透cc压力测试集合了市面上所有攻击软件优点取得了革命性突破(独立编写代码.很有效的防止放火墙公司修改参数进行防御攻击.) 2.软件控制端以及服务端,升级及时,尽量保证客户肉鸡丢失.减少不必要的损失! 3.改善了传统攻击软件的内核缺陷.增加了优化了肉鸡连接服务端线程.减少了占资源等问题....更多功能请看演示动画..... 4.服务端:重启后无进程,非注入,启动速度快,文件体积30K,方便下载。攻击完全不占CPU,不卡。 5.攻击模式:ICMP洪水SYN洪水、TCP洪水
上线主机稳定,连接速度快,超强攻击效果,网吧经常掉线?网站经常被攻击?站长很闹心!服务器经常连接不上?非常郁闷!你们很有可能遭受竞争对手的恶意攻击leader网络工作室成立于2009年,自成立以来一直致力于网络软件开发,网站与服务器防护以及网络压力DDOS等领域的技术发展与创新。现在将最新研发的成果放出来竭诚服务于网站站长与服务器管理员 1.穿透cc压力测试集合了市面上所有攻击软件优点取得了革命性突破(独立编写代码.很有效的防止放火墙公司修改参数进行防御攻击.) 2.软件控制端以及服务端,升级及时,尽量保证客户肉鸡丢失.减少不必要的损失! 3.改善了传统攻击软件的内核缺陷.增加了优化了肉鸡连接服务端线程.减少了占资源等问题....更多功能请看演示动画..... 4.服务端:重启后无进程,非注入,启动速度快,文件体积30K,方便下载。攻击完全不占CPU,不卡。 5.攻击模式:ICMP洪水SYN洪水、TCP洪水 (2016-08-27, Visual C++, 649KB, 下载16次)


[网络编程] 123FWQ

A powerful desktop computer monitoring software platform of multi machine, LAN real-time monitoring at the same time, the configuration is simple, automatic scanning online client when the host starts, multiple computer desktop switching display, display effect is excellent, the other is playing 720P and 1080P video case, the display effect is still smooth, this is a lot of remote software not to! Can be used for multimedia students monitor, company staff computer monitoring, personal entertainment and monitoring etc. (2016-06-17, C#, 1818KB, 下载10次)


[网络编程] web_star

很多家长喜欢等孩子玩够了、在临睡前给他们洗澡。笔者发现,这样做会出现两种截然相反的结果:一部分孩子会马上睡着,另一部分孩子会在床上翻来覆去睡不着。 从医学角度来讲,孩子刚洗完澡最好不要让他马上睡觉,否则会对他们的生长发育..
Many parents like the kids had enough, give them a bath before going to sleep. I found that doing so would be two diametrically opposite result: some children will fall asleep immediately, another part of the child will be tossing and turning in bed. From a medical point of view, the child just showered best not to let him go to sleep right away, or would their growth and development .. (2016-01-26, PHP, 871KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] wangluowuziqi

为了更深入地理解TCP协议的具体应用编程技巧,本设计使用功能强大的VS2008开发工具和C#开发语言,开发出一个拥有自己特色的五子棋程序,其中VS2008是一个能开放代码的开发工具,基本C#的扩展平台。就该五子棋程序来讲,它只是一个框架和一组服务,用于通过插件,组件,控件构建开发环境。 对于游戏,要求能够达到以下功能:  程序要求以C#语言编写,形式为桌面程序。程序包括服务器端和客户端两部分,网络通信编程使用基于TCP协议的Socket实现。  可以实现多人同时对战。  可以随意设置房间数,玩家可以看见每个房间的忙闲状态。  开始走棋的顺序为白先黑后。玩家只能交替走棋,不能连续走棋。其它规则遵从五子棋游戏规则。  玩家可以设置每步走棋的时间限制,在规定的时间内还未落子者就判定输棋。  程序可以自动判定玩家的输赢。
In order to further understand the TCP protocol specific application programming skills, this design using powerful VS2008 development tools and c# development language, develop an own characteristics of renju procedures, such VS2008 is one can open code development tools, basic the c# expanded platform. The program will tell renju, it is just a frame and a set of service, for through the plugin, components, the construction control development environment. For the game, the requirement to reach the following functions: Ø procedures required to write c#, form for desktop program. Programs include the server and the client two parts, network communication programming based on TCP protocol used the Socket realized. Ø can realize people and against. Ø can freely set room number, players can see each room busy idle state. Ø began to turn order for white first after dark. Players can only alternate turn and can t continuous playing chess. Other renju rules t (2012-06-29, Visual C++, 1129KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] Game

为了更深入地理解TCP协议的具体应用编程技巧,本设计使用功能强大的VS2008开发工具和C#开发语言,开发出一个拥有自己特色的五子棋程序,其中VS2008是一个能开放代码的开发工具,基本C#的扩展平台。就该五子棋程序来讲,它只是一个框架和一组服务,用于通过插件,组件,控件构建开发环境。 对于游戏,要求能够达到以下功能:  程序要求以C#语言编写,形式为桌面程序。程序包括服务器端和客户端两部分,网络通信编程使用基于TCP协议的Socket实现。  可以实现多人同时对战。  可以随意设置房间数,玩家可以看见每个房间的忙闲状态。  开始走棋的顺序为白先黑后。玩家只能交替走棋,不能连续走棋。其它规则遵从五子棋游戏规则。  玩家可以设置每步走棋的时间限制,在规定的时间内还未落子者就判定输棋。  程序可以自动判定玩家的输赢。
In order to further understand the TCP protocol specific application programming skills, this design using powerful VS2008 development tools and c# development language, develop an own characteristics of renju procedures, such VS2008 is one can open code development tools, basic the c# expanded platform. The program will tell renju, it is just a frame and a set of service, for through the plugin, components, the construction control development environment. For the game, the requirement to reach the following functions: Ø procedures required to write c#, form for desktop program. Programs include the server and the client two parts, network communication programming based on TCP protocol used the Socket realized. Ø can realize people and against. Ø can freely set room number, players can see each room busy idle state. Ø began to turn order for white first after dark. Players can only alternate turn and can t continuous playing chess. Other renju rules t (2012-06-29, Visual C++, 564KB, 下载6次)


[网络编程] sns

多功能博客天使2010V3.1-博客、微博、SNS群发.rar 八十年代初,摆个地摊就能发财,可很多人不敢; 九十年代初,买支股票就能挣钱,可是很多人不信; 二十一世纪,开个网站就能赚钱,可很多人不试。 现在一个创业赚钱新机遇出现在面前,难道还要错过吗? 加入我们,成为营销代理,投资小,见效快,日赚200元很轻松
Angel 2010V3.1-multi-blog blog, microblogging, SNS mass. Rar the early eighties, put a stall will be able to make a fortune, many people can not the early nineties, can earn money to buy stocks, but many people do not believe twenty-first century, to open a web site can make money, can be a lot of people do not try. Now a new opportunity in business to make money before, it still missed it? Join us as marketing agents, small investment, quick, easy day earn 200 yuan (2011-06-18, Visual C++, 1213KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] csnastech

科来网络分析系统 6.9 build 1145 - 2008.10.31 -------------------------------------------- 新功能: 在各视图中,端点的物理地址和IP地址支持别名+地址组合显示。 在全局选项中,增加了禁用系统休眠功能选项。 协议识别支持ISL, FCoE 增加ISL, FCoE协议解码 功能改进: 开始页面视图增加Help栏目 网卡测试向导自动隐藏本地回环适配器. 问题修正: IP协议解码分片偏移量值显示不正确。 ◎ 感懿(GanYi)娱乐互动网 ◎ http://Www.Pay-4u.Com 免费提供大量精挑程序源码,以及编程酷软、模板素材、常用工具和书籍下载,精品源码共享,商业视频教程、软件免费下载
Families to network analysis system 6.9 build 1145- 2008.10.31 -------------------------------------------- New: In each view, the physical address and IP endpoint address alias address assemblage. In the global options, add option to disable system sleep function. Protocol identification to support ISL, FCoE Increase the ISL, FCoE protocol decode Feature Enhancements: Help section beginning page view increase NIC test wizard automatically hide the local loopback adapter. Bug fixes: IP fragment offset, protocol decode display incorrectly. ◎ flu Yi (GanYi) interactive entertainment network ◎ http://Www.Pay-4u.Com Pick a large number of fine free program source code, and programming cool soft, template material, commonly used tools and books to download, fine source sharing, commercial video tutorials, software free download (2010-09-14, C++, 21271KB, 下载37次)


[网络编程] Computer_Networks_A_Systems_Approach

本书是计算机网络方面的经典畅销教科书,凝聚了两位顶尖网络专家几十年的理论研究、实践经验和大量第一手资料,自出版以来已经成为网络课程主流教材,被哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、卡内基一梅隆大学、康奈尔大学、普林斯顿大学、威斯康星大学、普度大学、得克萨斯大学、芝加哥大学等众多名校采用。   第4版秉承了前3版的特点,通过丰富的、基于实例的指导,来帮助读者理解计算机网络及其构件。全书的重点在于“为什么这样设计网络”——不仅详细叙述当今网络系统的组成,而且还阐述关键技术和协议如何在实际应用中发挥作用,从而解决具体的问题。   本书与传统网络教材最大的不同在于,不是按照OSI层次机械地介绍计算机网络,而是采用“系统方法”,将网络看成是交互式的复杂系统。每章开头都给出一些启发式的问题。引导学生或专业人员用新学到的知识来解决实际问题;同时,在每章的最后还会补充一些新的工具和资源,帮助读者巩固和加深所学知识,全面理解复杂网络及其应用的工作原理和工作方式。
When the first edition of this book was published in 1996, it was a novelty to be able to order merchandise on the Internet, and a company that advertised its domain name was considered cutting edge. Today, Internet commerce is a fact of life, and ".com" stocks have gone through an entire boom and bust cycle.A host of new technologies ranging from optical switches to wireless networks are now becoming mainstream. It seems the only predictable thing about the Internet is constant change. . . (2010-05-22, Others, 3195KB, 下载14次)


[网络编程] atz15pxsb08

歪歪语音1.14.2中文2009最新免费版 多玩旗下永久免费的语音软件; 语音流畅 ,音质清晰; 无需搭建服务器,无需复杂的申请过程,下载即可使用; 中文界面,更适合国内用户的使用习惯; 服务器稳定,为公众提供优质稳定的语音服务
YY voice 1.14.2 the latest free version of the Chinese in 2009' s multi-play voice of permanent free software voice smooth, clear sound quality the need to build the server without the complexity of the application process, you can use to download Chinese language interface, more suitable for the use of domestic users habits server stability, the stability of the public to provide quality voice services (2009-08-06, Video, 3375KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] ArpSender

ArpSender是C#写的ARP发包器,写的初衷是想试下什么样的ARP包才会引起ARP攻击,构造一些包可能会导致别人上不了网。至于包怎么填,发挥大家的想象吧,嘿嘿。 ArpSender用了SharpPcap这个开源API,有兴趣的到网上查下,用起来挺简单的。编程过程中最大的问题就是线程的问题。发包的代码中用了BackgroundWorker控件,因为参数只能传一个,并且线程是不允许直接调用主窗口控件,后来用了一个结构体struct ArpPac来传,感觉还是很麻烦啊!不过还好在BackgroundWorker的RunWorkerCompleted可以直接操作主窗口控件了,能把结果显示到主窗口上。 在编写获取IP的MAC地址部分,一开始还是用BackgroundWorker,在获取存在的IP地址MAC时可以正常工作,可是当IP不存在是,DOWORK方法一直没结束。因为里面一个Resolve方法一直没返回,也没超时设定,线程就一直卡在那不动了。也不知道该怎么结束这个线程。于是改用了Thread,传参数用了个object数组,嘿嘿,所有参数都封起来。到了那边再解封,很好用。后来才发现,线程是没有返回值的。。又不能直接操作窗体控件。。没办法,只好设个全局变量来保存结果了。获取MAC部分还用了个Timer控件,1秒钟如果还没得到返回的MAC,直接结束该线程。。。
ArpSender Writing C# are the ARP contract, and written under the original intent was to want to test what kind of ARP packets that would arouse the ARP attacks, construction of some packets may lead to others not on Net. As for how to fill package, everyone s imagination to play it, ArpSender spent SharpPcap this open source API, there is interest in online search, the very simple to use. Programming process is the biggest problem the question thread. Contract code used BackgroundWorker control, because the parameters can only be a mass, and threads are not allowed to directly call the main window controls, and later used a structure struct ArpPac to mass, I feel still very troublesome ah! Fortunately, however RunWorkerCompleted at BackgroundWorker can directly operate the main window controls, and the results can show up to the main window. In the preparation of access to IP-MAC address of the beginning or use BackgroundWorker, exist in access to the IP address of MAC c (2009-03-09, C#, 200KB, 下载36次)


[网络编程] Winsock2SPI

基于Winsock 2 SPI包过滤防火墙的实现 介绍基于Winsock 2 SPI包过滤防火墙的实现方法。包过滤防火墙采用了工作在应用层的Winsock 2 SPI 作为其核心技术,利用其进行编写动态链接库(DLL),用户通过调用DLL实现数据包的过滤。此方法具有编程、调 试方便、容易实现内容过滤等优点,在防火墙方面得到广泛的应用。
Winsock 2 SPI-based packet filtering firewall to introduce the realization of Winsock 2 SPI-based packet filtering firewall implementation. Packet filtering firewall used in the application layer of the Winsock 2 SPI as part of its core technology, the use of the preparation of its Dynamic Link Library (DLL), the user by calling the DLL to achieve packet filtering. This method has the programming, debugging convenient, easy to implement content filtering, etc., in the firewall receive a wide range of applications. (2009-01-07, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载142次)


[网络编程] ACM

在一个圆形操场的四周摆放着n 堆石子。现要将石子有次序地合并成一堆。规定每次只能选相邻的2 堆石子合并成新的一堆,并将新的一堆石子数记为该次合并的得分。试设计一个算法,计算出将n堆石子合并成一堆的最小得分和最大得分。 例如,图1所示的4堆石,每堆石子数(从最上面的一堆数起,顺时针数)依次为4、5、9、4。则3次合并得分总和最小的方案为图2,得分总和最大的方案为图3。 编程任务: 对于给定n堆石子,编程计算合并成一堆的最小得分和最大得分。
Playground in a circle around the stones are placed n heap. Stone is to have the order to merge into a pile. Provisions can only choose 2 adjacent stones piled into a heap of new and new pile of stones a few in mind for its combined score. Try to design an algorithm to calculate the n heap into a pile of stones the minimum scores and maximum scores. For example, shown in Figure 1 of 4 Rockfill, each pile a few stones (from the top of a pile of several cases, clockwise number) followed by 4,5,9,4. 3 times the combined score is the sum of the smallest program for the Figure 2, the sum of scores for the largest program of Figure 3. Programming tasks: for a given n stack stone, into a pile of programming the calculation of the minimum scores and maximum scores. (2008-12-06, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载37次)


[网络编程] 200804262009_45z

08年科隆二服务端完整源码 研究成果及源码,把它终结了 DB为SQL2005 玩的人也不多,自己身体也不好,我也不研究了.希望有能力的人来做吧 现在免费的东西也不多了
2008 Cologne II service client integrity of research results and the source code to its end of the DB for SQL2005 people do not play more than their own bodies is not good, I do not studied. I hope those who have the ability to do it now Free stuff is not more (2008-06-19, Visual C++, 13075KB, 下载44次)


[网络编程] netArp

相信各位都玩过SOCKET编程,用CSocket进行网络通讯非常方便,但有时想搞点底层点东西却非常麻烦,用windows的API最低也只能SOCK_RAW,顶多能看到IP层数据,如果想处理数据链路层的数据就无从下手了,幸好某天发现了winpcap东西。用了它处理底层的东西就非常方便。 winpcap主要有两个dll供程序员直接调用,pcap.dll和packet.dll,本程序主要使用pcap.dll.详细请看代码,本人也是刚接触WinPcap,所以一不定有一些错漏的地方,请各位大蝦不要见笑。 如果程序有编译不过去的地方,请务必先按装winPcap库,更新VC6的PlatformSDK
I am sure we all played SOCKET programming, use CSocket for network communication is very convenient, but sometimes want to point at the bottom of things is very troublesome, with the lowest API of windows can only SOCK_RAW, at most able to see IP layer data, if you want to deal with data link layer data can never gain the upper hand, and fortunately found one day things WinPcap. Deal with it on the bottom of things very convenient. WinPcap has two main dll programmers for direct call, pcap.dll and packet.dll, the main use of this procedure pcap.dll. details please see the code, and I was a刚接触WinPcap, so one has some mistakes in the indeterminate place, please not a laughing stock of shrimp. If the program does not have to compile the last place, be sure to press installed Winpcap library updated VC6 the PlatformSDK (2007-10-01, Visual C++, 47KB, 下载39次)


[网络编程] danjijiagouquangonglue

架一台服务器哟! 操作系统最好是装 Windows 2000 server版,(有win 2000高级服务器版就更好啦) 其他的版本如Windows 2000PRO专业版,Windows XP只玩玩WEB和FTP文件传输可以,想架自己的邮件服务器就不大行了。 不过让你的一台普通机子,和一条ADSL,成为一台有自己的网页,自己的FTP服务,自己论坛服务,自己的邮件服务器!!!的这么一台功能强劲的服务器,应该是没有问题的
A server rack yo! The best operating system is installed Windows 2000 server edition, (have win 2000 advanced server version of it okay) Other versions such as Windows 2000PRO Professional Edition, Windows XP play only WEB and FTP file transfers can be, I would like to frame their own mail server not the big brokerages. But let one of your ordinary loom, and a ADSL, to become one of Taiwan have their own web pages, FTP services to their own forum service, its own mail server! ! ! Such a powerful server, there should be no question (2007-07-16, SQL, 1768KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] YcCMSsadsadsdsas

main functional characteristics! News, articles published information management functions! Software download functions! Member management functions. Stations text messaging, voice mail station to discuss and comment columns function! Voice mail discussion function and meet its members to discuss the achievement! Web Link functions, improving the flow of good helper! Powerful filtering function parameters and procedures to ensure the safety function of channel formation columns! Batch uploads background document function! And XML technology, high efficiency implementation! Integrated multi-functional entertainment! (Including music, movies, Flash, TV, and broadcast Nomination) support two functional classification! Multi-manager background, competence and freely edit! Safe landing 2nd back (2007-02-02, JavaScript, 1380KB, 下载24次)
