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[其他] 源码

小刀娱乐网源码是asp+access/mssql架构网站系统,电脑版,手机版,平板版无缝切换,一个后台同步管理,整站生成静态利于搜索收录,dreamweaver打开可视化修改。 专为制作“小刀娱乐网、QQ教程、易语言教程网、LOL教程、QQ业务、代码分享、教程发布”等等图片文字类型的网站而打造。 程序前台有首页、列表页、内容页、会员登录、会员注册、会员个人中心、会员积分体系、会员投稿、投稿编辑、会员签到、在线留言、文章评论、整站搜索等功能。 后台具备,批量数据采集、服务器信息、修改管理员个人资料、安全退出、一键安装模板、一键安装插件、更新缓存、站点设置、上传logo、上传背景图、管理员管理、程序一键升级、动态模式,静态模式,伪静态模式数据库管理、广告管理、友情链接管理、后台操作日志、栏目管理、新增文章、文章列表、评论管理、留言管理、添加会员、会员管理等功能。 后台登录地址:http://你的网址/admin 登录账号:admin 登录密码:admin
The source code of Penknife Entertainment Network is ASP + Access / MSSQL architecture website system, computer version, mobile version, tablet version seamless switching, a background synchronous management, static generation of the whole station is conducive to search and inclusion, Dreamweaver opens visual modification. Background login address: http:// your URL /admin Login account: admin Login password: admin (2018-11-10, ASP, 2968KB, 下载1次)


[浏览器] YWDXX

我写着玩的一个校园商务管理的网站,用asp做成,是最简单的,可以当成小例子学习asp (2017-10-03, ASP, 43KB, 下载1次)


[多媒体编程] zslyb4.1

Good Liying Network Alliance released the first public works imitate- Aberdeen DJ entertainment network built, we hope that we can support, this program comes with templates Home player, details explained. (2016-05-17, ASP, 949KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] pkydown15b

Fuqing weather forecast net program is to provide a weather forecast for the city that day, the day of the last seven days of living and the weather forecast is very suitable for the local site. (2016-05-10, ASP, 60KB, 下载1次)


[浏览器] 76vod1.3

76 76 Cloud on-demand entertainment community s set of BT seeds, online video download link quickly broadcast services to support multiple browsers, Apple and Android, ipad and other mobile devices. (2016-05-09, ASP, 45KB, 下载1次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] jzltb_gx_1.6

Clivia Dominate (funny version) is a set of text, pictures, video, self-published in one of the interactive, entertainment, funny internet, there is the theme with posts like, dislike, comment full functionality. (2016-05-09, ASP, 6743KB, 下载1次)


[P2P编程] xgunliao

软件介绍 是国外聊天轮盘的国内版,功能优于国外的网站,基于red5和java开发的,p2p技术,上传至网站即可使用,可以作为网站和论坛的聊天娱乐平台
Software Foreign domestic version of chat roulette, function better than the foreign site, and based on red5 java development, p2p technology, upload to the site can be used as a forum to chat entertainment platform (2016-04-27, ASP, 1289KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] qs1book

1、界面采用欧试风格,设计唯美.   2、可调用留言,能做为评论模块用于其他系统的开发.   3、代码简洁,功能实用.
1, the interface used in Europe again style, design aesthetic. 2, you can call messages, can do for the development of other systems for the comment module. 3, the code is simple, functional and practical. (2016-04-19, ASP, 116KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] dqe_gustbook

1、界面采用欧试风格,设计唯美. 2、可调用留言,能做为评论模块用于其他系统的开发. 3、代码简洁,功能实用.
1, the interface used in Europe again style, design aesthetic. 2, you can call messages, can do for the development of other systems for the comment module. 3, the code is simple, functional and practical. (2016-04-18, ASP, 80KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] FlappyBird_v1.0

Flappy Bird电脑版是一款可以在PC端玩的Flappy Bird小游戏,玩家在Flappy Bird网页上可以操控小鸟飞行且避开绿色的管道。如果小鸟碰到了障碍物,游戏就会结束。每当小鸟飞过一组管道,玩家就会获得一分。 请使用Chrome或Firefox浏览器打开游戏,万恶的IE浏览器有可能不支持Flappy Bird电脑版游戏!!!
Bird Flappy is a computer version of the game can be played at the PC Bird Flappy Flappy, players in the Bird web page can control the birds flying and avoid the green pipeline. If the bird meets the obstacle, the game will end. Every time the bird flies over a set of pipes, the players will get a point. Please use chrome or Firefox browser to open the game, the evil of the IE browser may does not support flappy bird computer version of the game!!! (2015-12-22, ASP, 3539KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] aspcmswlgs_v3.21

发现一套比较好的网络公司模板,试了下效果还不错,代码和后台都很完整,分享出来! 后台地址:/admin 默认用户名:admin 密码:7410005
Found a relatively good network company templates, the next test results were pretty good, the code and the background are complete, share it! Background Address:/admin The default user name: admin Password: 7410005 (2014-08-27, ASP, 5836KB, 下载3次)


[游戏] taorenr

Amoy task source, browse to make money, click to make money, make money surfing, do the task to make money, make money quiz, fun games to make money, send registered 500 gold, 0.1 million was paid, recharge Award! (2014-04-19, ASP, 8288KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] 376w

1. 站点本身为了配合主体的颜色所使用的图片和字体的美工方面也是考滤到了想协调,这样让站点 看起来是浑然一体之感觉. 紫色的高贵也象征了沙之城主的地位,正有了如此高高在上之感才有了众多玩家争想一试的打拼 和搏杀,神秘就象游戏中的那种刺激而惊奇的各种任务,想得到所想要的东西,就要去一探这神秘 的游戏世界! 为了增加站点的可观性,特此在里面加多幅图片,从布局上来说,考滤的是网站的打开速度,这是保 证网站点击率所想,简洁但不简单,它包含了玩家对一个服务器所需的多个方面内 容! 您的所需就是我们的追求,无忧将秉承--用心服务 做到更好 为您提供满意的产品和技术支持! 2. 这套系统是比较适合开传奇世界的朋友需要,比较完善符合潮流的系统,采用全新数据库链接。 3. 大家只要直接开启站点,就可使用,无须在修改,此站点比较符合 大型私服(多区)使用,功能强大,htm页面生成!
wuyou mirweb (2013-04-29, ASP, 2251KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] the-ground-web-version-of-Red-Alert

You may be too red alert, can you play the the ground web version of Red Alert? Another own trial under a little problem, please master help measured under. (2012-11-13, ASP, 13625KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] Landlords-page

Using ASP pages to achieve斗地主source code, well, worth a visit. Functional integrity (2011-12-03, ASP, 3892KB, 下载10次)


[WEB开发] paotui

Errands network source, the key is the idea, express a similar meaning, but it is not able to substitute the delivery, and to start friends can download a try, oh. (2011-04-21, ASP, 2239KB, 下载35次)


[游戏] diamond1

Most unusual Tetris game, write your own! Games can block deformation, acceleration, promotion, record player scores ~! (2011-03-09, ASP, 91KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] www.disk001.com

您下载的该文件来自于 感懿娱乐互动 http://www.Pay-4u.Com ——————————————————— 感懿娱乐互动收集各种流行的CMS(内容管理系统),为初识CMS的 站长提供自学的平台。 *************************************** 本站提供DEDECMS、动易CMS、帝国CMS、风讯CMS、 新云CMS、科汛CMS等热门的CMS系统的模板风格下载、模块插件、教程技 巧、帮助中心。
You download the file from the flu-yi-yi, the interactive entertainment http://www.Pay-4u.Com------------------- sense to collect all kinds of popular interactive entertainment The CMS (Content Management System), CMS webmaster for Chu Shi provide self-learning platform.*************************************** Site provides DEDECMS, moving easily CMS, Empire CMS, Wind News CMS, a new cloud CMS, Kesion CMS and other popular CMS system to download the template style, modular plug-ins, tutorials, tips, help center. (2010-02-03, ASP, 256KB, 下载106次)


[WEB开发] ent

用户admin 密码amdin888 希望大家留下一个链接。更多由你自己发挥了。你可以加入星座或其它。 联系:QQ87994696 城市 E-mail:lgp7226@sina.com 有空到我网站去看看啊! 城市娱乐网http://www.2ncn.com 城市娱乐音乐在线http://city.2ncn.com 城市心理测验网http://ent.2ncn.com)特别感谢亿天网络空间。http://www.yt175.com
User admin password amdin888 hope that we leave a link. More your own by playing a. You can join the constellation or the other. Contact: QQ87994696 of urban E-mail: lgp7226@sina.com time to my website to see ah! Urban Entertainment Network http://www.2ncn.com urban entertainment music online psychological test http://city.2ncn.com city network http://ent.2ncn.com) special thanks to 100 million days in cyberspace. http://www.yt175.com (2007-12-31, ASP, 1636KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] cqweb

play a campus site management business with asp cause is the most simple, as a small example can learn asp (2004-11-19, ASP, 80KB, 下载14次)
